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Year 6 – Spanish Schools

This week I would like you to research Spanish schools and find out different aspect about them. After the research create a fact-file.

You could research the following:

Timings of a typical school day,

subjects taught in school,

Play times, lunch times,

After school clubs,

Exams and tests,

Summer holidays,

What age they start school




105 responses to “Year 6 – Spanish Schools”

  1. Retaj

    What are the typical timings of a school day?
    They start school at 9 am through 5 pm with a two hour lunch break. Other schools may begin at 8 and end at 3 pm.

    What subjects are taught in school?
    Children study Spanish language and literature, mathematics, natural and social science,art and physical education.

    What time are play times and lunch times in school?
    They lunch starts at 1:30 until 3pm.

    Do they have after school clubs?
    They do such as coding and STEM.

    Do they have exams and tests?
    They do have tests and exams at the end of the sixth year.

    Do they have summer holidays?
    They have summer holidays around 12 weeks long.

    What age do they start school?
    They start school at the age of six years old until sixteen years old.

    In the Spanish education system they have streaming which is a unknown concept. The secondary schools have a choice between French or English language learning. They also have a system called the international baccalaureate(IB) in Spain.

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Great research Retaj. What does ‘streaming’ mean?

  2. Minaal A.

    They start at 9 and have a break at 2 3 hours later they finish.

    It and computing

    Exams and tests:
    Kids start school age 6-12 and there summer holiday break is 6-12 weeks.

    In Spain they have to teach engilsh
    not the subject English the language English the one we are typing down .

    Subjects in Spanish :

    Geography = geographia
    Art=el debujo
    Physicial education =education e fissica

    The Spanish educational system encompasses 6 years of primary education followed by 4 years of secondary


    1. Mrs Kiani

      Good research but you both have told me the duration of their holidays under, ‘Exams and tests.’

  3. Yaseen E.

    subjects taught in school,
    Spanish,PE,geography,history and maths

    Play times, lunch times,
    They usually have up to 2 hours of lunch some schools run from 9am to 5pm but others can go up to 9 am to 2pm

    What age they start school,
    They start school at age 6 and stop at age 16, they don’t have to stop it will be up to the student if he wanted to still go to school.

    Summer holidays,
    The normal time of the summer holidays in Spain is 12 weeks which is basically 84 days!

    After school clubs,
    One fun fact after school clubs is that they have an after school breakfast club

    A fun fact is that Spain allows school children to choose if they want to go to school when they hit 16 years old

    Bye ARO and YASEEN

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Good job boys 👍🏼

  4. Meharunisa A.

    Timings of a typical school day is 9am to 5pm while in the UK schools start at 8:45am to 3:15pm.
    The subjects taught in school are English,Maths,History,Science,Music and Spanish.
    Play times and lunch times:
    One typical schedule would run from 0900 until 1700 with a two hour break for lunch.
    After school clubs:
    They have skateboarding,ballet,dancing and basket.
    What age do they start school?
    Three to sixteen.

    Yad and Meharunisa

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Super work!

  5. Ahmed B.

    They have school from 9 to 5 but they also have lunch times for 2 hours
    The classes are not limited with technology as the class doesn’t have enough fund to
    Cover all of the expenses for the technology like us in England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
    They start school at the age of 6 to 12
    They also have end of year tests like us in England they also have university
    Secondery school like us and even six form

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Some good research Ahmed but I do believe you could’ve done more in the given time.

  6. Ali A.

    A typical day of school would run from 9am to 5pm. Spanish schools do not have break times but still have lunch. Lunch is a break for 2 hours and students have the option to go home for lunch to eat with families. Spanish schools learn mathematics, Science ,Literacy and Reading. They can start school at the age of 0 so not even a year of being born. That is called infant school. Then you have primary education. They are between the ages of 6 and 12. After that it is secondary education. They are in between the ages of 12 and 16. Then, you have University preparation . They are in between the ages of 15 to 18. They do after school club of Maths, English and Science. The Summer holidays are as long as 6 to 12 weeks.
    From Ali and Aisha.

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Great work Ali and Aisha! Would you like to move to Spain?

