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Year 5 Portfolios – Summer 1 2023

Greetings Year 5, here is a round up of our learning for Summer 1. What did you enjoy the most? How did you make progress?
Enjoy your holiday and can’t wait to see you in Summer 2! Where we get to see the Macbeth performance too!
Mrs Jones, Mrs Diaz and Mrs Habib.



History and Geography


6 responses to “Year 5 Portfolios – Summer 1 2023”

  1. Ebenezer O.

    That was a great trip I got jumpscared when the knight that could stand incredibly still scared me.

  2. Romeesa T.

    I had fun with all of the uint but my favourite was history because we when Stratford Upon Avon and saw Shakespreas birth home

  3. Sameeha A.

    I enjoyed learning about angles in maths. I have made progress this half term by gaining new knowledge that I didn’t know about. Thank you Year 5 Teachers/LSA’s for putting together to show what we have learned over the half term.

  4. Tipian I.

    1. I enjoyed going to Stratford.
    2.I have made progress by showing what power means in Macbeth.

  5. Tana I.

    Wow it amazing

  6. Hasbia D.

    What did you enjoy the most?
    I enjoyed going to the trip to Stratford Upon Avon and I enjoyed learning about decimals and percentages.
    How did you make progress?
    I made progress this half term because I can write scenes from a play script using all the features and I can now identify decimal sequences.

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