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Year 6 PSHE – Responsibilities

To consider the responsibilities of Year 6 and to understand consequences if responsibilities are not met

How can we be responsible members of the Year 6 team?

  • High quality responses to the blogs
  • Being sensible when walking around school being careful not to disrupt learning
  • Keeping equipment well maintained
  • Following instructions to the best of our abilities
  • Giving our best in all subjects
  • Reading every day and completing homework
  • Being a good role model, being respectful and following the rules
  • Staying clean and hygienic

Please answer the following questions in full sentences!

Bronze: What does it mean to be a good role model in school? How can you achieve this? What is the impact on other students?

Silver: How will being a good role model affect your life when you leave Broad Heath?

Gold: What is anarchy? Define. How does this link to responsibilities and rules?

124 responses to “Year 6 PSHE – Responsibilities”

  1. Sameeha A.

    What does it mean to be a good role model in school?
    It means that you need to set a good example for the younger years.
    How can you achieve this?
    By being respectful
    What is the impact on other students?
    They will copy us.
    How will being a good role model affect your life when you leave Broad Heath?
    In Secondary it will be easier for you to make friends.
    What is anarchy? Define anarchy.
    Anarchy is a state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority or other controlling systems.
    How does this link to responsibilities and rules?
    This links to responsibilities and rules because if you don’t follow rules then you will be an Anarchy.

  2. Maryam N.

    It means that we need to be good so the younger children will copy us . This will have a big impact on other students because they will copy us and they will be good role models for others as well and when they come to year six they will do what we did and other children will copy them and this will be on going and everyone will be a good role model.

    It will effect on our life outside of B-road heath beacaouse when we will leave for secondary school we will be the lowest year so we will need to use our B-road heath values to be responsible for our actions and be good because the higher years might not be good so we should show them so others will be good
    a state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority or other controlling systems.
    It links to responsibility and rules because we are responsible for our own actions.

    😀Maryam and Seher😀

  3. Mehreen I.

    1 being senceble and respect of things being kind being caring
    2 being caring and kind
    3 a state of disorder

  4. Sarah A.

    What does it mean to be a good role model in school? How can you achieve this? What is the impact on other students?
    It means that you are setting an example to the younger children. I can achieve this by being a good , kind person to the school. The impact is that they become kind people.

    How will being a good role model affect your life when you leave Broad Heath?
    It will affect you because you would be a kind, respectful person so you would have friends in new school and will enjoy your life.

    What is anarchy? Define. How does this link to responsibilities and rules?
    Anarchy means the organization of society on the basis of voluntary cooperation, without political institutions or hierarchical government; anarchism. It links to responsibilities and rules because it says organisation of the society on the basis of voluntary cooperation.


  5. Markuss B.

    A good role model is a person who is a good person and you show how others behave.
    You can achieve this by doing a presentation of how to be a good role model.
    This impacts others because if you are good younger children will copy you.

    If you are a good role model you will have more time to work hard and pass your sats and this will help your secondary decide your GCSE.(which will determine your future.)

    Anarchy means absence of government.
    This links since if there was no government it would be chaos.

  6. Ibraheem T.

    Bronze :1. A good role model means being good infront of the younger ones because if they learn bad action from the older ones they will copy your action.
    2.You can achieve by listening to the teachers as making sure that nobody talks to you in class or you May be punished by your teacher.
    3. The impact on the other student is by being involved in argument and be punished for being involved
    If you are a role model to other kids at broad Heath they will do the right thing and copy you and you will be rewarded.
    Anarchy means if you are absent or not this can affect you in school because if you are absent you will miss learning and if this happens again it can Be a issue and could affect in bad learning.

  7. Mohammed W.

    Being a good role model means showing others what it means to be a good citizen by helping others to achieve and to show others how to behave.
    Being a role model can affect our lives when we leave Broad Heath or any other school because if we go to a school that is not close and you don’t have any friends if you are kind and respectful and you are a great role model then you will be able to make friends with ease.
    An anarchy is a place where there is no government and it is chaotic.This shows that there is no sense of responsibility and there is no sense of role modelling to any other country.

  8. Hudayifah A.

    To be a good role model you need to be a trustworthy person. You can achieve this by being kind and honest and caring and BRILLIANT.It impacts other children (especially younger ones) because they would want to mimic you.

    It will effect your life in secondary school because if you be a role model you will have good reputation.

    Anarchy means a state of disorder due to absence of authority or other controlling systems.
    This links to responsibility because if there is no role model, then everyone will be irresponsible.

  9. Isah C.

    Is good to be a good school model because if you do something bad orther people will coppy you action
    I can achieve this by listening to the teacher
    If you don’t behave children will follow you
    If you are good when you go secondary school you will not get detention and if you do something bad people won’t like you and you will get bullied
    Anarchy means when your absent you will get mark for your adendence

  10. Ayaan M.

    To be a good role model you have to be good and use kind language, it’s not always about being smart. This can impact children younger than you as they think you are best in school and copy ur behaviour.

