Well, what a day!!! The day wasn’t quite what we had planned with the surprise arrival of President Zelensky and our Houses of Parliament trip being cancelled – but we made the most of it! I think it is fair to say… WE ALL LOVE LONDON!

The day saw us taking on the roles of real tourists! We saw the River Thames, crossed the bridge, played in the Jubilee Gardens and soaked up the atmosphere around the London Eye, we visited the Cenotaph, Downing Street and Buckingham Palace.
Some of us were even fortunate enough to see Rishi Sunak and President Zelensky and we got a cheeky wave from King Charles as he passed us.

This was an amazing experience for all and I hope the children have created memories that will last them a lifetime.
Huge thank you to our parent volunteers for coming with us and supporting the trip so well.

36 responses to “Year 6 London Trip”

  1. Yaw A.

    I really enjoyed this trip. There were so many different things that happened, including seeing King Charles III, President Zelenskyy AND Rishi Sunak in the same day! I really enjoyed playing on the climbing frame and chilling out near the Buckingham Palace. I hope we can have another trip like this again.

  2. Rahat A.

    I had a great time at London. Meeting King Charles and President Zelenzky was a once in a lifetime opportunity. I wish we could have these type of trips often.

  3. Hasan S.

    But what do you think 💭 is better London or Dove Dale?I can’t make my mind up WHY

  4. Bahar K.

    I really enjoyed it! Seeing King Charles and President Zelensky made the day even better!

  5. Mahmuda C.

    I really enjoined our London trip.We also seen King Charles III and we had lots of fun.

  6. Muhammed R.

    It is my First time I’ve been to London and saw King Charles third and also we saw president of Ukraine and it was so fun and we enjoyed so much.

  7. Kaif B.

    I really enjoyed it so much we saw so many landmarks and we even saw King Charles wave at us. Thank you teachers for planning this trip.

  8. Israa F.

    I had a great time in London! Thank you to the staff and parents,My favourite part of being in London is when we seen Buckingham Palace and when we seen Rishi Sunak, President Zelensky AND when we got a wave from King Charles! This might be the best trip ever and I will keep this as a memory forever.

  9. Hasan S.

    I loved 🥰 this trip the sightseeing was fantastic.I have never been to London it was a first time experience also the best. I am so glad 😃 that I seen king 👑 Charles

  10. Esa M.

    Yesterday was so fun because we saw the king ,Rishi Sunak and the president of Ukraine.

  11. Kevin R.

    I loved it so much my funniest part was me being in the telephone booth and thumbs up through the broken glass so I could be see me in the photo.My favourite part of the trip was that we could see our current Monarch and my least favourite part was not going to the Houses of Parliament.

  12. Samik S.

    This was an amazing trip. I wish we have many trips like this in the future. It was so fun getting to see london eye, Buckingham palace, Houses of Parliament, Jubilee gardens, president of Ukraine and King Charles III

  13. Shahzad S.

    I enjoyed it alot and enjoyed the different landmarks, we even saw King Charles III. He even waved back at us!

  14. Asim A.

    I loved it so much it was so much fun we saw the king and the president of Ukrainian

  15. Muhammad J.

    I enjoyed London but it was a long day but I did have a good day because we went around London

    1. Muhammad J.

      And I cant believe that King Charles III waved at us

  16. Leon T.

    I enjoyed going to London.We seen King Charles instead of our Houses of Parliament trip and I enjoyed playing in the jubilee gardens.

  17. Safa K.

    I enjoyed this day very much and had a good time. My favourite part was the playground.

  18. Amelia H.

    The London trip was amazing my favourite part was when we saw the king drove by and Buckingham palace.

  19. Afreen S.

    I enjoyed the trip so much and was so happy to see King Charles III and go on the playground where we enjoyed some fun .

  20. Surinder J.

    I had so much fun! My favourite part was everything we did and we saw King Charles and President Zelensky.

  21. Sara M.

    I love going to London it was so much fun, it was so beautiful and amazing 🤩.

  22. Shahzaib M.

    I still cant believe king Charles waved back at us

  23. Luxor A.

    I really liked the trip.thank you.

  24. Aaminah A.

    This day was amazing! Thank you to all the staff and parents for helping us!

  25. Manvi R.

    I enjoyed being in London so much!

  26. Head Teacher

    Wow- perfect weather and some great attractions. Lovely smiles on everyones face , the day was just PERFECT. thank you staff for all your support as well as our fantastic parent helpers.

  27. Muhammad B.

    It was a very fun and long day I really enjoyed it and loved it so much .

  28. Mrs Morris

    A pleasure to take you, Khairy. You were so well behaved and it was lovely to see you enjoying it so much.

  29. Lawy A.

    I really enjoyed it and it is amazing that the president of Ukraine came.

  30. Khairy S.

    Thanks mrs sharma and mrs Morris i had a wonderful day i love King Charles wave at us and seeing wheeland playground and be with my friends

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