  7. Umama H.

    When does school start and end?
    From 9am to 5pm
    subjects taught in school?
    Spanish,Math,Science,geography,history,foreign language,PE,technology and art.
    How long are play times and lunchtimes?
    They have a two hour and half lunch break.
    Do they have after school clubs in Spanish schools?
    They do things such as sports to drama, Lego, robotics, arts & crafts, cookery or aloha.
    Exams and tests
    They have an assessment in the third year of school consisting mathematics and language. In the 6th year of school they have another exam consisting of mathematics,language,science and technology.
    How long are their summer holidays?
    There summer holidays are 11 to 12 weeks long.
    What age do they start school?
    It is compulsory to start school at the age of 6 in Spain .
    Umama and Ismael

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Very detailed research children!

  8. Ghazala H.

    Spanish Schools 🇪🇸 🇪🇸 🇪🇸

    Spain has a state funded school system along with private schools and a range of international as well as foreign schools. Around 30% of Spains children attend private schools the majority of which are co-educational. The line between public, private and church schools can be blurred, with many nominally private or church schools receiving their principal support from the state.

    Subjects 📖 📖 📖
    .la música – music.
    .la geografía – geography.
    .las matemáticas – math.
    .la física – physics.
    .la química – chemistry.
    .la literatura – literature.
    .el idioma – language.

    Holidays 🏖️ 🏝️ 🏖️
    In Spain, normally the Easter break is only 1 week, the Christmas break is 2 weeks. As well as the Summer break which is 12 weeks!!! That must be fun! Did you know that’s about twice are summer break!

    Facts 🧠🧠
    At the end of their third year, children take an assessment in mathematics and language. They also take an assessment in these subjects at the end of their sixth year, along with science and technology. Wow! Spanish students start school at six! Opposed to here which is 5.

    Outro 🚘🚘🚘
    Wow! Spanish schools are pretty different. However they still have many similarities. Would you prefer to Be in a Spanish or British school? 🏫 🏫 🏫

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Outstanding work! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  9. Bakary

    Schools times in Spain is from 09:00-12:00 and 15:00-17:00.
    English,Maths,Science ,Computing,History,Geography and Music.
    The normal lunch break is from 1:30 pm until 5 pm.
    There are clubs such as coding and STEM, nature studies, clubs such as chess, the Duke of Edinburgh Award, exam preparation.
    The exams they do in Spain is university exams (Selectividad).
    Summer holidays in Spain is around 11–12 weeks.
    They start school at a low age of 6 yrs old.

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Good research but why do they have ‘The Duke of Edinburgh’ award, I thought this was something done in the UK?

  10. Caleb A.

    Spanish school hours depend on each type of school , some may run from 9 am through 5 pm with a two hour lunch break so they have an 8 hour school day.
    A Spanish schools lunch break can be from anywhere from 1pm to 3pm, depending on the schools schedule some may 1pm to 4pm, playtime can also be up to about 2hours a day them being able to go home at lunch.

    In Spain there school education starts at the age of 6 and ends at at least the age of 16they have after school club’s varying from sports to drama, Lego, robotics, arts and crafts, cookery or aloha (mental arithmetic).some subjects are Spanish, maths, science, geography and history, foreign language (usually English) physical education, technology, and art.To get into university Spanish kids have to take a test called the selectividad similar to the sats in the uk.🇬🇧. Ćaleb .D. Asiedu D king 👑 .

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Well done Caleb!

  11. Nuha I.

    Spanish schools normally range from 9:00 to 17:00, with a two hour lunchtime and the option to go home during these two hours.
    It is compulsory for children between the ages of 3 and 16 to attend school. Spanish primary schools have children aged from 6 to 12 made up of 6 academic school years.
    Children take tests to track their progress and at the end of the year, the parents/carers get reports so they know how well their child did in each subject.
    In Spanish schools, they are taught Spanish, maths, science, geography, art, P.E, foreign language (normally English), history, technology and art.
    Spanish schools have after school clubs such as exam preparation club, STEM club, coding club, nature club and Spanish club.
    They have 11 to 12 weeks summer holidays! That’s double our holidays!
    Nuha and Daryan

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Great work Nuha and Daryan!

