Your right to vote

If you had the right to vote for just one subject to be taught at Broad Heath, which subject would you keep?

KS2 Answer the above and also tell me the best lesson you have had this term that you will remember for ever.

69 responses to “Your right to vote”

  1. Abraham E.

    Me and Hasan said that we would like the subject P.E to stay with us so we can enjoy our wellbeing more we love ❤️ it so much. P.E entertains your learning because you don’t just learn physical skills but also you learn what other cultures do traditionally

  2. Kevin R.

    I think that i should keep computing as a subject because the subject has to stay because how will you need to code.

  3. Shahzaib M.

    We should keep our talent shows so we could express ourselves .
    We should also keep trips so we could take a break after a lot of work
    From Esa and Shahzaib

  4. Shahzad S.

    I would keep PE in my opinion because we need keep healthy out of all the subjects and we need to be healthy and if we are not it we will not be very healthy if we don’t do PE.
    I would remember swimming because many schools don’t have a swimming pool in their school and we are lucky to have one.

  5. Israa F.

    Surinder- If I had the right to vote for just one subject to be taught at Broad Heath, I would choose Art.The best lesson that I will always remember is doing a double page spread in Maths because they are fun.
    Israa- If I had the right to vote one subject to be taught at Broad Heath ,I would choose Music.The best lesson that I will always remember is creating posters to go on display because it’s shows how well we have been doing in class.

    Israa & Surinder

  6. Muhammad B.

    I think we should keep maths because it’s very important in life when we gone to secondary and when we grow up and we are adults we sometimes will need it in life lots of reasons.
    I really love well-being days as we have the opportunity to do lots of fun activities and lots of good things. I feel like we should do well-being days more often because they are really good for us.

  7. Mr Carter

    2 White had a vote in the class, and these are the results:
    PE – 6
    Maths – 7
    Art – 8
    Music – 3
    History – 1
    Science – 1
    English – 1

  8. Shahzaib M.

    We should keep PE because it stands for physical education .
    We should also keep maths and English because when we go secondary we will need that education that we learned in primary school.
    From esa and shahzaib.

  9. Mahmuda C.

    Mahmuda – Design and technology, my favourite lesson in year 6 was when I drew a mountain using many techniques.
    Samik – Maths, my favourite lesson in year 6 was when I was solving algebra word problems.

    1. Mahmuda C.

      Samik – also maths helps in many things in life like being a scientist, shopkeeper or engineer making a great subject to keep

      Mahmuda – plus it can make you very creative helping you to be an artist or any thing that needs creativity.

  10. Manvi R.

    We would keep the subject maths as there are more maths skills you need in the world than other subjects.
    The best lesson in english was Frida Kahlo because we got to learn about her interesting life.

    Khairy, Manvi

  11. Afreen S.

    I think we should keep maths or English because they are the most key subjects to learn in school and most jobs require it.
    The best lesson we had is P.E. when we played bench ball as we had to use teamwork.
    Sara and Afreen

  12. Afsa P.

    I think we should keep PE or swimming
    I will remember all the fun trips.
    I think we should keep Math
    I will remember science
    I think we should keep Swimming or Music
    I will remember PE

  13. Muhammad I.

    Mustafa says that the lesson he wants to keep is art because we got to taste a few kinds of bread
    Osas says that the lesson he wants to keep is English because it is good to learn the right grammar and properly learn the English language. The lesson that will be the most memorable is art because I like sketching, colouring and painting.
    Vaneza says that the lesson she wants to keep is art because it is fun to paint and it is interesting

  14. Aryan M.

    Dhiyashini says: I would have DT because it is so fun.My favourite lesson was eating bread in DT.
    Aryan says: I would keep PE because I think our health matters more than anything in school. My favourite lesson was in geography when I wrote a factfile.
    Muhammad Y says: I would keep English because I like writing stories and I like being imaginative.
    My favourite lesson this half term was writing a biography about Rudyard Kipling in English.

  15. Eliza H.

    Eliza says we should keep P.E
    Rustam says that we should keep P.E
    Nicolas says we should keep P.E
    Eliza says the best moment I will remember was baking bread
    Rustam says the best moment he will remember was well-being day
    Nicolas says the best moment he will remember was rock climbing

  16. Khadijah M.

    Khadijah says, we should keep swimming because if there is a flood, you will be able to swim. My favourite lesson this term was making bread.
    Myiesha says,I think we should keep swimming because some people would think it is boring not having a swimming pool.I loved the trip to think tank because it teaches us a lot of science.
    Anish says,I think we should keep geography because it teaches us history.I like Science because it has cooler experiments that other subjects.

  17. Zahra N.

    Inder: I think we should keep art because we like painting drawing and all sorts of things.

  18. Aisha A.

    My favourite lesson is PE
    MG I think that we should keep the subject maths and the lesson I will always remember will be when I made a flower on well being day with Miss Woodman
    Nihal favourite lessons are maths and I will always remember playground games skills Acedmy

  19. Rehyan M.

    Rehyan: The best lesson would be maths because I want to lean division and multiplication and all of the times table
    Keyan: My favourite lesson is history because you learn different things.
    Amina:My favourite lessons is Pe because you can learn more sports.

  20. Zahra N.

    Zahra: I will remember dancing.
    Mo:I think we should keep Maths because people learn how to count and add money together when we grow up.It will also expand our knowledge and if we just focus on it there will be lots of great mathematicians come out of our school.

  21. Madeeha T.

    Madeeha: I think we should keep swimming 🏊‍♀️
    The best lesson I have learned is art and design

    Muazzan: I think we should keep computing
    The best lesson I have learned is art and design

    Sara: I think we should keep art
    The best lesson is art

  22. Aiza B.

    Adam said I vote math my favourite lesson is PE.
    Aiza says I vote PE my favourite lesson is geography.
    Bethany said I vote PE my favourite lesson is Art and Design.

  23. Mrs Latham

    In 5W, we took a democratic vote and decided that we would like to keep: PE.

    Isah says he will remember making toys in DT forever.
    Redir says he will remember doing hockey in PE.
    Najma says she will remember doing football.
    Karanbir says he will remember PSHE.
    Zahraa says she will remember swimming across the pool in swimming.
    Tipian says she will remember doing crochet in skills academy.

  24. Aqsaa F.

    I will remember the chirp

  25. Aqsaa F.

    My Ojos is swimming and maths

  26. Ahmed O.

    We like the Active maths because is the best

  27. Mojirolaoluwa S.

    I will say swimming and PE and maths

  28. Welat M.

    The subject I will keep is art and the lesson I will remember is when we ate bread.

  29. Hudayfa A.

    I vote Maths and I love science

  30. Inaaya S.

    The best lesson would be geography because I can learn natural disasters

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