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Year 6 – Spanish Schools

This week I would like you to research Spanish schools and find out different aspect about them. After the research create a fact-file.

You could research the following:

Timings of a typical school day,

subjects taught in school,

Play times, lunch times,

After school clubs,

Exams and tests,

Summer holidays,

What age they start school




105 responses to “Year 6 – Spanish Schools”

  1. Mrs Kiani

    Wow! What superb work everyone? Now that you have found out about Spanish schools which education system do you prefer, the UK or Spain?

  2. Kamil N.

    ¿What times does a pupil from a Spain school go and leave?
    Pupils arrive at school by 9:00 and learn until 12:00 ; have a 2-3 hour break , then they continue learning from 15:00 to 17:00 (17:00 is home time).

    ¿What subjects does a Spanish pupil learn in a Spanish school?
    They learn Spanish, Maths, Science, Geography and History ,a variety of different foreign languages, Physical education, Technology, and Art.

    ¿What do the pupils do after school?
    Spanish pupils do many clubs like arts and crafts , cooking , sports ,movies and trips.

    ¿What exams and test does Spanish pupil do?
    At year 3 and year 6, they take a test of maths, language, technology and science and if they fail they will have to redo the year.

    Kamil and Hudayifah

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Good research boys!

  3. Adam J.

    What age do they start?
    Spanish schools start from the age 3 to the age of 16
    What are the types of schools?
    There are 3 types of Spanish schools such as: private schools, public schools and semi-private schools.
    Spanish school club?
    The Spanish club proposes to promote awareness ,appreciation and understanding of the people and the cultural productions of the SPanish speaking world,.
    What times do the schools start and end?
    There schools run through 9 am to 5 pm.
    How long is there lunch break?
    Their lunch break is about 2 hours long.
    How long is their break time?
    Their break time is around 1 hour.

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Super Adam!

  4. Seher A.

    They start school at 9am to 5pm
    They get 2hours of lunch/playtime
    They got racks for their belongings
    They get to wear what they want
    The quality of Spanish education is high because of how long school is.
    They have some after school sessions like maths,English and science.
    They start school at the ages of 3-16 years old

    Seher and Rafay

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Well done Seher and Rafay .

  5. Rubab G.

    Subjects taught in school

    They do natural science ,socials science, Spanish literature, language and mathematics.

    Play times, lunch times,

    Play time is 9:00 and lunch time in 5:00.

    What age they start school

    They start at the age of 3-6

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Some good research but check if all of your facts are correct Rubab.

  6. Sarah A.

    Timings of a typical school day?
    A typical school day starts from 9 am to 5 pm with a 2hour lunch.

    Subjects taught in school ?
    Reading , literacy, mathematics and science are all subjects taught at Spanish schools .

    After school clubs?
    They offer academic activities and other classes like sports, performing arts, languages and music.

    Exams and tests?
    They do tests called DELE,SIELE and CELU. They evaluate a person’s ability to read and write .

    Summer holidays?
    There summer holidays normally last from 7 to 12 weeks starting in June .

    What age do they start school?
    They start school from the age of 5 to 16.

    Sarah and Miski

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Wow! 7 – 12 weeks of holidays? Shall we move there girls?

  7. Ayaan M.

    What age they start school ?

    The age you have to go school is for pre school the first cycle is 0-3 and normally it is 3-6 years old and elementary 6-12 years old . Middle school is 12-16 years old and Spanish Baccalaureate is 16 – 18 years old .

    Subjects taught in school ?
    The subjects are reading literacy, mathematics, and sciences, which is above the OECD average .

    Play times, lunch times ?
    Some schools run from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m with a two-hour lunch break from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m .

    After school clubs?

    They do the same after school clubs we would usually do in the uk.

    Summer holidays
    They last for 77 to 84 days or 2 to 3 months.

    Exam and test
    In university entrance exams known as ‘Selectividad’.
    Timing to come and leave

    The start school at 9 am and finish at 5 pm

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Great research! Are you sure about the duration of the summer break?

  8. Flourish A.

    Compulsory education begins at the age of six and lasts for eight years .
    They can learn reading literacy , mathematics and sciences.
    At the end of the year , the third year they take an assessment in mathematics and language .Lunch is between 1 – 3 pm which is 2 hours so they can go home and have lunch with their families .Tipian and Flourish

    1. Mrs Kiani

      A good start girls but I think you can have done more in the given time.

