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Year 6 PSHE – The Paris Agreement

Independent Research Challenge:

Bronze: What is the Paris Agreement and how does it work? Do countries support one another?

Silver: Explain the difference between NDC’s and LT-LEDs?

Gold: What are Japan’s goals within the Paris Agreement? Have they been successful so far?

What values do you think need to be showcased in order for the Paris Agreement to work?

46 responses to “Year 6 PSHE – The Paris Agreement”

  1. Ali K.

    The Paris agreement is about climate change in the country in 2016 Paris were trying to reach their goal by limit global warming.It was adopted by 196 parties at cop21 in Paris

  2. Ayomide O.

    By Absi and ayomide
    The rating indicates that Japan’s climate policies and commitments that need substantial improvements to be consistent with the Paris Agreement’s

  3. Yalda N.

    1. One of Japan’s aims is to reduce reduce green house gases by 46% by 2030.

    2. They are also hoping to drop down to 1.5 degrees so they can restore the planet from climate change and global warming.

    3.Also they are trying to limit the
    amount of green house gases.

    4.Are trying to help the planet by pressing a charge on plastic bags.

  4. Asilah K.

    What is a Paris agreement…?
    A Paris agreement is a group trying to sort out climate change.
    How does Paris agreement work?
    A Paris works by a agreement on a 5 years cycle.
    Do countries support each other?
    The Paris agreement provides building supports to those countries who need it.

  5. Ilyas I.

    Japan needs to lower the climate change level 60% lower than in 2013. Japan is trying to set achievable goal that are appropriate. Their goal is to lower the Earth’s temperature by 2 degrees lower than pre industrial times. They are behind with their goals so they need to lower their standard so they are achievable.

  6. Saffiyah K.

    While NDCs allow countries to set a plan of action in the short-and medium-term,LT-LEDS provide a long -term vision for increasing countries.

  7. Muhammed A.

    The Paris Agreement is all about climate change , framework about financial, technical and building I’m their countries The agreement works on a 5 year review cycle every year they review whether they made progress or not.
    Japans goal within the Paris Agreement is to increase their climate goal 60% before 2030. The Paris Agreement next review is in 2025. Japan are still 60% away from its goal of climate change.

  8. Laura M.

    What is the Paris Agreement and how does it work? Do countries support one another?

    How does the Paris agreement work?

    The Paris Agreement sets out a global framework to avoid dangerous climate Change by limiting global warming to well below 2C and pursing efforts to limit it to 1.5C.

    Do countries support one another?
    Since 2015 they supported 197 countries since.

    NDCs allow countries to set a plan of action in the short and medium term, LTLEDS provide a long term vision for increasing countries.

  9. Mishal N.

    What is the Paris agreement on and how does it work? Do countries support one another?(Bronze)
    Legally binding,international UN treaty under the UNFCCC , these are the NDC overall goals;
    One of the countries:
    A) Reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions.
    B)To adapt to the impacts of temperature.
    C)They talk about Financials,technical,Capacity-building.
    Paris agreement has now been around for five years now.
    NDC allow countries to set a plan of action in the short- and medium-term, but
    LT-LEDS provides a long term vision to increase countries.

  10. Steven N.

    NDC are the main part of the Paris agreement and each country has to reduce their national emissions and there long term achievements.

    LT-LED it’s a way to bridge sustainable development and climate change and mitigation objectives.This framework helps countries

    This difference is that NDC is linked to reducing national emissions and it’s the main part of the Paris agreement
    LT-LED is linked to climate and mitigation objectives

  11. Afsana K.

    Gold:What are Japan’s goals within the Paris Agreement?
    Have they been successful so far.
    It is legally binding and international based on climate change and is an un treaty.Under the UNFCCC.
    What do countries do to help climate change:
    *Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
    *5 year cycle.
    *To adapt to impact to high temperature due to climate change.
    *Paris Agreement provides framework for Financial,Technical,Capacity-building.
    *Every five years, they review everyone builds.
    *The Agreement started in December 12 2015( it is more than 5 years.).
    *America is the only country to back out of the Agreement!

    Japan goals in the Paris agreement is reducing greenhouse gas emissions and Japan is very consistent with the temperature goal(below 2 degrees so 1.5 degrees Celsius).

  12. Xavier M.

    While NDCs allow countries to set a plan of action in the short- and medium-term, LT-LEDS provide a long-term vision for increasing countries’ ability to mitigate and, potentially, adapt to adverse effects of climate change while making other development policies consistent with such objectives.