    Being a role model can affect in future as more people will want to work with me and will see me as a good person . It can also help younger people that want to be good role models like you.

    Anarchy is a state of disorder which occurs due to absence or non-recognition of authority and controlling systems. This links into our rules because If you don’t follow the rules the country will go into chaos.

  11. Zahra D.


    Being a good role model in school means that you have to be responsible for your own actions.
    I can achieve this by listening to the teachers and helping out.
    The impact is younger students will copy you.


    Being a good role model will affect you when you leave broad heath because in se on dart school, you may or may not have friends.


    Anarchy is when someone has no authority over someone else. This links to responsibilities and rules because when doing a job you have to listen to what they said and not let someone do it for you.

  12. Muhammad S.

    To be a good role model is to set a high standard for the younger people in the school. You can achieve this by following all of the school rules. As you are older than the other students they will copy you and also have good behaviour. Being a good role model can benefit you when you leave Broad Heath as you will be able to behave and learn even more in secondary school. A state of lawlessness due to the absence of governmental authority. This links to responsibilities as you have to behave even when a teacher isn’t present.

  13. Zahraa Y.

    Being a good role model means that you will have a good time and other children will be inspired and copy you which means that they will have a good year and they will become a good student.
    It will affect your life a lot because year 7 also known as secondary school is hard and people can be rude so you will settle in well and have a good time secondary but also little children will copy and they will be good in school too and have good memories and a good year.
    Anarchy means a situation with no government and it links to responsibility and rules because without a government people will commit crimes and there will not be any punishment or if they did something bad they will get away because there is no rules so everyone has free will.

  14. Oluwadumininu O.

    To be a great Role Model it means to be a figure that most people would to be or look up to.
    You can achieve this by following school rules and being responsible members of your year group and meeting it’s expectations.
    It will affect you as people will remember as a great role model

    1. Mrs Morris

      What happens if we don’t follow the rules?

  15. Lexi M.

    Bronze-To be a good role model means to be respectful,show kindness and to be the best version of you that you can be.You should also remember you are a Broad Heath citizen out of school aswell.

    1. Mrs Morris

      Can you give me an example of a time you have shown kindness

  16. Zeyd H.

    To be a good role model in school, you should show the school rules and values. If people see you doing this, they will copy and make school a better place.
    If I leave school as a good broad Heath citizen, people will continue my legacy and I will be known as a good person.
    Anarchy is when one does not follow rules.

    1. Mrs Morris

      What would the impact of anarchy be?

  17. Nuha I.

    Being a good role men’s to be responsible and mature and to not be immature. You can become a role model by helping others, being kind and setting an example. The impact on other people is that they start to behave better and copy your actions.

    When you leave Broad Heath, if you are a good role model it will affect your life in a good way as you are more likely to not break the law. You will also be more likely to have a better future such as getting a good job as people would know that you are a good person. You would have more friends and you are likely to become a kind, caring person.

    Anarchy is when you do not follow the law and follow our own rules. This links to responsibility and rules as you would end up in jail if it was serious. If you did things like graffiti, the first time you do it you would get a warning but it would be wrote down and if you kept doing bad things you would go to prison.

    1. Mrs Morris

      You’re the top of the school – being a good role model is so important.
      What would happen if there was anarchy everywhere?

  18. Yahya S.

    It means to represent the school values and rules. You can achieve this by following the school values and putting it in your actions.
    If you continue to be a role model when you leave the school then you can achieve great success which will affect your future career.
    Anarchy means chaos and if everyone followed their own rules anarchy will take over the world.

    1. Mrs Morris

      What would the impact of anarchy be?

  19. Aalya H.

    What does it mean to be a good role model?How can you achieve this?what is the impact on other students?it means that show a good role model to others and showing them how are you in year 6 and you can achieve this by listening,doing your best,and being the best you can.ipa t of other students is that follow the school rules and be the best as you can.

    How will being a good role model affect your life when you leave Brodie Heath?
    I will be a good role model by showing everyone you are a broad Heath team and showing everyone that your god to others and it will be sad to leave B-road Heath but then we can show others we are a good role model to everyone in the school community!

    What is the anarchy?a state of disorder due to absence or non recognition of authority or other controlling systems.
    How does this link to responsibilities and rules ? By showing them 👍

    1. Mrs Morris

      Why is it so important for Year 6 to be good citizens?

  20. Rhia H.

    BRONZE A good role model in school means showing others the right way to behave in school and setting the example you can achieve this by looking at others around you make sure they are also making the right choices as well 😊☺️😊☺️😊☺️

    1. Mrs Morris

      Give me an example of when you have made the right choice.

