Your right to vote

If you had the right to vote for just one subject to be taught at Broad Heath, which subject would you keep?

KS2 Answer the above and also tell me the best lesson you have had this term that you will remember for ever.

69 responses to “Your right to vote”

  1. Neda S.

    I want to keep DT because I become a very good painter,crafting and art I have an auntie and she made me a drawing of a rose 🌹 it was so beautiful and realistic so I had to stick it by my bed on the wall 🌹🌷💐🥰☺️

  2. Muhammed H.

    The lesson I love is maths because I am getting smarter because of math.

  3. Safa M.

    My favourite lesson is PE or art because in PE I once got chosen to go to this rugby competition where I scored a lot of goals there and helped my team to go to the finals.

  4. Raiyan K.

    The lesson I loved is DT.

  5. Lawy A.

    I would keep PE because the lesson I remember and I will remember for a long time is when we played bench ball and my team won.

  6. Mrs Shergill (RB)

    In Reception Blue the children spoke about all the things they enjoy. The reading and listening to stories was very popular. The creative tasks and making models using construction came up top as being the most favourite thing to do in Reception Blue.

  7. Miss Sofeda

    In RR, we talked about all the fun lessons we have and children shared some of their favourite lessons. We like maths, phonics and writing and if we could choose just one lesson, it will be colouring and drawing.

  8. Miss Holland

    3 Red discussed this in great detail, the class felt very passionately about it. We had a vote and the children said either Maths or Art. Kinza said Art because it is creative and relaxing. Charis said Maths because it makes your brain smarter and it challenges you.

    3 Red did agree though if we only ever learnt one subject at school, it would get repetitive and boring eventually. 3 Red like learning about lots of different subjects!

  9. Arfa S.

    I choose PE because sports are always fun.
    I like what they do.

  10. Manha S.

    I would vote for Maths. Because maths is my favourite subject. My favourite lesson was the maths week

  11. Mr Kane

    Science – 1
    Maths- 8
    English – 2
    Art/DT – 8
    P.E – 6
    Computing – 0
    History/ Geography – 1

    Baking bread has been a wonderful lesson for 4 Red. We took the majority of the day to put complete all of the steps and the children loved trying the bread at the end.
    Maths warm up games have also been a highlight especially the bingo games which get extremely competitive.,

    PSHE/SMSC- 1

  12. Mr Mahmood

    2Blue cast their votes:
    *Maths- 6
    *English – 4
    *Art/DT – 5
    *P.E – 3
    *Computing – 8
    *History/ Geography – 2
    *PSHE/SMSC- 1

  13. Ms Khan

    1 Blue had a vote and there results were as follows:
    Swimming 13, English 2, Art 1, Music 7, PE 1 and Maths 1.
    So it looks like most children in 1 Blue would like Broad Heath to teach just swimming.
    Surprisingly, Maths was amongst the least popular subjects.

  14. Mr Rawlings

    This are 1 Red’s thoughts;
    Rishaan – I vote for reading because I like reading with my Dad.
    Saliha – I vote for English because because I am good at spellings
    Hosanna – I vote for maths because it teaches me how to get the answers right
    Martyna – I vote for maths because I like numbers
    Isabelle – I vote for wellbeing day because we do lots of different activities
    Zayaan – I vote for PE becasue we get to go swimming
    Great – I vote for Geography because I learned about keeping my environment clean.

  15. Miss Matthias

    In 1 White we couldn’t decide if we wanted to keep P.E, science or art! We love P.E because we love sports and we love to swim! BUT we also really enjoy our interactive lessons when we are able to make and create things!

  16. Safa K.

    Safa and haaris
    We both think we should keep maths because maths can be used in everyday life and jobs.
    It teaches important skills like telling the time and measuring which can be used in everyday life.

  17. Andreea-Maya M.

    Science because you can learn things like how people are animals and technology

  18. Haroon E.

    Maths because you learn the times .ameena Haroon Yasmin

  19. Ebnezere A.

    We think maths because there are many things that we haven’t learned

  20. Adrian O.

    Me and Safwan voted our favourite subject and why.
    My favourite subject is Science because I am good at it
    Safwans is geography

  21. Rexford A.

    Hamida thinks the main subject should be maths because when you do your GCSE and A Levels the main subject is maths not english

  22. Hadiya M.

    1) A subject that me Subodh and Camarni want to keep is history because it tells what had happened in the past we shouldn’t do.

  23. Aadam R.

    We vote for history and science history because we can learn about the past science because we can learn about our human body.

  24. Kaif B.

    I think we should keep maths because we need to build up our knowledge about maths like adding subtracting multiplication and division and more.
    I think we should keep maths because we need pass our SATS and there is reosaning arithmetic so we need to build up that skill

  25. Fariha A.

    I think that if I had to vote for one subject, I would choose mathematics as it is / can be used in every area of learning. For example: math is used in art to create different angles on a picture.
    Mathematics is also used to become an scientist as numbers help create new formulas for cures or vaccines.

  26. Sara M.

    I think we should keep Maths as it is one of the key subjects to get a job for example you need to know how to add or subtract money if you want to be a shopkeeper. You also need geometry if you want to be a mechanic . The best day we had is in P.E where we played bench ball it was fun because we had to use communication skills and used teamwork to win.
    Sara and Afreen

  27. Ranj M.

    It should be history because there last of things we have not learned like the Stone Age .
    By RanjM and SafaA.

  28. Asim A.

    I would keep art because art is my favourite subject . The best lesson I would remember is the natural disaster art .

    Would like to keep swimming because it is fun.And went l practice I can be a pro swimmer in the school

  29. Leon T.

    I would like to vote art to be the one subject we learn because we create and make art.My favourite lesson was making the disaster scenes by working together with my group.
    I would like to keep Art and Design as the one lesson we can learn because of how we can make things and how we can use media and other materials to use in our work and for that I enjoy Art and design the most and want it to be the lesson we learn.My most favourite lesson would be when we made natural disaster scenes.

  30. Yahya K.

    I would keep Maths as it is more useful than any subject in a daily routine.
    The best lesson I had was when we learnt the formal written method because it is a useful method.

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