  12. Tana I.

    Timing for a school day
    A schedule goes from 9:00 to 17:00 and a two hour break. Another way of saying this is 9:00 to 14:00 with no breaks. Children have an option of having lunch with their family which is what most of the children do.
    Subjects that are taught
    Spanish = lengua
    Maths= mates
    A second language, usually English (inglés).

    English will be taught by a specialist, but there is no obligation for the class teacher to speak English.
    Tana & Ibraheem

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Good start, however, I believe you could’ve done more in the given time.

  13. Maryam I.

    Spanish schools
    How old do you have to be to start school?
    According to reaserch in Spanish schools you have to be 6(or nearly 6),children progress to educación primarria(EP).
    What subjects do they learn?
    They learn:
    .la música(music)
    .la geografía(geography)
    .las mathmáticas(maths)
    .la física(physics)
    .la química(chemistry)
    .la literatura(literature)
    .el idioma(the language)

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Good start girls but you do need to speed up a little with your work.

  14. Hanfaa N.

    What age they start school!
    They start at the age of three and end at sixteen.
    Play times, lunch times!
    There playtimes are for two whole ours and lunchtime you can just go home since as they say it is the most important meal of the day in secondary elementary schools.
    Subjects that are taught in schools!
    Exams and tests!
    They do their GCSE’s
    Hanfaa & Mohamed

    1. Mrs Kiani

      I have said this to many children and I say the same to you Hanfaa and Mohammed, you could have done more in the given time.

  15. Awais W.

    In Spain you start school at 9 and will end at 5.
    You start school at 3 and when you are 6 years old school is compulsary.
    When you are 14 you get a leaving certificate to move to secondary.
    They have a 2 hour break time and have a 1 hour lunch.
    Their summer holiday is 11 to 12 weeks Long .
    They learn English Maths etc.
    Ebenezer and awais

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Good start but not enough boys. You know that you are more than capable.

  16. Diana D.

    Lexi , Diana .
    Time – The time a Spanish school starts is 9am and it ends at a late 5pm.

    Subjects – the subjects that are taught in a Spanish school are Spanish , math , science , P.E. , geography , English and history.

    Break times – 2 and a half hours to 3 hours in the middle of the day for lunch.

    After school clubs – they do mostly sports , Latina dancing and outdoor activities.

    Tests – they do SATS and GCSEs just like us.

    Summer holiday – they have 11-12 weeks off for summer holidays how long.

    start and end – most kids start from the age of 6 and graduate at 16.

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Well done girls!

  17. Yahya S.

    Schools In Spain start at a Age of Six and end at the age of Fourteen unlike the UK that 3-4 and End at 11 Years of age.
    International and foreign schools have their lessons spoken in English but any other Spanish schools will have their Lessons spoken in Spanish.
    Enrolling in a Spanish school requires an Convalidation this means that
    To Enrol into a Spanish School You need:
    -You need your child’s Birth Certificate
    -Proof Of Residence in your name in form of a bill. If you don’t have one a rent receipt
    or lease is acceptable.
    -A passport sized photograph needed for secondary schools.

    Typical Schools Day Last From 09:00 To 17:00 But there is a Two Hour Lunch Slot.
    Another Typical School day Lasts From 09:00 To 14:00 With No break . Students have the Option to Go home for lunch but Only when lunch is Longer Than An hour.

    Around 30% of Spanish children go To a Private or Co-educational school and Have an 11-12 Week Holiday This Is not Some But all Schools Have An 11-12 Week Summer Break
    -Dunmi And Yahya

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Superb Dunmi and Yahya!

  18. Yaseen Y.

    Timing of a typical school day.
    In Spain the typical timing to go to school is 9pm to 5am.
    Subjects taught in school.
    They are taught Spanish,maths,science,geography,history,foreign language(usually English),physical education,technology and art.
    Play times and lunch times is Spanish schools.
    They have 2 hour lunch break and and 2 and a half to three hour break.
    What age do they start school?
    They start at age 6 and end at age 14 (primary school).
    What after school clubs do they have?
    In spanish schools they have technology classes and clubs such as coding and STEM, nature studies, clubs such as chess, the Duke of Edinburgh Award, exam preparation, Spanish classes and cultural trips.
    Summer holidays.
    Their summer holidays are for 11 to twelve weeks.


