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Year 5 History – 1960’s – Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr.ย 

In History this half term, the Year 5 children are studying the 1960’s, and examining cultural and political changes across the era. As part of this, the children looked at the idea of protesting, reflecting on British Values and how these are integral to civil rights. The year group enjoyed studying the civil rights protests in America, inspired by the ideas of Martin Luther King Jr. They analysed what life was like in America during this time, and explored why this would lead to peaceful protests.

Below, you can find some more information on Martin Luther King Jr. Please watch the videos, and explore the websites. Can you create a biography of Martin Luther King Jr. ? We would love to add this to our History displays in school! Can you tell me 3 facts about Martin Luther King Jr. ?


23 responses to “Year 5 History – 1960’s – Martin Luther King Jr.”

  1. Naimol A.

    Well done

  2. Safa K.

    1)He wanted to protest peacefully
    2)He married Correta Scott
    3)He was born on January 15th 1929
    4)He was shot by James on April the 4th

  3. Aayan M.

    5 Facts about Martin Luther King Jr.

    1. Martin Luther King’s birth name was Michael, not Martin.
    2. Martin LutherKing entered college at the age of 15.
    3. Martin LutherKing received his doctorate in systematic theology.
    4. Martin LutherKing’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech was not his first at the Lincoln Memorial.
    5. Martin LutherKing was imprisoned nearly 30 times.

  4. Maryam G.

    1) Martin Luther king was born on the 15th January 1929.
    2) Martin Luther died on the 4th April 1968.
    3) Martin Luther King went back to Atlanta in 1960.

  5. Moosa K.

    Facts of Martin Lutter king
    Martin luther king Jr ,was an American Baptist minister and activist who became the most visible spokesman and leader in the American civil rights movement from 1955 until his a assassination in 1968.
    It’s was famous his contributions to the American civil rights movement in the 1960s .His famous work is his speech.”I have a Dream โ€, delivered in 1963, in which he spoke of his dream of a United States that is void of segregation.
    He was a Hero, in the 1950 and 1960’s, because he fought to end laws that were unfair to African Americans.

  6. Murad K.

    I miss you all i love you all

  7. Hammad A.

    1) Martin Luther King Jr was part of the civil rights movements.
    2)He made a speech called i have a dream.
    3)He married Kirrita Scoot and had 2 sons and 2 daughter .

  8. Gufran E.

    He married Correta Scott
    He stopped segregation
    He told people to protest peacefully

    I will do my biography about him

  9. Osato O.

    Martin Luther King was born on the 15th of January 1929
    He didn’t like segregation.
    He started a protest that everyone should be equal.
    Martin Luther King got shot on April the 4th by James

  10. Osato O.

    Martin Luther King was born on the 15th of January 1929
    He didn’t like segregation.
    He started a protest that everyone should be equal.

  11. Mehar R.

    He was shot April the 4th by james

  12. Aisha R.

    1. Martin Luther king jr was born on January the 15th 1929
    2.Died in 1968
    3. He wanted to stop segregation and bring black and white people together

  13. Aysha R.

    He was born on the 19th of January 1929 died in 1968 .
    He travelled to Germany and in Germany he changed his name .
    At age 15 he graduated from high school.
    He moved to to bartin
    He married kirrita scoot and had 2 sons and 2 daughter .
    He was in many protests a special moment was called the bus boy scott
    He was man of year .

  14. Sumayyah A.

    I have done the poster

  15. Manvi R.

    3 Facts about Martin Luther king Jr:
    1. He stopped segregation between white people and black people.
    2. In 1960 he moved back to Atlanta.
    3. On April 4th he stood out his motel room and got shot by a man called James Earl.

  16. Simin W.

    1.Martin Luther King Jr’s birth name was Michael, not Martin.
    2.Martin Luther King Jr was imprisoned nearly 30 times.
    3.Martin Luther King Jr narrowly escaped an assassination attempt a decade before his death.

  17. Lawy A.

    1.He started a protest.
    2.His dream was for people to judge his children by themselves not there skin colour.
    3.He died in 1868.

  18. Inaaya S.

    I will make a poster

  19. Inaaya S.

    I will make a poster for our class

  20. Safa M.

    One day a bomb was thrown in DR kings house
    1960 DR moved back to Atlanta
    In 1963 DC led his biggest March if all the March of Washington

    On April he was shot

    1. Safa M.

      He was shot on April the 4th by James

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