Year 2 Yearly Overview

TermEnglishMathsScienceTopicComputingArt / DTPEPSHESMSCMusicWow opportunities
Autumn 1Fiction: Stories with familiar settings  (The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch – seaside setting)

Non-fiction: Recount of the trip to the Seaside

Poetry: Patterned poetry (Seaside)
Number: Place value  

Number: Addition & subtraction
Take CareGeography:
Online Safety & Effective SearchingD&T: Designing and making a sandwichImproving co-ordination with objects, including bouncing, throwing and catching.
Practicing jumps from equipment, rolls and balancing with a partner.

New BeginningsWhat can we learn from sacred books?The long and short of it (duration)
ta, titi, to-ee
layers of ostinati (patterns that repeat)
Sing songs with a growing range of notes and more expression.
Trip to Weston-super-Mare
Autumn 2Fiction: Traditional tales (Jack & Beanstalk and Hansel & Gretel)

Poetry: Diamante Poems (Winter)
Number: Addition & subtraction

Poperties of common 2D and 3D shapes
Materials: Good ChoicesHistory: Famous People

(Samuel Pepys, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, George Stephenson, Charles Dickens)
Presenting IdeasArt: Seascapes Locomotion skills – Travelling at speed over objects.

Getting onWho is Jewish and what do they believe?Feel the pulse (what is the difference between a pulse and a rhythm)
Notation/Rhythm reading.
Memorising song lyrics and melodies.
Victorian workhouse afternoon (Charles Dickens – Oliver Twist)
Spring 1Non-fiction: Explanation texts (life cycles)

Fiction: Stories by the same author (Francesca Simon – Famous People)
Measurement: Money

Number: Multiplication & division
Growing UpHistory: Famous people

(Florence Nightingale, Queen Elizabeth II, The Prime Minister)
Spreadsheets/ Making MusicDT
Designing and making a carry box for Nightingale
Object mastery – Co-ordination challenges with objects involving bouncing and striking an object.

Stability – Working to create a small group routine to a familiar song.

CitizenshipChinese New Year (assembly)Taking off!
Doh, Re, Mi, Fa, Soh, La, ti
Stave/Staff pitch reading.
Trip to Ironbridge Blists Hill Victorian Village
Spring 2Non-fiction: Instructions (growing a healthy plant)Number: Multiplication & division

Measurement: Length & Height

Measurement: Mass, Capacity & Temperature
The Apprentice GardenerGeography:
Islands in stories  
Creating PicturesArt: Mother NatureAgility – Playing invasion games with tags.

ChoicesWho is a Muslim and what do they believe?What’s the score? (instruments and symbols)
The larger the instrument the lower the pitch, the smaller the instrument the higher the pitch.
Designing and creating own islands
Summer 1Fiction: Extended Stories (Fantastic Mr Fox)Number

Measurement: Time

STEAM: Designing an effective shelter for Fantastic Mr FoxHistory:
History of Coventry
QuestioningD&T: Wheeled vehiclesSpeed skills
Different races e.g. hurdles, relay, sprint, log distance.

CommunitiesHow and why do we celebrate special times? (Judaism & Islam)Peter and the Wolf
(timbre, tempo & dynamics)
Visit Coventry City Centre – cathedral ruins, Lady Godiva statue
Summer 2Non-fiction: Non-chronological reports (animals from around the world)

Poetry: Riddles (animals)

Geometry: Position & direction  
What is in your habitat?Geography:
Around the world  
CodingArt: Patterns around the WorldObject mastery.
Practicing sending and receiving a ball to a partner in a specific direction.

ChangesHow should we care for others and the world and why does it matter?Sounds interesting (exploring sounds: natural and synthetic)Trip to Twycross

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