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Year 6 Drayton Manor 19.06.24

Key Details for Drayton Manor
** Children to arrive in school for normal time.
** We are aiming to be home for 5:15pm but please keep check the blog as we will update times.
** Children are to bring a packed lunch. If they usually have a school meal, a packed lunch will be provided.
** Please bring your lunch in a backpack (as discussed) as you will be carrying it all day.
** A carrier bag would be useful.
** Extra water and snacks are recommended.
** You will need to wear your school PE kit. A waterproof jacket for the water rides is recommended.
** Please dress for the weather.
** If applicable, bring your travel sickness notes.
** No money or electrical items are required for the day.
** Any changes to your usual home time routine, please let us know.

**Parent helpers – please be in school by 8:50am**

The end of year trip we’ve all been waiting for.
Please read the trip letter below outlining the details for the trip.
Any questions please ask.

One response to “Year 6 Drayton Manor 19.06.24”

  1. Tipian I.


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