    1. Mrs Kiani

      Well done Yaseen and Kanishka!

  19. Rhia H.

    they start at 8:00a.m and ends at 2:00p.m and some times have brakes in the morning . The subject that they learn are math science geography history and foreign language physical education technology and art


    1. Mrs Kiani

      Good start Rhia. Remind me who you were working with?

  20. Aalya H.

    What age do Spain start school? In Spain, the education says you start at the age of 6 and then lasting until 16.
    What subjects do they get taught in school? They get taught by Spanish language,Maths,history and geography,and PE.
    How long do they get in break and lunch time? lunch is a 2 hour break between 1 to 4 and they finish work at 7 or 8 timing.
    When do they get summer holidays?they get it in Thursday 15 August 2024 of the year in Spain.
    When do they take exams in school? They get it by, At the end of the 2nd cycle.
    What school clubs do they do after school? They do crafts, cooking, movies, and stuff like ,field trips.
    What times do they do in a typical day? Some schools run from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. And what some schools sometimes they do form 9:00 to 2pm end of the day.

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Good research Aalya but are you sure they finish at 7 or 8? Who are you referring to?

  21. Ramarni J.

    Timings of typical school day:🏫
    9am – 5pm
    Subjects taught in school:👩🏼‍🏫
    Spanish, maths, science, geography and history, foreign language (usually English), physical education, technology, and art.
    Playtimes and lunchtimes:🍱⛹🏻‍♀️
    Lunch- Two and an half hour break
    Playtime- 30-60 minutes
    After school clubs:💃🏽🕺🏽🏀⚽️
    Many kids have the choice to stay after school and do extracurricular activities
    Exams and tests:📚📝
    They take exams at the end of their sixth year along with things like mathematics, language and science tests during the course of the year!
    Summer holiday:☀️⛱️🌴
    The summer holidays last around 11-12 weeks in Spain 🇪🇸
    What age do people in Spain start school:🏫 👧🏼📝
    They start school at the age of 6 but only primary and secondary is mandatory so at the age of 16 they can choose if they want higher education!

    -From Ramarni and Yunus.

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Well done children! I’m sure they have other assessments and tests too, please check.

  22. Yedullah S.

    Spanish Schools
    -Timings of the school day: 9am – 5pm.
    -Subjects taught in school: Spanish language (lengua), Maths, Biology, History, Geography and PE.
    -Play and lunch times: 2 hours from 1pm – 3pm.
    -After school clubs: Robotics, Coding, Ballet, Hip-Hop, Skateboarding and Cookery.
    -Exams and tests: Year Three – Maths and Literature, Year 6 – Maths, Literature, – Science and Technology.
    -Summer Holidays: 12 weeks starting on 21 June 2024
    -What age they start school: 6 years old, they go school for 10 years later and after 10 years school is not compulsory.

    By Abdulahi

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Well done boys!

  23. Awais W.

    In Spain you start school at 9 and will end at 5.
    You start school at 3 and when you are 6 years old school is compulsary.
    When you are 14 you get a leaving certificate to move to secondary.
    They have a 2 hour break time and have a 1 hour lunch.
    Their summer holiday is 11 to 12 weeks Long .
    They learn English Maths etc.

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Good start but I would like to see greater detail Awais!

  24. Zeyd H.

    A typical time for school to start would be 09:00, and end 17:00 with a 2 hour Lucan break packed in. Also, they could have a school day from 09:00 to 14:00 with no break in between.

    Subjects range from English, Spanish, science, mathematics, religious studies, physical education, music, geography and history. These will all be taught in Spanish, unless attending a foreign or international school.

    It is choice to start educating at children from ages 0-5, however, from ages 6+, they must be taught. This is the case for the next 8 years until they are 14 and achieve a leaving certificate. The children with higher marks are able to attend a higher secondary, and the children with lower academical marks get into vocational education.

    The Summer holidays range from 6-12 weeks, varying on age.

    In Spain, the GCSEs from year 10-11 in UK is equivalent to the last 2 compulsory years of secondary school.

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Well done!