  9. Ibrahim M.

    Spanish School

    School Times :
    One schedule is 9am till 5pm with a 2 hour lunch break (1pm to 3pm) and the other is 9am till 2pm with no break.

    Age to go school :
    0 – 3 (optional) or 3 – 18 (compulsory)

    Summer Holidays :
    The Spanish school holidays start in mid – June and end in the second week of September (11 – 12 weeks).

    Exams :
    Spain has 6 levels of exams :
    A1: Beginner,
    A2: Elementary,
    B1: Intermediate,
    B2: Upper Intermediate,
    C1: Advanced and
    C2: Mastery.

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Good research boys! What kind of schools are available for 0 years of age?

  10. Elyas A.

    In Spain the school time is 9:00 to 17:00 that’s technically 8 hours they have an 2 hour lunchtime subjects that are taught in school are maths and Spanish the summer holidays in Spain is 11 weeks to 12 weeks

    Elyas and karanbir

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Good start but I do expect to see more in given time boys.

  11. Markuss B.

    Schools in Spain.

    In Spain, schools are three different types.
    They are public, private and church schools.

    Timings of a typical school day.

    School starts at 8am
    They do their morning learning
    Their lunch is at 1pm to 3pm and the schools day ends at 5pm.

    Subjects taught there.

    At pre school they learn the Spanish alphabet and learn to read and learn the basics.

    At elementary school they learn more complicated things. They learn Spanish maths history geography and biology. They also get introduced to termly exams.

    At secondary school they learn either French or English as their new language to learn. They learn science English/French biology maths history and geography.

    Playtimes and lunchtimes.

    They get 2 hours of lunchtime between 1pm to 3pm then 2 hours of learning and home time. They don’t have a play time.

    Markuss and Redir

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Would you like to go to school in Spain? Good research 👍

  12. Mehreen I.

    Spanish school lunch times are 1pm to 3pm Spanish school subjects are maths, art , music ,geography, language , literature.

    Mosh and mehreen

    1. Mrs Kiani

      I can see that Mosh did not support you in this task Mehreen as I observed in the class. I have spoken to him.

  13. Ibraheem T.

    They start school at 9 to 5 and they learn math and English with all the other subjects they have a 2 hour break so there lunch starts at 1 and ends and 3 there after school clubs they do sports activity. Ibraheem T

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Well done Ibraheem. I know you started this off last week and also have been leaving the class for interventions.

  14. Isah C.

    Spanish university degrees usually require four years of study, although certain degrees require additional years. In accordance with the European Commission of Education and Training, Spanish higher education consists of Bachelor or undergraduate degrees (Grado) for four-year programs, Master’s degrees (Máster) for two-year post-graduate programs, and Doctorates (Doctorado) for post-master’s education.
    What age do they start school ?
    Between the ages of three and sixteen.
    Play times, lunch times ?
    One typical schedule would run from 9:00 pm until 5:00 am with a two hour break for lunch; another typical schedule would go from 9:00 pm with no break and finish classes for the day at 2:00pm.
    What subject do they learn?
    What age do they start school ?
    Between the ages of three and sixteen.
    Play times, lunch times ?
    One typical schedule would run from 9:00 pm until 5:00 pm with a two hour break for lunch; another typical schedule would go from 9:00 pm with no break and finish classes for the day at 2:00pm.
    What subject do they learn?

    1. Mrs Kiani

      You’ve repeated yourself a couple of times Isah, so always make sure you check before you post your work. Also try writing it in your own words. You have worked well in my lesson – keep it up!

  15. Noor A.

    Spanish children start school at the age of 3 to 16 they get their certificate of permission for them to leave.

    They do subjects such as English , religion , history, geography, and maths.

    They get around 2hours of lunch time.

    1. Mrs Kiani

      See me please Noor, I need to discuss this with you.

  16. Zahra D.

    In Spain, pre school is not necessary but you can go if you want. It is split into 2 cycles the first being the ages up to 3 and the next being 3-5. Primary school starts at the age of 6-12. They ensure a free place for each child. Whilst in school, children get given assessments in order to track their progress. At the end of the 3rd year children are given a mathematic and language assessment.
    Also at the end of the 6th year, a science and technology assessment is also given. There is a possibility that the children could repeat years if there is no other option. All primary schools provide sciences, Spanish literature, mathematics and a first foreign language. There are 2 times in children have to go to school including 9-12am and 3-5 pm. Secondary schools are split into two sections which are ESO and Ballechirato. ESO is compulsory whereas ballechirato is preparation for Uni. The ages where you can attend is from 12-16.
    The summer holidays last up to 11-12 weeks. Students can only repeat the 4th year in secondary school if they have not repeated any of the other years.

