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Year 6 PSHE – Responsibilities

To consider the responsibilities of Year 6 and to understand consequences if responsibilities are not met

How can we be responsible members of the Year 6 team?

  • High quality responses to the blogs
  • Being sensible when walking around school being careful not to disrupt learning
  • Keeping equipment well maintained
  • Following instructions to the best of our abilities
  • Giving our best in all subjects
  • Reading every day and completing homework
  • Being a good role model, being respectful and following the rules
  • Staying clean and hygienic

Please answer the following questions in full sentences!

Bronze: What does it mean to be a good role model in school? How can you achieve this? What is the impact on other students?

Silver: How will being a good role model affect your life when you leave Broad Heath?

Gold: What is anarchy? Define. How does this link to responsibilities and rules?

124 responses to “Year 6 PSHE – Responsibilities”

  1. Yaseen Y.

    To be a good role model you have to make the younger children look up to you by:
    Following all the school rules
    Not being bad
    Always doing the right thing
    If you are a good role model when you leave Broad Heath everyone will remember you as a good behaved person.
    Anarchy is when they don’t follow the laws and do what they want.
    This could be represented in school if someone does something bad ,for example if someone ripped another persons shirt.That would be anarchy because it is not on the school rules.

  2. Caleb A.

    Being a great role model is to show younger children what good and bad are.
    The I’m pact should be them acting responsible most of the places they go and not breaking lots of laws.
    It will help out of school by helping you stay out of trouble.

  3. Abdulahi D.

    Bronze:Being a role model Is like when you are showing respect
    And making younger people be like you

    Silver: It will affect your life by still being in the broadheath family and
    Taking care of others

    Gold: Anarchery is when your following your own rules and
    That is going to cause chaos due to following own rules
    And that is a bit offensive for a little child

  4. Hanfaa N.

    What it means to be a good role model is to show everyone younger than you a good example of how to act good. You can achieve by doing this by just being the good person of you. The impact of the other students are that they can learn a lot of maturity of you.
    Being a good role model in BroadHeath will adapt the younger children’s mindset to act towards the high standard.
    Anarchy means no one lives by the rules so for example you can’t drink alcohol in loads of countries. How this represents to responsibilities is that you should always listen to people who you trust in and make sure to always listen to your teachers.

  5. Ibraheem S.

    You can be a good role model by picking litre. This can impact other students by making them want to do it.
    It will affect my life when I leave Broad Heath by making me a way better person and have a personality.
    This links to responsibility because of appearances.

  6. Inayha H.

    Being a good role model in school means helping others, responding to blogs, taking care of stationery or school supplies.
    When I leave BroadHeath i would know how to be a good role model, a good person in general.
    Anarchy is when a person follows their own rules and they don’t follow the rules set by the government meaning they do anything they want.

  7. Yedullah S.

    Bronze: To be a good role model in school you have to follow the school rules and values. You will need to be kind and respectful. This will make others follow you and be kind and caring and respectful.

    Silver: This will make you have a habit of being good and you will be smart as you have listened to the teacher a lot.

    Gold: Anarchy is not following the rules and doing whatever you want. This is not being responsible and you are breaking the law.

  8. Aarav R.

    To be a good role model you can always be good and try your best.
    You can achieve this by trying your best.
    This will make people in lower classes follow what you do.
    If you will be a good role model when you’re in Broad heath when you leave you will have a habit of being good.
    Anarchy means when everyone doesn’t follow the rules and create chaos.
    This links to responsibilities and rules because if everyone breaks the rules by not doing their work or being bad it would create chaos and anarchy.

  9. Kydun R.

    Bronze- be helpful be good in assembly try win the brick wall and be the best class and be kind and follow he school rules.
    Silver- being good will gain respect in other people to help make friend and be a good role model to the school.
    Gold- if there is anarchy it means like nit following the rules just doing your own thing and not listen to the government like in Singapore you have to cross in certain areas otherwise it is j-walking. If this happend it would be chouse.

  10. Ameen K.

    When you don’t follow rule then no one will follow the rules and chaos

  11. Ameen K.

    They will follow what you do

    Because more people will be like you

  12. Mohamed E.

    The water was so cold at least it was so fun

  13. Aisha A.

    Bronze: What does it mean to be a good role model in school? The meaning of good 👍 role model is listening 👂 to ur teachers 🧑‍🏫 and adults in this school. Children should be copying the good things about u not the bad things.

