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Year 6’s Wonderful Wellbeing Day!

36 responses to “Year 6’s Wonderful Wellbeing Day!”

  1. Safya S.

    I loved well being day and enjoyed the extreme tag

  2. Lisa C.

    I had so much fun making the soda bread it had taught me a new skill how to like Measure the flour .

  3. Umaiza T.

    I enjoyed this well-being day! My favourite was the extreme tag

  4. Ellie T.

    My favourite part today was baking and all of the others . The bread was really nice and it was different from the last bread with made because we added whole meal flour and last time we added yeast . And we played extreme tag.

    I really enjoyed well-being day today my favourite part was when we played extreme tag and made the bread.I also enjoyed active maths.Making the bread was different to making the last bread in this bread we used bycarbinote soda to help this Brad rise where as we used yeast to help our last bread rise.


  5. Esra S.

    Today we had the opportunity to make Irish soda bread.We have learnt that the cross that is on the loaf of bread is to bring good spirits and keep away the curses.
    From Esra and Roma.

  6. Leyad R.

    Well done eco warriors and the extreme tag was super fun and I can’t wait for the next well-being day

  7. Shabaz A.

    During well being day, I enjoyed making the Irish soda bread in the morning with bicarbonate soda.

  8. Arina A.

    This was an brilliant day, we started the wonderful day by baking soda bread. After that, we did some art which, represented natural disasters. (Also thank you to our eco warriors (Ilyas) who tidying up our local area.

    Finally, we did some mental maths outside. However ,we had some chaos catching the ball , we did some fractions , decimal and percentage.

    Thank you hear 6 team!

  9. James H.

    This was the funniest day the baking was my favorout but the bread stank and art was fun

  10. Elyas S.

    I really enjoyed today and it was one of the most funnest well being day I have had.I really enjoyed when it was the afternoon because we got to play extreme tag.

  11. Raihaan N.

    I enjoyed making Irish soda bread and eating it.Then the extreme tag activity was also very fun.
    By Raihaan and Jacob.

  12. Reece T.

    I really enjoyed extreme tag, making bread and active maths

  13. Abdullah A.

    I really enjoyed this well-being day as we baked bread and it was delicious. Also drawing our disaster was amazing as we worked together and used the values of teamwork and resilience.

    1. Abdullah A.

      Thank you teachers as well as you planned this amazing day.

  14. Danyaal H.

    I enjoyed making the bread because it was different and we used different ingredients. Also I enjoyed the art because it was very calming and made us concentrate.

  15. Eesa F.

    When the bread was finished it like so brown then the bread the what we did because it was white the the under bread.

  16. Laura M.

    I really enjoyed this well being it was fun making the bread however I really liked finishing my art work.

  17. Xavier M.

    What a well being day! As our first activity we had been making soda bread. The second activity was the art we all did a very great job.
    The last activity was the extreme tag and dodge ball. I liked extreme tag as I was keep tagging everyone. Today was so amazing!!! Thank you teachers for this day.

  18. Mishal N.

    This day was really enjoyable! I most enjoyed baking the bread (soda bread). I also enjoyed art, doing the pillars were really fun. Maths was really fun! I hope we have more fun well-being days just like this one!

  19. Steven N.

    I really enjoyed the extreme tag and also really liked todays well-being day

  20. Saffiyah K.

    We started to bake it went well afterwards we did art with art we were finishing are pillars.With active maths we threw the ball to people and they had to answer the timer table we asked.

  21. Harroop S.

    This was an amazing opportunity as we have done baking and active maths. I really liked how we did art because it was calm , peaceful and a soothing time doing art. We did active maths because we have ‘gained’ more knowledge about decimals. I hope we do more activities like this in the future.
    Thank you all teachers that contributed to make our day awesome!
    Thanks again.

  22. Meghana Miriyam

    We had a wonderful time baking.
    We did art and enjoyed doing art.
    We played some math related games.
    Thank you so much Miss Ahmed!

  23. Aayan S.

    This amazing day was so fun we got bake soda bread and then we finished our art work which was very fun.After art we did Active Maths for decimals. I loved this morning!

  24. Muhammed A.

    I really enjoyed this well-being day. Today we did our artwork, baking and active maths. In active maths we tried to match the decimal and fractions and matched them to percentages. In art we continued our pillar artwork. In baking we bake soda bread which have a texture of cake.

    Thank for all the teacher who planned this amazing day.

  25. Ilyas I.

    This well-being day was very enjoyable thank you to the teachers who organised this. Well done to everyone who persevered through these activities.

  26. Ridwan U.

    What an amazing day, we started the day by baking some soda bread.
    After that we started to do some art, this art is important as it is showing
    A lesson and meaning, it isn’t just a picture. Another thing is, we all should thank the eco warriors (Ours is Ilyas, thanks to him), for planting and tidying the school.

    Finally, we had done some mental maths going outside, we had some trouble trying to catch, well, we did good at the end, we had done multiplication and converting fractions to decimals to percentages.

    Thank you to those who had planned this. We should thank our teachers, have a good evening.

  27. Saira S.

    I liked continuing our pillar drawings and drawing a the disasters in our group.

    1. Saira S.

      As a group, we continued our drawings of pillars with the person in the middle with our disaster we chose. We also did active maths in a circle doing our times tables.

  28. Esha A.

    We had so much fun today!
    We gathered up with year 5.
    We were divided into two groups.
    The games we played are extreme tag and did doge ball.
    We did times tables for active math.
    My favourite session was baking.

  29. Aayan M.

    What a day this wellbeing day had been!! It started with baking making soda bread that I enjoyed making. Then, we did art finishing our outline. After, we did active maths that was fun as we did snap, duck duck goose and catch and shout the timetable/fractions.

  30. Umar H.

    This day was the most enjoyable well-being day ever.I personally liked the doge ball at the end because I can get to know more year 5s.

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