    Zahra D and Zaraa Y

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Super research girls!

  17. Saffa M.

    What age do they start school?
    Spanish children normally start school at the age of 5 although when they are born between October and December they start at 3 years old or near it.

    Timings of a typical school day
    They start school around 9am to 5pm however some schools start between 9am to 2pm. Lunchtime usually lasts for about 2 hours (1pm to 3pm).

    Subjects taught at school
    All schools in Spain are taught the same subjects which includes:maths,Spanish physical education, Cono (which is a combination of history , geography and social awarness). English is also mandatory to learn in Spainish school

    Exams and tests
    During their time at school, children regularly do assessments which tracks their progress while giving updates to their parents. At the end of each year parents get a report of all of their child’s tests and results. On their third year children take a maths and language assessment. In sixth year they also repeat the test also including science and technology. If they fail they may also have to repeat certain years depending on their scores.

    Hasbia and Saffa

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Well done girls!

  18. Eman A.

    * A typical Spanish school day starts at 9:00 – 12:00 then they go home and come back at 15:00 – 17:00.
    * Subject’s taught at a Spanish school are Spanish ,literature, mathematics, geography, history, a different language , PE ,Art, music, technology and social studies.

    * They have two-and-a-half to three-hour break in the middle of the day for lunch and a break most children go home for the break but not all .

    * like in Britain not all Spanish schools have after school clubs but some of them do .

    * At the end of their third year they have an assessment consisting of maths and language and at the end of their 6th year they have another assessment of maths technology as well as science and language’s

    Eman and Umar

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Good work – did you work well as a team?

  19. Sania K.

    Timings of a typical school days
    In Spanish schools the typical school days starts at 9am then ends at 5pm. However, they have a two hour lunch time period. In Spanish schools they start at 9am with no breaks only classes till 2pm then they have a two hour lunch time period then having a choice to go home and eat lunch with their family(most people do this).

    Subjects taught in school
    Subjects that are taught in Spanish schools include Math,History,Geography,general and local knowledge, social awareness, Physical Education, Spanish,Arts and crafts and as the second language is usually English.
    These subjects are the most common subjects in Spanish schools.

    Play times,Lunchtime
    They only have a two hour lunch time period no other breaks however this adds up as the same as most schools in England if not they probably have more.

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Well researched!

  20. Sumaya S.

    Timings of a typical school day?
    You start at 9 am and leave at 5pm
    subjects taught in school?
    Mathematics science Spanish and foreign languages
    Play times, lunch times?
    There break is 3 hours and a half
    After school clubs?
    They have programs for the after school culbs and afterschool clubs like football,chess,ballet,basketball,and French club
    Exams and tests?
    In there exams there are mathematics Spanish science and the other foreign languages
    Summer holidays?
    We have about 6 to 12 weeks
    What age they start school?
    They go to school in age 6 to 16 Diyako and sumaya.

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Well done – do you mean, ‘they have 6- 12 weeks off?’

  21. Elham S.

    What is the timing of a typical school day in Spain?
    9:00am -12:00pm= learning 13:00pm-15:00pm=break/lunch 15:00pm-17:00pm=learning
    What Subjects are taught in a Spanish school?
    Spanish language
    Mathematics geography
    History Physical Education
    What time is break and lunch in a Spanish school?
    What after school clubs do a Spanish school do?
    French classes After school tutoring
    Spanish classes basketball
    Ballet Volleyball
    Football dodgeball
    What exams and tests do a Spanish school do?
    Assessment Language
    Science Technology
    At the end of the sixth year they do all of it!

    From Romeesa and Elham

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Good research! Do they not have any other assessments in other year groups?

  22. Muhammad R.

    1.A typical school day would usually start at 9am and would finish at 5pm but some schools would start at 8am and would finish at 3pm.

    2.They learn language,maths,biology,history and pe.

    3.A usual Spanish school would have at least 2 hour lunch and the break time is for 3 hours.

    4.Spanish schools have after school clubs like football,ballet,basketball,chess and yoga

    From Sanad and Jamaal

    1. Mrs Kiani

      I think you could have done more in the given time boys, good so far. However, I’m sure they must have more subjects taught at their schools not just the ones you listed.

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