    Silver: How will being a good role model affect your life when you leave Broad Heath? It will make u have jobs and people would like to hire u if ur a good 👍 role model.

    1. Mrs Sanders

      What is anarchy? Define. How does this link to responsibilities and rules?

  14. Hasbia D.

    Bronze: What does it mean to be a good role model in school? How can you achieve this? What is the impact on other students?
    You can achieve being a good role model by setting the standard and being kind. Also you should focus in class and try your hardest to be able to achieve more. The impact on other students is that they may follow your actions and be good role models as well.

    Silver: How will being a good role model affect your life when you leave Broad Heath?
    By being a good role model it may affect your life in the future by doing well in your subjects and achieving well in your future job. Also it may affect your secondary life because if you be kind this will show the teachers how responsible, mature and trusted you are.

    Gold: What is anarchy? Define. How does this link to responsibilities and rules?
    A belief system that rejects governmental authority. This links to responsibilities and rules because they are not showing respect towards the government.

    By:Hasbia and Sania

    1. Mrs Sanders

      What would the world be like with no rules?

  15. Rayyana M.

    Being a good role model is when you set an example for other children.you can be a good role model by listening to your teachers and if you listen then you work harder.

    It will affect your life because if your looking for a job if you’re irresponsible or silly then you will get a bad job and be paid less than everyone else .

    Anarchy means no rules or a state of disorder. This links to responsibilities and rules because no rules no responsibility. This also means that people will be less responsible and little children can get hurt.

    Yad Rayyana

    1. Mrs Sanders

      How are you a good role model?

  16. Retaj I.

    What does it mean to be a good role model in school? How can you achieve this? What is the impact on other students?
    It feels good to be a role model because you have an impact on other children so they copy off the good stuff off you.
    Being a role model will have an impact on my life because maybe some people will stand up to me.


    1. Mrs Sanders

      What is anarchy? Define. How does this link to responsibilities and rules?

  17. Saffa M.

    You have to make sure everyone is safe because we are the oldest in the school and make sure you aren’t bad and ignoring the teacher or people making sure you are safe or else younger people will copy you you can be a good role model by trying your best and making sure you aren’t disrespectful it can make a big impact on other people as they can copy you and become a good role model too it can affect you when you leave B-road heath because it will incorage you to still be a good role model in your new school and incorage people to do the same

    1. Mrs Sanders

      What is anarchy? Define. How does this link to responsibilities and rules?

  18. Eman A.

    Bronze what does it mean to be a good role model in school ? How can you achieve this?what is the impact on other students ?
    Being a good role model in school means setting the example for younger students .I can achieve this by always doing the right thing even if I think no one is watching and always and always living up to the quality of work expected and the behavior expected This can affect other students especially those younger than me as if they see me behaving badly then they will think that it is ok to act like that but if they see us acting good then they will know that they should be like those older than them

    Silver. How will being a good role model affect your life when you leave Broadheath(school)
    It will affect my life because it will make sure that I am always good and kind to others

    1. Mrs Sanders

      What is anarchy? Define. How does this link to responsibilities and rules?

  19. Bakary C.

    What does it mean to be a good role model in school? How can you achieve this? What is the impact on other students?
    It means to be a good role model by helping younger students and tell how to overcome a fear in the following years, it will also mean that if you be a kind role model, they will follow your lead and be more sensible.
    How will being a good role model affect your life when you leave Broad Heath?
    Bing a good role model will mean that if you do well in your SATS, you will be in a higher level when you’re in Secondary school.
    What is anarchy? Define. How does this link to responsibilities and rules?
    Anarchy means when no one has the authority of anyone else. This links to responsibilities and rules as no one can tell you what to do. You have to do it by yourself without having to be told.

    1. Mrs Sanders

      How are you a good role model?

  20. Muhammed R.

    A good role model means to be a good example to younger people and to do your best work everyday.
    The impact is a lot because if you be a good role model younger people would want to be like you.
    If you be a bad role model you could get sad when your older and more stressed because you’re not a good role model for people.
    If you are a good role model you feel happy because you have a achievement that you helped other people to be good.