  13. Esha A.

    Legally Binding
    Un treaty
    Under the UNFCCC
    Climate change

    Every 5 years the review
    Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
    The Paris agreement
    More plans

    US joining and then leaving
    America doesn’t want to be apart of this
    Keep it down 1.2 degrees
    It’s a goal of global warming to well below 2, preferably 1.5 degrees compared to pre- industrial levels.
    Some country’s support and some don’t beacuse of the poverty

  14. Ridwan U.

    Japan is helping the Paris agreement in one of their treaties. They are helping the PA fight against global warming and pollution.Japan’s enhanced NDC is consistent with the temperature goal of the Paris Agreement.
    Japan has helped a lot as they have reduced their countries gas emissions and industries on factories. they are trying to keep the countries weather below 15°C. Japan is trying to reduce their green house emissions by 2030. And around a 75% reduction by 2050

  15. Saira S.

    Gold: What are Japan’s goals within the Paris Agreement? Have they been successful so far?
    Japan’s goal within the Paris Agreement is to reduce greenhouse gas emission. They are very in line with the temperature goal.

  16. Safwan U.

    Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
    Planing how to fix the heat.
    Agreement and financial and technical and capacity-Building.
    Revel every 5 years 2020,2025,2030 and the rest.
    Paris agreement is 5years old.
    USA did not agree with the G7.
    The USA doesn’t agree with the G7 and the factory’s lot’s of smoke and crate pollution.
    Adopted 15 December 2014

  17. Abdullah A.

    Legally Binding, un treaty
    Country’s reduce Greenhouse gas emissions
    Paris Agreement provides a framework for Financial, Technical and Capacity -building
    They meet every 5 days 2020,2025,2030,2035
    The Paris agreement is 5 years old.
    Japan’s enhanced NDC is consistent with the temperature goal of the Paris Agreement as set out in its Article 2, paragraph 1 (a), to hold the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial.

    1. Abdullah A.

      The Japanese government is also contributing a total of $3 billion to the Green Climate Fund, supporting the transition to decarbonisation in developing countries through innovation and technology, including using Japan’s leading technologies and experience. Popularising renewable energy works both ways, says Dr. The Paris Agreement on climate change was adopted in December 2015 and entered into force on 4 November 2016. Japan ratified the agreement on 8 November 2016 and began applying appropriate measures to achieve the goals outlined therein on 8 December 2016.The Paris Agreement on climate change was adopted in December 2015 and entered into force on 4 November 2016. Japan ratified the agreement on 8 November 2016 and began applying appropriate measures to achieve the goals outlined therein on 8 December 2016.

  18. Danyaal H.

    Bronze, Silver.
    The Paris Agreement is a legally international meeting on climate change.
    Also it is 5 years old and it entered force on November 4th 2016.
    The Paris Agreement was signed by 194 countries but now it is in the 180s. They want to reduce Greenhouse gases emission and it could be impossible to recover; this could be the difference between life and death for thousands of years. But there is no fines or punishments for not reaching there targets. India is the only one who has kept up with there target and the other. Countries who have signed it are behind and are not near their target. China, EU and the US have let the most Greenhouse gases and are the furthest from their aim.
    Since Japan signed the Paris Agreement, Japan has targeted a 26% reduction in Greenhouse gases emissions by 2030 and an 80% reduction in Greenhouse emissions by 2050.
    Values that you need for the Paris Agreement to work are:

    1. Danyaal H.

      By Danyaal and Musab.

  19. Elyas S.

    Paris Agreement is an Agreement made in 2015 but started in 2016.
    Paris agreement works in a 5 year cycle
    It started on December 12 2015
    And entered into force on November 4 2016
    Countries communicate there actions to reduce green house gas emission.
    There Over all goal is to reduce green house gasses which will have a positive impact on global warming
    Yes countries support each other and there were 194 signatures but some left so now there were 188 signatures.
    NDC stands for nationally determined contributions.
    By Elyas and Rahima

  20. Yalda N.

    1. One of Japan’s aims is to reduce reduce green house gases by 46% by 2030.

    2. They are also hoping to drop down to 1.5 degrees so they can restore the planet from climate change and global warming.

    3.Also they are trying to limit the
    amount of green house gases.

    By Asilah and Yalda.

