Wellbeing provides life-long advantages in health, work, relationships, and creativity. … Wellbeing improves children’s academic performance, behavior, social integration, and satisfaction. Year 5 has had a great well-being day today. Here are some of the activities we have been completing today.

Mindfulness colouring- Today we mindfully coloured intricate space themed pictures. When colouring we relaxed and concentrated using our colouring skills. This helped us to continue on with the day with a positive mindset.

Eco Dome – To observe what is growing in our school environment, and implement a care plan to maintain grounds.

The children LOVED gardening today! As a team, we discussed the health benefits of gardening for us, and how it can positively impact both mental and physical health. We then began by deweeding the flower beds and removing any dead matter. We started to prepare the ground for planting, thinking about the position and space required for each individual plant. Ron helped us to remove new baby plants from our strawberry plants, meaning that some of us could take them home to our own gardens to continue to nurture. We ensured that any wildlife we discovered was placed back gently, and enjoyed planting new trees and shrubs contributing to ‘The Queen’s Canopy’ project. Lots of forget me nots were planted, in memorial to our late Queen. Well done all!


1960s Posters- We had fun researching facts about the 1960s. Creating posters to showcase facts and for key events that happened during the 1960s whilst enjoying some iconic music from the 60s era.

32 responses to “Year 5 Well-being Day.”

  1. Yunus R.

    I enjoyed 1960s day I liked the protest 1st and the rest

  2. Ameen K.

    I loved it.

  3. Aarav R.

    It was so much fun!

  4. Zahra D.

    I loved everything in well-being day.

  5. Caleb A.

    The planting and Bocha were the best.

  6. Lucas R.

    Thank you for the activities

  7. Saffa M.

    My favourite activity was boccia because it was fun and it was competitive

  8. Meharunisa A.

    I enjoyed bocia

  9. Awais W.

    I enjoyed all of the activities

  10. Lexi M.

    I like all of the activities but my favourite’s were the mindfulness and the gardening.

  11. Nuha I.

    My favourite activities were boccia and golf.

  12. Inayha H.

    I enjoyed all the activities but my favourites were gardening and crazy golf.

  13. Hanfaa N.

    It was really fun and I loved the Boccia and the gardening 👩‍🌾.

  14. Ali A.

    I enjoyed gardening and golf. Thank you for the well-being day.

  15. Mohammed I.

    I enjoyed well being day. My favourite part was Boccia. Miski.
    I enjoyed well being day. My favourite part was golf. Moi

  16. Yahya S.

    My favourite activity was when we did mindfulness colouring.

  17. Najma O.

    Well being day was so fun

  18. Hudayifah A.

    My favourite was the crazy golf,then boccia and then gardening thank you.

  19. Hudayifah A.

    My favourite was the crazy golf,then boccia and then gardening thank you

  20. Retaj I.

    I really enjoyed boccia and the 1960’s posters.

  21. Adam J.

    I enjoyed the activities but my favourite was the plant’s

  22. Ismael K.

    I really loved well being day I mostly like boccia and 1960s posters

  23. Zahraa Y.

    I really enjoyed that day everything was my favourite thank you for doing this and thank you for putting effort and time into this.

  24. Romeesa T.

    I enjoyed the boccia , Active math golf and 1960 posters .
    All the activities were fun because there was some inside and outside we all would get fresh air.

  25. Eman A.

    I enjoined all the activities that we have don today but my favourite activities were boccia and Gardening.I hope we will get other well being days that will be more fun than this one

  26. Sania K.

    I really enjoyed making the 1960 poster and boccia because when we made our 1960 poster we could be creative and when we were doing boccia we could use lots of our values!
    I liked today so much !

  27. Ayaan M.

    Thabk you for this day I loved it and it was great

  28. Hasbia D.

    I really enjoyed making 1960 posters and gardening. I also enjoyed doing Boccia because it was really competitive. It was so fun today!

  29. Tipian I.

    Thank you for the opportunity.This makes my day even more exciting.I really adore all of the activities and again thank you

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