    1. Mrs Sanders

      What is anarchy? Define. How does this link to responsibilities and rules?

  21. Umama H.

    What does it mean to be a good role model in school?
    Being a good role model in school means that you are a person who will be looked up to and copied by behaviour by the younger ones.
    How can you achieve this?
    You can achieve this by following the school rules walking quietly through the corridor.
    What is the impact on other students?
    They will copy you and your behaviour and actions .

    How will being a good role model affect your life when you leave Broad Heath?
    You will set off a good example even in year 7

    What is anarchy? Define. How does this link to responsibilities and rules?
    Anarchy means a state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority or other controlling systems.

    1. Mrs Sanders

      What would the world look like with no rules?

  22. Elham S.

    Bronze: What does it mean to be a good role model in school? How can you achieve this? What is the impact on other students?
    A good role model means to be a good citizen because you are the oldest in the whole school because you are representing your year group!Anyone in year 6 can achieve this by trying their best and contributing to learning!
    Silver: How will being a good role model affect your life when you leave Broad Heath?
    Some people might know you for being a really bad role model from your school so it might affect you for being a really bad person!
    Gold: What is anarchy? Define. How does this link to responsibilities and rules?
    Anarchy means to not have no responsibility of anything or anyone and this links to responsibility because you don’t care about anything or anyone!


    1. Mrs Sanders

      How are you a good role model?

  23. Sanad S.

    Bronze: What does it mean to be a good role model in school? How can you achieve this? What is the impact on other students?

    It means that other students can have a good attitude as well. You can achieve this by helping people and a younger child might learn from it and one day they might become a good role model as well.

    Silver: How will being a good role model affect your life when you leave Broad Heath?

    When working hard at broad heath you might work hard in your secondary school as welll and not fail any other exams .

    Gold: What is anarchy? Define. How does this link to responsibilities and rules?

    Anarchy means a state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority or other controlling systems. We need rules because you might get a bad job.

    1. Mrs Sanders

      What would the world be like without rules?

  24. Sumaya S.

    Being a role model in school means where oyou’re behaivoiur is excellent and that your showing a good example to when those to come .you can achieve this by pushing your self to work harder so that when your SATS come you would achieve.
    It will affect your life by getting good grades in you other school.
    Anarchy means when there is no rules,this links to responsibilities and rules for example adults have no rules on there house but they still behave and do there work.

    1. Mrs Sanders

      How are you a good role model?

  25. Romeesa T.

    Bronze: What does it mean to be a good role model in school? How can you achieve this?
    A good role model is when you are responsible and respectful.You can achieve this by working your hardest , listening in lessons and by well behaved.
    Silver: How will being a good role model affect your life when you leave Broad Heath?
    People will know you kind ,respectful , Hygienic and honest.
    Gold: What is anarchy? Define. How does this link to responsibilities and rules?
    Anarchy means there is no rules nothing .Anarchy link to responsibilities because there is no rules to be responsible.
    Romeesa and Ghazala.

    1. Mrs Sanders

      What would the world be like with no rules?

  26. Tyson T.

    It means that if you’re good you can get rewards.You can achieve this by copying good actions and trying hard.This makes other children good.
    It will affect our life by being a good role model and teaching other kids to be a good role model.
    A state of disorder due to absence.This links to responsibility by controlling behaviour.

    Tyson & Mehar

    1. Mrs Sanders

      What would the world be like with no rules?

  27. Abdullah K.

    1. To be a good role model you have to care about all the children younger than you and behave so they will copy and become great role models.
    2. It will affect you when you leave this and you can help people in need so remember all the teaching that helped you from broad heath.
    3. Anarchy means when there is no rules and people just do what they want.If we had no rules then we would have accidents.If we have rules everyone life will be calm and fair.
    From Abdullah and Aro

    1. Mrs Sanders

      How are you a good role model?

  28. Khadija A.

    Anarchy means no rules no consequences 🔥 🔥 🔥

    Jensen and Khadija

    1. Mrs Sanders

      How are you a good role model?

  29. Khadija A.

    If you’re a good role model you will also be a good person and get a better job leading towards a better life and better future. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

  30. Khadija A.

    It means to be good so other children will copy your behaviour ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

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