  21. Ellie T.

    The country aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 46% by 2030.
    Leyad and eli

    1. Ellie T.

      Paris agreement is like climate change because it can get really hot if you get over 2 dredgers .
      The difference While NDCs allow countries to set a plan of action in the short- and medium-term, LT-LEDS provide a long-term vision for increasing countries’ ability to mitigate and, potentially,

  22. Timothy C.

    What is the Paris Agreement and how does it work? Do countries support one another?
    The Paris agreement is a climate change agreement and it is suppose to be a Economic and social transformation.
    It’s also a attempt to stop catastrophic climate change. The agreement was adopted on December 12, 2015and entered into force on the 4th of November 2016. It was officially signed by 194 countries including the g7 and some dripped out and is now 188. The overall goal is to stop climate change and reduce the gasses that start global warming. It is important that it doesn’t rise 2 degrees because if is rises 2 degrees higher it will impact earth and it will be impossible to recover from higher sea levels also in some places there will be food and water insecurity issues. (Insecure high levels of sea increase the risk of tsunamis and floods). There is actually no punishment if you don’t contribute. India is the only country that is meeting there target.China the Eu and the Us are the top three emitters and the all give of the most green house gasses ; they are no where near there target.
    Explain the difference between NDC’s and LT-LEDs?
    NDC’s means national determined contributions and LT-LEDs means Long Term Low Emission Development Strategy.
    What are Japan’s goals within the Paris Agreement? Have they been successful so far?
    There goals are to stop climate change.

  23. Esra S.

    The Paris agreement is a treaty and they want it to go from 2.0 degrees to 1.5 degrees and make people have a economic and social Transformation.It works on a 5 year cycle and in the 5 year cycle they fit in goals and ambitions to do in five years about climate change they said by 2020 they will go forwards with their plans NDC what means Nationally determines contributions Countries communicate actions to Refuse green house gas emissions by reducing the green house gasses it will have a positive effect on global warming and they also communicate to build resilience and tolerance to the heat.The agreement is to stop catastrophic issues from happening. It was established 4 November 2016 its was originally signed by 194 countries but now there are only 188.But the core of the agreement is to reduce the green house gasses so that Earths carbon sinks and keep pace so that the Earth does not overheat by 2100
    Beyond the 2 degrees will be a tipping point and it will not be able to recover from higher sea levels and disrupted weather patterns and food and water insecurity items and it will increase the risk of tsunamis and floods and impacts plants, food and water.So far, India is the only country in G20.There are no actual fines of joining the Paris agreement.India is the closest one to be set to achieving there targets.The top three emitters The EU,China and the US are no where near close to there targets and are just damaging the world more without doing much to help the US is the only industrial country to leave the Paris agreement.
    To clarify, Japan’s goal within the Paris agreement is to keep the global temperature below 2 degrees.Also to achieve goals to limit the global temperature at 1.5 degrees. Japan is not achieving their goal well by having it below 2 degrees because India is well in head of it but is still having a positive impact on the carbon emissions.

    1. Esra S.

      By Esra and Jacob.

  24. Rasan M.

    1) The Paris agreement is a is an agreement to stop all climate change before it goes over another 2 degrees cause if it does then the world will be in a irreversible state.
    2) I don’t think the countries help each other because it says they all have their own goals to stop global warming.
    An NDC stands for National Determined Contribution.
    An LT-LEDS stands for Long Term Low Greenhouse Gas Emission Development Strategies
    Their goals are to lower 46% of the greenhouse gases before 2030
    Japan is almost at their goals.

    By Rasan and Rida

  25. Roma M.

    Bronze :
    Paris Agreement: Legally Binding International un treaty under the UNFCC.
    Aim to keep Global warming: we’ll below 2oC preferably to 1.5oC compared to pre-industrial levels.
    Economic and social transformation
    They need to face climate challenges now and into the future.
    5 year cycle
    By 2020: nationally determined contributions
    NDC overall
    Goal: reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
    Reach the goals of Paris Agreement.
    Communicate actions to build resilience.
    To adapt to the impacts of: temperature rise.
    NDC overall Goal: adaptation and finance flows
    Paris Agreement provides a framework for: technical financial capacity building.
    Starting in 2024 transparent report on action taken.
    Global stocktake Assesses progress.
    Leads to recommend for countries.
    To set increasingly ambitious plans 2020,2025,2030,2035.
    Roma Alisha James

  26. Shabaz A.

    Paris Climate Agreement
    The Paris Climate Agreement is a legally international place where they aim to take 2 degree Celsius to 1.5 degrees
    They have an economics and social transformation.
    In the 5 year cycle to finish the ambitious targets.
    Every 5 years the talk about how well they are doing by having a Nationally Determined Contribution( NBC )
    Their overall goal is to reduce greenhouse gases.
    They need to adapt as a country to put strategy in place
    COVID 19 made the G7 countries even harder meet up
    It started in 12 December 2015.

    Additionally they spoke in November 4 2016. It was signed initially by 194 countries and now ratified to 188 in November 2020.
    They want to reduce greenhouse gases to stop global warming from spreading.

    If it goes over 2 degrees it could go to a tipping point, it will be impossible to recover from the higher sea levels and insecure weather patterns. Higher sea levels could lead to tsunamis disease floods whereas lots of sun makes drought. This could lead to thousands of people dying. By 2030, the Earth could go up and lead to lots of global warming.
    There is no fine or punishment for not co – operating their targets. India is the first country where they are nearly set to finish Paris Climate Agreement ambition targets. The top three emitters are China, United States of America and European Union.

