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Year 5 Summer 2 Reading Challenge

This half term, we are learning about the Ancient Greeks. Read the text and complete the related challenges.




Create a diary entry from the perspective of an Ancient Greek. Use the information from the text above. This should be at least 3 good size paragraphs (about one full page).


Write a persuasive advert to encourage people to visit Ancient Greece. This should be arranged in paragraphs and should be no shorter than a full page.

9 responses to “Year 5 Summer 2 Reading Challenge”

  1. Mehreen I.

    1. Greece
    2. These city states often fought against each other and only joined together if they were threatened by common enemy.
    Slyre. Stringed musical instrument
    Tablet. Wooden frame filled with beeswax used for writing on.
    Palaestra. Training ground for physical education.
    Stylus. Wooden or metal rod used for writing with.
    1. Girls didn attend school. Girls were mostly taught skills like cooking and cleaning for houses.
    2. Truce. An agreement between enemies to stop fighting for some time.
    3. Masks with expression on them.

  2. Mehreen I.

    1 Greece is not a city
    2 Greece is a country it divide in to countries
    3 clay
    4 lyre string musical tablet wooden frame with beeswax using for writing on palaestra tranimg ground
    Stylus wooden or wetal

  3. Rubab G.


    1. Greece – its not a city
    2. Greece is a country which consists of cities. However all these cites follow different types of governments and have their own armies.
    3. Clay
    4. LYRE~ Stringed musical instrument
    TABLET~ Wooden frame filled with beeswax used for writing on
    PALAESTRA~ training ground for physical education
    STYLUS~ Wooden or metal rod used for writing

  4. Maddox B.

    Greece is a country and not a city
    The relationship not really good because they were fighting but a truce was called
    Houses were made of stone clay or wood

  5. Yunus R.

    Greece was not a city because Greece itself country with so many different cities inside this ancient country.
    In Greece has loads of cities divided up with different government , laws and war armies.😁
    •Tablet is a wooden frame filled with beeswax used for writing on .
    •Lyre is a stringed musical instrument.
    •palaestra is a training ground used for education .

    5.Life was and probably still is different for ancient Greek people because some girls did not go to school they had to be taught reading and writing at home but waht they had to do was useful household skills like cooking and making their clothes.
    6.I think you meant with ‘truce ‘ was that people could travel to the Olympics safely in Greek I know this because it shows that in the text .
    7.Gruelling might be a synonym (another word for ) toughbecuase it reminds me of the word fierce and strong and the way they used the phrase “The most gruelling ” gruelling as a synonym for tough/.

  6. Hanfaa N.

    Greece is not a city state it is a country instead.
    Each city-state ruled itself. They differed greatly from each other in governing philosophies and interests. They used sun-dried mud bricks. Unfortunately, their walls weren’t very strong. It was common for houses to crumble into pieces and most had to be rebuilt.
    Stylus- pointed instrument for writing and marking.
    Palaestra- gymnasium
    Tablet- used to ask the gods, place spirits, or the deceased to perform an action on a person or object, or otherwise compel the subject of the curse.
    Lyre- The kithara, an instrument of the lyre family, had seven strings of equal length and a solidly built, wooden body, usually with a flat base.

  7. Haroon K.

    I have completed this task on my brother pc computer and printed, glued in homework book.

  8. Billing Karanbir

    Have you ever heard of Ancient Greece? It’s a really cool place where people used to live a long time ago. They built amazing temples and buildings like the Acropolis and the Temple of Olympian Zeus. And do you know a mind-blowing fact? They had their own Olympic Games!
    Imagine walking through the same places where ancient people used to walk, and learning about how they lived. You can try delicious Greek food, dance to music, and participate in special events

    Going to Ancient Greece will be like going back in time awesome adventure. I think it would be so much fun to learn about their history and culture.
    why don’t you go there now?

  9. Tipian I.

    ⚠️Wait stop and enjoy my reading challenge ⚠️
    Ancient Greece 🇬🇷
    🌟 bronze 🌟
    1. Greece was not a city because Greece itself is a country with so many different cities inside this ancient country.
    2. Greece has loads of cities divided up with different government , laws and armies .
    3.1 type of material that was used to construct ancient Greek houses was clay.
    4. •Tablet is a wooden frame filled with beeswax used for writing on .
    •Lyre is a stringed musical instrument.
    •palaestra is a training ground used for education .
    •stylus wooden or metal rod used for writing with.
    🌟 silver 🌟
    5.Life was and probably still is different for ancient Greek people because some girls did not go to school they had to be taught reading and writing at home but waht they had to do was useful household skills like cooking and making their clothes.
    6.I think you meant with ‘truce ‘ was that people could travel to the Olympics safely in Greek I know this because it shows that in the text .
    7.Gruelling might be a synonym (another word for ) toughbecuase it reminds me of the word fierce and strong and the way they used the phrase “The most gruelling ” is so powerful and that is why I chose gruelling as a synonym for tough .
    8. The Ancient Greek people wore costumes and mask -only men were actors-.
    9.I can identify you put all the questions in order of the texts this helps me to better understand the text .
    🌟 gold 🌟
    My name is larin I’m from Ancient Greek .
    I live with a family of 5 .I’m not allowed to go to the Olympics but only my dad can go because my dad said it’s not safe for my mummy but she has to take care of me .I have to work at home whilst my brother avan has to go school , I wonder how fun it is .My mother is a full time mum and my dad is a farmer and he grows sweetcorn , potatoes , pineapple etc but the birds eat our crops but I remember my best day was when I made a sarecow , scarcow sorry I’m not good at my English after all I do not go school so some words are hard for me to pronounce I meant scarecrow .

    My brother always brings me back reports about school but here is one story . Once he had to skin a lamb just for a Lyre he said its sary but I think it is fun people say boys are stronger but girls are stronger here we are not afraid of anything and anyone .

    I hope I get to be famous and change the rules but I think for now writing a diary is enough .
    I tried my best with this and I hope you guys enjoyed my work and I hope you pick me .

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