  25. Aarav R.

    They go to school from 6 to 16 years old.
    At lunch times children can choose to go home and eat lunch with their family.
    They go to school for 8 hours.
    They teach Spanish history English math pe technology and art.
    They have sats,gscs,entrey tests and more!
    They summer holiday in Spanish schools is 12 weeks long.

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Very basic research Aarav , I’m sure you could do more.

  26. Kydun R.

    The Spanish Education system has been subject to a number of reforms in recent years. Changes in Infant and primary education have been somewhat more successful to date than those in the secondary system. In most parts of Spain schooling is now available to children from the age of three, although the obligatory age for starting school is five years old. Children are admitted once a year (in September), strictly according to the calendar year of their birth. This means that children born in January are the oldest in their class, and children born between October and December actually start school before their third birthday. The normal registration period for all ages is in May for the following September, and may be done via the local town hall, or by applying directly to a school.

    Infant Education

    Educación Infantil (EI) lasts for three years and teaches children about social, personal and environmental values, as well as developing their physical and mental skills. They are gradually introduced to reading and writing from 4 years old and will have covered their alphabet by the end of EI, although fluent reading ability is not expected. EI is one of the newest areas of Spanish education and is generally well-taught by dedicated specialist teachers.

    Primary Education

    At six (or nearly six), children progress to Educación Primaria (EP). This lasts for six years and is divided into three cycles (ciclos). The objectives of primary education are planned over each two-year period, at the end of which any child who is considered not to have achieved these objectives may be required to repeat the second year of the cycle. Students study the following subjects throughout Primary education: Spanish language (lengua), Maths (mates), Conocimiento del Medio, also known as Cono (a general knowledge subject which includes biology, history, geography, general and local knowledge and social awareness, Physical Education (Educación Física or EP); Arts and Crafts (plástica), and a second language, usually English (inglés). English will be taught by a specialist, but there is no obligation for the class teacher to speak English. Classes are always mixed ability in Spain; the concept of “streaming” is unknown. In addition many students will study Religion (religión) which mainly consists of teaching Catholic doctrine.

    The state system provides support teams of psychologist, sociologist and speech therapist which are shared by several schools. Children normally have the same class teacher for each two-year cycle. Teachers make themselves available one hour a week to speak to parents about their children’s progress (tutoría). There are also parents’ meetings every term to discuss class work and special projects and trips.

    From about year 3 children are introduced to termly exams, but there is no equivalent to national testing in the Spanish system (at this age). Although state education is free, parents will have to buy all textbooks and materials. Uniforms are generally worn by students in religious private schools and grant-assisted schools.

    Secondary Education

    From age 12 (or nearly 12) children move on to Secondary school (el Instituto). Until about ten years ago, secondary school started at 14 and in some areas the first two years of secondary are still accommodated in the Primary building if the local Instituto is not physically big enough to hold them. The new secondary system is modelled loosely on the British comprehensive system, moving away from a two-level system (similar to Grammar and Secondary Modern) to complete mixed ability schooling. The first four years are called la ESO (Educación Secundaria Obligatoria). Children can leave school at the end of this period or at the age of 16 if they reach this sooner. ESO is divided into two cycles with the same system of repeated years at the end of each cycle as occurs in primary education.

    A wide range of secondary subjects are taught, including a language choice between French and English. Until recent years secondary education in Spain was very conventional with a lot of rote learning and constant tests and examinations. There have been marked improvements with the introduction of project work, continuous assessment and more up-to-date and relevant syllabuses. However, much still depends on the approach of individual teachers, and there has been a general lack of investment in retraining and resources to make a total success of the scheme.

    One of the main criticisms of the new secondary system centres on the discipline problems which result when teenage children who are repeating courses are placed in the same classes as younger and more academically-inclined children. There is still much debate about the success of reforms in secondary education, and more improvements are being introduced.

    At the end of the four years of ESO, students may leave school, go on to the two-year Bachillerato academic course, or enroll on practical training courses called modulos.

    There are four types of Bachillerato – Arts, Humanities, Natural and Health Sciences and Technology. Modulos include office and administrative skills, mechanics, catering, and hairdressing.