    When Japan signed with the Paris Climate agreement they started a priority, which is a 26 percent reduction in Greenhouse gasses ( GHG ) emissions by 2030 and a 80 percent reduction in GHG emissions by 2050.

    1. Shabaz A.

      From Shabaz and Aayan S

  27. Eesa F.

    Paris agreement
    Economic and social Transformation recycling and more 5 year cycle increasingly ambitious climate action.
    by 2020 Nationally Determined contributions reduce Greenhouse gas emissions it’s a attempt to stop catastrophic climate change the agreement started December 12 2015.
    It is now 188 as of November 2021 the target is 2100. distrusted weather patterns food and water insecurity issues higher sea levels can cause tsunami’s and floods and impacts growth of food and water. So far India is the only country in the G20 that is on track to meet its initial promise back in 2015.The first top 3 emitters China,the EU, and the U.S. Japans goals for the Paris agreement is to hold the increase in the average temperature below 2°C and at 1.5°C.
    By Reece and Eesa.

  28. Merab R.

    Bronze / silver

    Aims to get global warming temperatures from 2 to 1.5 degrees for it to happen the need to change the way people act towards littering and spreading pollution.
    The Paris agreement works on a five year cycleincreasingly ambitious climat change
    By 2020 :nationally determined contributions every 5 years they make new rules to help the world
    The overall goal is to reduce greenhouse gasses into the air.
    By reducing greenhouse gases it will have a posoive impact of the earth

    As temperature are rising they need to put their strategy’s
    Is an attempt to stop catastrophic climate change
    The agreement started in the 12 of December 2015
    But established at November the 4 2016
    The Paris agreement had 194 countries but some dropped out causing only to have 188 2020
    They want to reduce the overall amount of greenhouse gases as it takes a huge part in global warming.
    The target is 2100 to stop greenhouse gas es from effecting the earth
    Climate change can not reach another 2 degrees
    If it goes above two degrees the icebergs will not be abl3 to recover food insecurity’s higher sea levels and disturbing sheathe pattens.higher sea levels increase the risks of tsunamis and floods and impacts growth of food and water there is no actual punishment for not taking part
    India is the only country closest to meet there goals
    China the EU and the US give of the most carbon dioxide and the furthest away

    Gold: What are Japan’s goals within the Paris Agreement? Have they been successful so far?
    The country aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 46% by 2030 compared with 2013, Suga said before the global climate summit hosted by U.S. President Joe Biden.

    What values do you think need to be showcased in order for the Paris Agreement to work?

    I think the values that need to be used for the Paris agreement to work are resilience and tenacity as lots of people should not give up trying to save the world because if one person can do it everyone can work together and restore the Earth.

  29. Yousuf I.

    The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on climate change. The agreement aims to substantially reduce global greenhouse gas emissions in an effort to limit the global temperature increase in this century to 2 degrees Celsius this means to limit the increase to 1.5 degrees.

    NDC try to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for their goals trying to
    change global warming however LT-LEDS do Global Meetings on Long term Low Emissions and Development Strategies.

    By signing the Paris Agreement, Japan targeted a 26 percent reduction in green house gas emissions by 2030 and an 80 percent reduction in Green house gas emissions by 2050. This country aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 46% by 2030 compared with 2013.

    We think resilience should be used in the Paris agreement because it can’t just always go right and it takes time ,in order for the Paris agreement to work.

    By Yousuf and Raihaan

  30. Harris B.

    The Paris agreement is an international organisation aiming to stop catastrophic climate change and change temperatures between 2 degrees and 1. 5 degrees , for this to happen it requires economic social . The Paris agreement is a 5 year cycle they have ambitions for climate action .This started in 1960 .The Paris agreement was signed by officially by 194 country’s and then some left so now 188 . If the temperature rises 2 degrees it reaches a tipping point which you can’t recover from it stuff like higher sea levels ,disrupted weather patterns also food and water insecurity issues .This can impact the risk of tsunamis .Each country’s have their own issues and if they miss there goals they won’t be fined because basically it’s voluntary so no punishments . Out of 194 country’s India is the only country to sort and meet their targets and other country’s are behind . Tho top 3 emitters China the EU and the USA are nowhere near reaching their targets .
    Silver NDCs stand for natural determined contributions . This has happened already once , next in 2025, then 2030 and then 2035.The NDCs overall goal is reducing greenhouse gases will have an impact on global warming
    Japan aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 46% by 2030 .

    1. Harris B.

      Noah and Harris.

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