Reading Challenge – To use inference skills to write a recount on the Moon Landing
During Autumn 1, we have been learning about recounts and making them as effective as we can. You will need to carry out some research into the moon landing and then write a recount, choosing a challenge from the list below.
“That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”
Neil Armstrong (first man on the moon)
Use the picture and quote to inform your own recount writing:
Write a catchy headline and an introductory paragraph (using the five W’s)
Headline, introductory paragraph using journalistic language and complex sentences.
Write a newspaper report using journalistic language and include at least one quote from the time. (You will need to do some research).
Please do not post your answers on the blog. Upload your typed or written answers to this sharepoint.
Leave a comment on the blog to tell us you have done this.