What did you enjoy about the Zulu visit?

What did you learn?

52 responses to “Zulu Visit Broad Heath”

  1. Samuel K.

    I really enjoyed it when they did the backflip and there dancing and I learned that there from South Africa and it linked to black history month

  2. Kamil N.

    I wish they come back again from zulu please could happen again Covetry in England please.

  3. Tahseen S.

    1.I enjoyed the start off the Zulu vist. I also enjoyed the end when the teachers were dancing.
    2.I learned the Zulu dances, some of their language and that they are from South Africa.

  4. Safa H.

    It was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! It was really fun and I enjoyed it so much.

  5. Saffa M.

    It was so fun and one ove them dun a backflip and I was gasp at him

  6. Hasnain G.

    It was really fun.It was so funny.The boys dance was the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Adela C.

    The visit was very fun

  8. Aidan M.

    I enjoyed it

  9. Aidan M.

    I enjoyed when the teachers dance and I learnt their dance

  10. Yibo H.

    They were very talented and flexible. They were also very entertaining. They were perfect at their traditional instruments, and dancing.

    1. Yibo H.

      I enjoyed when they did backflips and rolls. I learnt their language and it wasn’t that easy.

  11. Harley-Ray M.

    I really like when all of the boys did the dance with the guests who visited.

  12. Vinay P.

    I had really fun and I enjoyed when they were dancing.
    I learnt how to do a Zulu dance

  13. Cara-Jade S.

    It was so cool when they did the two backhand springs and one back flip.

  14. Marcel P.

    I enjoyed when they did the backflip and when we were dancing.
    I learnt the names of what they wear.

  15. Aaron S.

    I enjoyed when they danced and when they did that backflip.
    What I learned is the Zulu dance

  16. Hasan A.

    I really like the teachers dance

  17. Farhan M.

    I enjoyed going up on stage and going to the front and doing all their unique dances.

    1. Farhan M.

      I learnt about how their are a lot of different dances all over the world

  18. Hasan A.

    I had so much fun at the Zulu assembly.

  19. Shivani P.

    I really enjoyed when they did the dances .
    At the Zulu visit I learned how people in South Africa dance .

  20. Zoya N.

    I had so much fun and I enjoyed when they did the backflip

  21. Jacek C.

    My favourite part was the dancing and I learned about the African culture.

  22. Laylah M.


  23. Laraib T.

    I enjoyed the dances and learning about there culture.I learned traditional Zulu dances and what religion they are.

  24. Mrs Walker

    I really enjoyed the Zulu performance. Their energy was outstanding. Well done to all of Year 6 you all did a brilliant job of performing too.

  25. David V.

    I learnt if you go to diffrent city they will speak kind of diffrent 🤔

  26. Francesca L.

    I really enjoyed the performance
    What I learnt is the they came from South Africa

  27. Sonit N.

    I really liked the performance they did and the way they danced.
    I learnt that they speak Zulu and come from South Africa in a village called KwaZulu-Natal.

  28. What did you enjoy about the Zulu visit?
    the back flip
    What did you learn?
    a zulu danse

  29. Leena N.

    I enjoyed it when we had a workshop and then sang in front of years 2 and 4.I learnt that sawabona means hello and That there language is Zulu language and on zoo people can where the clothes they were in South Africa.

  30. Sunnaf H.

    I had really fun and it was a great oppunity to have the zulu come from south Africa.I wish this could happen again.

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