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Hi Year 6! Your maths challenge this half term will be Revision based. Complete your working out in your homework books and bring these in.

The best answers will be chosen for a prize at the end of the half term in our challenge assembly. Good luck! Well done to those who have already brought in this.

Please complete as many clues as you can- try to crack the code!

6 responses to “Year 6 Maths Challenge – Summer 1”

  1. Yalda N.

    I have done this.

  2. Aayan S.

    I have completed the maths challenge. I found it quite tricky but I got it at the end.

  3. Abdullah A.

    I’ve cracked the code within 10 minutes and I’ve shown my teacher.

  4. Sammi S.

    I don’t understand can you help me tomorrow morning.

    1. Sammi S.

      Is okay if I just the English ?

      1. Sammi S.

        Never mind there is none

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