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Year 5 Home Learning Friday 10th March

Good morning. As the school is closed today, please complete today’s learning at home. You can do work on the blog or on paper if you have it at home. Please don’t forget there is homework for the weekend too so please make a start on that as well today. At the bottom of the blog is a sharepoint link to upload any work.

Basic skills

Please write out this week’s spelling words as a high quality handwriting task.


Please complete the LBQ tasks about rivers. (Ignore the class name)


This week your learning objective is:

To research Salvador Dali and understand how his work inspires others

Read the text and PowerPoint attached. Also research Dali on the internet to help you to answer these questions.

Remember to use full sentences!

Answer these questions:

1. What year did was he born?

2. How was he best known?

3. What piece of art is one of the most recognisable Surrealist paintings?

4. How were his parents important in him becoming an artist?

5.  How did he feel about his mother’s death in 1921?

6. Between what years did he study at the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

7. Who did he meet in 1926?

8. Who influenced his flamboyant moustache?

9. Describe his life between 1934 and 1948.

10. What did he die of, and on what date?

Sharepoint link to send work: Snow Day 10th March

82 responses to “Year 5 Home Learning Friday 10th March”

  1. Zahraa Y.

    Sorry that I am now posting my comment too late.

    Amir is actually correct, I know this because 1 x 5 =5 and 5 x 5 =25. So 1/5 x 5 = 5/25

    Never,This is because for example 1/2 2 x 2 =4 and 1 x 2 =2 so for 1/2 x 2 =2/4 and also another example 1/5 5x 5 = 25 and 1 x 5=5 so 1/5 x 5 = 1/25.

    1) The year Salvador Dali was born was in 1904
    2) He was known for all of his Steiking and such bizzare images in all of his art.
    3) It was called “The Persistence of Memory” which was completed in August 1931
    4)His Mother would always encourage him and make him work harder on his work meanwhile his father had organised his first exhibition.
    5)He felt so heartbroken and sad after his mother died later he said that his mothers death was “the greatest blow he had ever experienced in his life.”
    6)He went to “Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando” at 1922 and left at 1926 which is a 4 year experience.
    7) in 1962 he had met Pablo Picasso who he had worshiped.
    8)Salavour Dalî had grown a Flamboyant moushtache by the 17th – century Spanish painter Diego Velázques.
    9) ar 1934 Dalí had exhibited for the first time into the U.S. and in 1936 He was 32 and was featured on the “cover of time” Magazine,Then he retreated to the U.S. before returning back to Spain In 1948
    10)On the morning

    1. Zahraa Y.

      I’m so sorry I couldn’t finish
      10) in the Morning of the 23rd January 1989 He died of heart failure at the age of 84.

    2. Mrs Latham

      Thank you for completing your work.

  2. Ibrahim M.

    But not bit

  3. Ibrahim M.

    Do we have to write our week 2 spellings twice for homework and basic skills, or do we write it once for basic skills and homework together.

    1. Ibrahim M.

      And is it wk 2 or 3 spelling because we’ve already done wk2 sp bit it’s on the blog

    2. Mrs Latham

      Do your week 2 spellings for Friday’s work and your week 3 spellings for homework.

  4. Diana D.

    The LBQ does not work because I did not see the that the time ends at 14:00, what should I do?

    1. Ghazala H.

      Do you know when I scan the lbs it take me there and the code is there but also when I press go I didn’t take to lab work on river so what should I do?

      1. Mrs Latham

        The LBQ was set for the length of the school day.

    2. Mrs Latham

      The LBQ was set for the length of the school day.

  5. Xlexben F.

    1. What year was he born ?
    Salvador Dali was born on 11 th may 1904
    2. How was he best known?
    He was know for his striking and bizarre images in his work.
    3. What piece of art is one of the most recognizable Surrealist paintings?
    The persistence of money

    1. Mrs Latham

      Well done for doing your work.