    After two years in Bachillerato, students have intensive examinations during the month of May and their final mark is based on a combination of examination results and continuous assessment. A month later, in June, students who wish to go to University take a general university entrance examination (Selectividad) and the university course they are able to follow depends on the result of this examination along with their Bachillerato results.

    A far higher percentage of students attend university in Spain than in Britain or Ireland. There are few university grants in Spain so sending a child to university is a major investment. Students may take as long as necessary to complete a university course, repeating courses and spreading out examinations over years. There is a general tendency to attend the university nearest to your

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Hey Kydun! What did I say about ‘cutting and pasting’, 🤔?

  27. Xlexben F.

    What age do they start school ?
    Between the ages of three and sixteen.
    Play times, lunch times ?
    One typical schedule would run from 9:00 pm until 5:00 am with a two hour break for lunch; another typical schedule would go from 9:00 pm with no break and finish classes for the day at 2:00pm.
    What subject do they learn?
    Science. (Junior Science in OG & First Form; and Biology, Chemistry and Physics in Second Form)
    IT & Computing.
    What after school club do they have ?
    Many after school sessions offer academic activities such as the core subjects of Maths, English and Science.

    1. Xlexben F.

      What exams do they do?
      At the end of their third year, children take an assessment in mathematics and language. They also take an assessment in these subjects at the end of their sixth year, along with science and technology.
      What are some after school activities in Spain?
      Latin dancing: salsa, flamenco, sevillanas, cumbia, merengue, tango… Get together to practice sports, such as football, basketball, volleyball, tennis… Outdoors activities in the countryside including walking, hiking, skiing, rafting, abseiling
      Timings of a typical school day
      Some schools run from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. with a two-hour lunch break from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Other schools begin at 9 a.m. and end at 2 p.m., the typical lunchtime in Spain. When school gets out, everyone is free to go home for the most important meal of the day (according to Spanish eating customs).
      Summer holidays
      The main holidays are at Christmas, Easter and the long 10-week summer break. School hours vary depending on the school and are usually from 0900 to 1400 (Infantil and Primary) and 0830 to 1430 (Secondary) with an hour’s break for lunch. Lessons are generally divided into teaching periods of 45 minutes.
      Summer school
      Lessons consist of Spanish Grammar and Conversation, and at some Spanish schools you can also choose extra special subjects during the summer like Spanish Art, History, Literature, etc., depending on the amount of lessons you have chosen and/or your level of Spanish.It is possible to attend these courses from 2 weeks …

      1. Mrs Kiani

        Good research Xlexben, but please write information in your own words.

  28. Ammara K.

    Spanish preschool

    Preschool education in Spain is called educacion infantill.This is divided into 2 cycles,
    O-3 years old which is optional.As it’s optional families have to pay for the first cycle of preschool. The second cycle of preschool is crucial in Spain. Children of the age 3-6 can attend for free.

    What age do they start school
    Schooling in Spain is compulsory for children between the age of 3 and 16. However parents or legal guardians must pay for books,materials and sometimes uniform.

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Good start Ammara.

  29. Isah C.

    In Spain you start school at 9 and finish at 5 while in the uk u start at 8:30 and Finnish at 3:15. Fortunately for expats, the quality of education in Spain is relatively high. In fact, the country scores 491 in reading literacy, mathematics, and sciences, which is above the OECD average

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Does this make sense to you Isah?

  30. Ibraheem T.

    Their subject that they learn is math,English, and their school starts at 9am and it finishes at 5am so they about 8 hours of work also they have a 2 hour break so their lunch starts at 1 and it ends at 3 they also participate in club activity after school and sports activity’s.They usually do exams and in the exams they do language and mathematics and Spanish pre school do 0 to 3 year olds and elementary school starts at 6 to 12.There summer holiday break is 6 to 12 weeks.

    1. Sameeha A.

      Timings of a typical school day
      A typical day would start at 9:00 and end at 17:00 with a two hour break from 13:00 to 15:00 whereas other schools open at 9:00 and end at 14:00.
      Subjects taught in school
      They are normally taught ;biology, history, geography, general and local knowledge and social awareness, Physical Education, Arts and Crafts and a second language, usually English.

      Sameeha and Ammara,

    2. Mrs Kiani

      Good start, but organize your work a little clearer Ibraheem.

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