Today Year 6 had an hour per class of climbing up a wall!! A team of experts came to the school with specialist equipment and belayed for the pupils to go up and down the wall safely!

6 White

6 Red

6 Blue

41 responses to “Year 6 on the Climbing Wall!”

  1. Muhammad S.

    I climbed twice and it was very nice and fun.

  2. Yalda N.

    I had a great time today as this warmed us up from the cold ad this was a very fun experience. Thx a lot for the treat.

  3. Kia J.

    I really enjoyed rock climbing as it was very fun although it was cold it was worth it

  4. James H.

    I had a really fun time and thank you to all the teachers and the head teacher for this week thank you

  5. Muhammad H.

    I really enjoyed this since it was easy to climb and it was fun to try 3 times.

  6. Merab R.

    It was a really good experience and to try new things.
    It was so fun and I would is again.

  7. Ellie T.

    l reallly like the experience and even the teachers had a go so it was reallly funny and l liked it myself and it was so fun when you got to come down . Everyone showed respect to the team that got to teach us today .
    l really wished we could do that again .

  8. Siddra K.

    This was a very fun experience!I hope I will get to do this again! Just not in the cold weather!

  9. Roma M.

    Rock climbing was fun I enjoyed and I had a 2nd go 🧗🏻‍♀️

  10. The experience was fun

  11. Eesa F.

    It was so fun when I was doing it

  12. Raihaan N.

    I really enjoyed this since it was not an average experience

  13. Rahima J.

    I really enjoyed climbing the wall at first it was hard but when I tried again it got easier.

  14. Musab H.

    Rock climbing was very fun and challenging to go to the top but I managed it to go to the top three times.

  15. This was very fun and it helped me develop my skills in climbing and I gradually became better and better at it and on my 3rd go I felt really confident in it.

  16. Alisha M.

    This was so fun and entertaining.I also personally enjoyed it.

  17. Elyas S.

    Thank you so much to the Head Teacher and the teachers who helped to make this happen.I really enjoyed this because it was the second time in my life rock climbing.

  18. Esra S.

    Rock climbing was the best!!!

  19. Rasan M.

    This was a very nice experience we took part in.
    -by Rasan and Rida

  20. Leyad R.

    I enjoyed this so much and thank you miss Frankish for this opportunity
    And James

  21. Reece T.

    Thank you all the teachers it was SO FUN!!!!! Thank you so much

  22. Shabaz

    Thank for the experienced teachers that helped us go up and down the wall. I enjoyed having 2 tries but I was really cold.

  23. Yousuf I.

    Rock climbing 🧗‍♀️ was fun but I nearly fell

  24. Timothy C.

    The rock climbing experience was alright.

  25. Abdullah A.

    Today was really fun as we were resilient and got to the top.

  26. Muhammed A.

    Thank to all the teachers who gave us this opportunity. Thank you to all the rock climbing specialist who came to our school to let us try rock climbing in school. I really enjoyed this.

  27. Esha A.

    When we were doing the rock climbing I was very sacred because when you first do it I thought I was gonna fall but I didn’t.
    When I had my second go I was not scared.

  28. Ridwan U.

    This was a scary experience, although It was scary, I still went and nearly reached the top.

  29. Aayan S.

    Rock climbing was soo fun i was able to reach the top.

  30. Mohammad A.

    I really enjoyed it as we could easily climb and get down it was a bit scary at first but it gradually became easy as we kept climbing.

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