  6. Aarav R.

    Amir × his denominator but the denominator is supposed to stay the same.
    Never because 1/5×1/5=2/25
    1. He was born in 1904
    2.he was best known for his bizarre paintings.
    3.his most recognised painting was the persistence of memory.
    4.his parents where important because they incouraged him.
    5.he said that it was the greatest blow he’s experienced.
    6.he studied for 4 years.
    7.he met picaso in 1926
    8.Raphel,bronzino,Diego influenced his mustache.
    9.he painted lots of paintings between 1936 and 1948.
    10.he died in 1989 from heart failure.
    I did my lbq I wasn’t sure of challenge 1 question 9 on lbq.
    I did some lbq questions on paper and handwriting task but I don’t know how to send.
    When I click the link it says to put in a email address. So what do I do?

    1. Mrs Latham

      Great effort, Aarav. When might Dali have used a BH value? Explain.

      Don’t worry about uploading your handwriting, just bring it with you on Monday.

      1. Aarav R.

        Resilence beacuse he never stopped painting even at old age.

  7. Ayaan M.

    I completed it and sent it.

    1. Mrs Diaz

      We have received it Ayaan, well done.

  8. Zahra D.

    I completed the work and uploaded it on Sharepoint.

    1. Mrs Diaz

      I see it Zahra, well done. Super effort on all challenges.

  9. Mohammed W.

    I have completed the work and I have uploaded it on SharePoint

    1. Mrs Diaz

      I can see it Mohammed, well done. Clearly presented too.

  10. Maryam N.

    I have uploaded all the work and I also completed LBQ tasks, I am making a start on my homework too.

    1. Mrs Diaz

      Yes Maryam, I can see it. Well done, super effort. I’m sure Mrs Latham and Mrs Jones will look forward to seeing your homework.

  11. Yahya S.

    I have uploaded my work.

    1. Mrs Diaz

      I see it Yahya, well done.

  12. Mehreen I.

    I did my basic skill and maths and sent it.
    I have done my English.
    I am doing my Salvador Dali.
    I will send.

    1. Mrs Habib

      We have received your work Mehreen. Good effort. How did you get on with the LBQ? Looking forward to seeing your Art work when you have completed it.

  13. Maddox B.

    i got all 30 questions beacuse each 1 had 10 questions

    1. Mrs Habib

      That’s fantastic Maddox! How are you getting with the other work that has been set? Looking forward to seeing your work when you have finished it.

      1. Maddox B.

        Thank you i have finished all my homework now

  14. Maddox B.

    i did lbq

  15. Elyas A.

    I djd my learning at the blog and i sharepoint it

    1. Mrs Habib

      Well done Eliyas I can see your work. You have tried with your handwriting, good job. Make sure that you always start a sentence with a capital letter.

      1. Elyas A.

        Iam sorry the lbq task was 15 correct

  16. Markuss B.

    I did my work and sent it to the sharepoint.

    1. Mrs Latham

      Hi Markuss! I’ve seen your work and was very pleased with the effort you’ve shown. How might Dali have used a BH value? Can you explain?

      1. Markuss B.

        He used resilience because the art was complex but Salvador Dali didn’t give up and he made very good surreal art(like the persistence of memory).

  17. Hanfaa N.

    Hello, i have completed my work and sent it to the sharepoint. Thank you

    1. Mrs Latham

      Good job on completing all your work. On your silver challenge, you’ve written 1 7/5. Can you check this so the numerator is not larger than the denominator?

  18. Haroon K.

    I’m sorry miss, the way to work out is to times the numerator. Like 4/5×3=12/5

    1. Mrs Latham

      No need to apologise! Well done for checking back on your comment too!

  19. Haroon K.

    I have upload my work, basic skills, and maths, art homeworks.

    1. Mrs Latham

      I have seen all your work on Sharepoint and your LBQ. Great perseverance on the LBQ. I can see you tried really hard! For your bronze challenge for maths, explain how he should have worked the question out correctly.

