Year 5 Autumn 1 Reading Challenge

Hi, Year 5! Are you ready to take on our first reading challenge of the year?

Select the challenges you want to attempt below:




During Autumn 1, we have been learning about recounts and making them as effective as we can. You will need to carry out some research into the moon landing and then write a recount.

 Write a catchy headline and an introductory paragraph (using the five W’s: Who, What, Where, When, Why)


Write a newspaper report using journalistic language and include at least one quote from the time. (You will need to do some research).

2 responses to “Year 5 Autumn 1 Reading Challenge”

  1. Subodh K.

    . Lunar 2 was a robot to touch the moon
    . Most astronauts were from USA even Neil.
    . The Apollo was the first recruited mission
    . There were six recruited landing
    . After the lunar 24 there were no soft landings

  2. Subodh K.

    1. 5th of august 1930
    2. September 1962-the apollo 11 mission began
    16th July 1969-Neil was accepted to the nasa Astronaut corps 🧑‍🚀
    20th July 1969-Neil was the first person to land on the moon 🌙
    3. Being came and resilient
    4. Edwin,Buzz,aldrin and michal colles
    5. It was low on fuel ⛽️
    6. Because it was -100 degrees
    7. He was known to say a famous word
    8. The eagle was a dangerous mission because they were low on fuel ⛽️

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