  21. Diana D.

    Being mature, confident, and sure of your understandings
    It has an impact to show people that if someone became a good role model people
    will try to be like you.
    It will make you a better person when you become older and have more opportunities
    If you become kinder
    Gold ;
    Anarchy means like doing what you want
    when you want which in most countries and
    circumstances is unexeptable. And if everyone started doing it ,it would be chaos

    1. Mrs Morris

      Why are your opportunities better if you are kinder?

  22. Yunus R.

    It says that why you should be responsible because if you don’t be responsible and flowing the rules you could go in jail that’s disgusting 🤢 🤮. Or go through a rough deal with a government why do government prefer pupils to go school for education and learn how to be responsible and for your future.

    Being a role model could affect your life good your choice do you want to be locked in jail or do you want to have a good life.
    Spending time with your family or do you want to be eating smelly food and a stinky jail and in bif everyone does what ever they want it will cause a lot of danger ⚠️ ⛔️.
    And in broad heath if you break the rules you could 98% chance you could go in the behaviour 📚book and miss out wonderful trips so be good.

    Anarchy means when you don’t follow the rules so be the opposite of that and be good 😌 👍🏽 😌.

    1. Mrs Morris

      Explain to me one responsibility you have and how you carry that out.

  23. Ramarni J.

    It means to be respectful to everyone and you can achieve this by accepting each other and always using the 12 school values! It will have a good impact on younger years!

    When you leave BroadHeath you will leave with respect as people with remember you as a kind and respectful person.

    Anarchy means a disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority or other controlling systems.

    1. Mrs Morris

      What would the world be like if we all did what we wanted, when we wanted?

  24. Awais W.

    To be a good role model you can show this by getting certificates or citizen of the week this means you have been really good that week and be a good role model for the younger ones.
    It will show that you have been a great person in your last school ( primary) the teachers will also be able to tell you are not a violent or unusual person.

    1. Mrs Morris

      What is anarchy?

  25. Ebenezer O.

    To be a good role model in school means to give your best , listen to your teachers and be the best you you can be.This impact might give other children the courage to try to copy you so if you be good they will try to be good as well.
    Being a good role model in broadheath means that as you leave you will try to encourage others .
    —————————————————————————————- ———————————————-–––––––——————— Gold
    Anarchy means that people don’t listen to the government rules and this could cause chaos.

  26. Noah J.

    Bronze: What does it mean to be a good role model in school? How can you achieve this? What is the impact on other students?
    To be a good 👍 role model is to be someone who looks up to you for good reasons in school. You can achieve this by being a good person around everyone and not be a bad person as you would be bad role model and may make people think it is ok.It can impact negatively and positively to your friends and other peers.

    Silver: How will being a good role model affect your life when you leave Broad Heath?
    It will make you less likely to be arrested or develop a criminal record and you can forefill your dream.

    1. Mrs Morris

      Are you a good role model to others? Why?

  27. Tana I.

    Being a good role model in school means being kind,respectful,helpful , and all these nice stuff.
    If you do all of these things in school you may achieve citizen of the week ,or a prize from the prize box.

    1. Mrs Morris

      Tell me a time when you have shown respect.

  28. Malachy B.

    We can be a very good role model to the younger students in the lower years like year5 year4
    Year3 year2 year1.

    People will remember me as a good role model and the behaviour that I have for example being good 👍🏻 wen I leave they will think oh I remember that boy he was so good so the impact will be a good model for the younger children.

    Anarchy is the meaning of_you follow your own rules and you do not obey the British law and was set by the government if you follow your own rules at the age of 10 and above you could get a criminal record but if you do it multiple times you could get arrested
    But if your young (max age 5) and you take something from the store it won’t be counted as stealing because they don’t understand what will happen…but like I said you need to bee a good role model


    1. Mrs Morris

      What is the law on ages and crime? Research how old you have to be to get a criminal record.

  29. Kanishka P.


    It means that you will get more awards and get respect too.
    You can achieve this by being responsible, respectful and kind.
    How it impacts on other children is that they will start following what you are doing like being a role model then they will follow it and if you be bad or disrespectful then they will follow you and be bad.
    Being a role model will affect my life by helping me to be good and respectful. Also other people will follow it .
    Anarchy means that you don’t follow the rules that the government make and you follow your own rules. Also it can cause chaos.

    1. Mrs Morris

      What would the world be like if we had no rules?

      1. Kanishka P.

        It would be a disaster because people will start to be bad and have no manners also people will be disrespectful and the world will become to be bad.

  30. Daryan K.

    To be a good role model for all of the students in not just the classroom and the younger children in the school to make them like all of us for the school environment for the future. Thank you Daryan, s comment

    1. Mrs Morris

      Do you think you are a good role model? Why?

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