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Year 5 trip – Stratford letter for

Year 5 are planning a visit to Stratford this half term as part of ourr Geography learning. Please see the letter attached below with all of the details.

34 responses to “Year 5 trip – Stratford letter for”

  1. Rahat A.

    Thanks for the information, il bring in 2.00£.

  2. Bahar K.

    So excited I’ll get the money on time!

  3. Jasmine M.

    Ok thank you for this information

  4. Zakariya K.

    I’ve paid the money

  5. Serina I.

    Thank u

  6. Lawy A.

    I will bring the money

  7. Tahiyan C.

    Thanks for the information

  8. Kai D.

    Ok thx for the information

  9. Aysha R.

    Ok thank you for the information.

  10. Japji K.

    I’m so excited I can’t wait let’s hope it not going to be cold day.

  11. Mahmuda C.

    Thank you for the information

  12. Moosa K.

    Thanks for the information

  13. Zaeem S.

    Ok thank you for the information. |^_^|

  14. Faizan R.

    Thanks for the info

  15. Joel G.

    Thank you for this information

  16. Leon T.

    Thanks for the information

  17. Sumayyah A.

    I will make sure to bring the money in time

  18. Azaan H.

    Thank you for the info.

  19. Muhammad B.

    Ok thank you for the information.

  20. Hasan S.

    Thank for the information

  21. Muhammad J.

    Thank you for the information

  22. Kaif B.

    I am so excited

  23. Abdurrahman K.

    I can’t wait . Thanks for the information

  24. Simin W.

    Ok thanks for the information

  25. Samik S.

    Thank for the information

  26. Sadeen S.

    I am excited for the trip.

  27. Luxor A.

    Thank you for this information MRS Street.

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