  20. Kanishka P.

    I posted it mine now it worked

    1. Mrs Masters

      I have received it. Well done.

  21. Tipian I.

    Done it all

    1. Mrs Masters

      I have received all your work. I am sure you can do better handwriting in your Art.

    2. Mrs Latham

      I’ve seen your work on Sharepoint. Well done. Can you share a fact you’ve learnt about Salvador Dali?

  22. Billing Karanbir

    Can I do maths on my computer and share to SharePoint?

    1. Mrs Masters

      Yes you may, although the handwriting needs to be done in your book.

      1. Billing Karanbir

        Ok shall i do the handwriting on paper because i don’t have my book

        1. Mrs Latham

          Great job. Well done for being a great problem solver.

  23. Tipian I.

    I sent my English and basic skills did you get it

    1. Mrs Masters

      Well done Tipian, I have received your work and can see your LBQ too.
      Why not try to complete the art too.

      1. Tipian I.

        Yeah I’m doing it now

  24. Zahraa Y.

    I will start my work now please let me know if I sent it or if you saw my work for today.

    1. Mrs Masters

      Let me know when you’ve sent it as it’s not there yet. Also, complete the LBQ as I’m helping people as you’re completing it.

  25. Ramarni J.

    I have done the first lbq for English 5/10
    I did the second lbq and got 7/10
    I did the other lbq an got 5

    1. Mrs Masters

      Well done, Please can you send your handwriting to the sharepoint too.

      1. Ramarni J.

        Okay miss masters

    2. Ramarni J.

      Amir’s is correct because 1/5 x 5 = 5/25 so he has no mistake!
      The answer for silver is sometimes.
      1. Salvador Dali was born in 1904
      2. He was best known for striking and bizarre images in his work.
      3.his most recognisable art piece is called “the persistence of memory”
      4.His parents important in him becoming a artist as they attended him in his early years as a drawing school pupil.
      5. Dali later said how his mother’s death was the greatest blow he had ever experienced.
      6- he left after 4 years of being at the Real academia de Bella’s Artes de san Fernando.
      7- Dali meet Pablo Picasso in 1926 in Paris shortly after he left his academia.
      8- Dali grew a flamboyant moustache influenced by Spanish painter Diego Velazquez.
      9- I didn’t really understand this question.
      10- Dali died on the morning of 23rd January 1989 and he died of heart failure.

      1. Mrs Latham

        Well done for logging on and doing your work. With the bronze challenge for maths, check your denominators. Can you add an explanation for silver?

        Great research. Do you like Dali’s artwork?

  26. Kanishka P.

    When I’m trying to send my work to the sharepoint,it says you have to sign in so what should I do?

    1. Mrs Masters

      Try it again, as most children have sent it through with just their name and class.
      Let me know if this still isn’t working?

      1. Kanishka P.

        Its still not working it says I have to put my email in it for some reason

        1. Mrs Masters

          We will check it on Monday so don’t worry. I can see you’ve completed the LBQ. Well done

  27. Tipian I.

    I will do it and share it on power point

    1. Mrs Masters

      Thank you, I will look forward to seeing it. Have you started LBQ too?

  28. Tyson Thomas-Millward

    I can’t see the attachment

    1. Mrs Street

      Double check the Powerpoint link for the Art and it should work for you. If there are any other problems please let us know. Well done!

  29. Kanishka P.

    Can I do it on the blog pls because my homework book is in school.

    1. Mrs Street

      Good morning Kanishka! Of course you can do it on the blogs. There is a share point if you have paper at home to work on and then send in electronically.

      1. Kanishka P.

        Thank you for the comment and I found some paper now so I’ll send my work on the share point. 😄😁

  30. Elham S.

    I will complete the tasks and send my work on the share point! 😊❄️

    1. Mrs Street

      Great! Please leave a comment when you have completed your work and submitted it. Thank you!

    2. Mrs Masters

      I can see you work on the sharepoint now, Thank you Elham

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