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Year 5 Autumn 1 Reading Challenge

Hi, Year 5! Are you ready to take on our first reading challenge of the year?

Select the challenges you want to attempt below:




During Autumn 1, we have been learning about recounts and making them as effective as we can. You will need to carry out some research into the moon landing and then write a recount.

 Write a catchy headline and an introductory paragraph (using the five W’s: Who, What, Where, When, Why)


Write a newspaper report using journalistic language and include at least one quote from the time. (You will need to do some research).

55 responses to “Year 5 Autumn 1 Reading Challenge”

  1. Rustam M.

    1)5th August 1930
    September 1962- he accepted NASA astronaut corpse
    2)20th August 1969- he went to the moon for the first time
    3)16th July 1969- he went to Apollo 11 mission
    She believed that he could do it
    Aldrin,Michael Collins,Edwin Buzz
    Neil utterd Tranqillit base
    100 degrees
    They wanted their country to win

  2. Nma M.

    Neil Armstrong was born on 5th August 1930 in Ohio, USA.

    Neil was accepted to the NASA Astronaut Corps- September 1962.
    The Apollo 11 mission began- 16th July 1969
    Neil became the first person on the moon- 20th July 1969.

    2 things that helped Neil to be able to fly in difficult situations is he flew more then 200 aircrafts and got a student pilot certificate on his 16th birthday, and he soon got able to fly all by himself so he knew the rights and wrongs.

    He went with his crew mates, Edwin Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins into space.
    Neil and Buzz entered the lunar module (nicknamed The Eagle) to travel to the Moon’s surface.
    They were unsure because no one has ever went on the moon before.
    Lots of people looked at the television because no one has ever went on the moon before and maybe they were really excited for the first person to walk on the moon and maybe it was an event.
    They were unsafe because they were low on fuel by the time they landed on the surface of the moon.
    The Moon:
    What is the moons satellite?
    The Moon is Earth’s only satellite that’s natural. The orbit around Earth (average distance) is 384,400km. That is 30x Earths whole entire diameter, that’s how much it is.

    Who was the first person on the Moon?
    The first person on the moon was Apollo 11, which was Neil Armstrong, who is
    known to be the first person on the moon, taking his first steps on the moon.

    Facts about the moon:
    The Moon and the Sun are NOT the same size.
    There is lots of water on the Moon too!
    The Moon is the biggest and the most brightest in the night.

    Did you know?
    The Moon has Earthquakes too! But you have to call it quakes for the moon, because the earth is different compared to the moon.
    The moon was made 4.51 billion years ago!
    Before the Earth AND the Moon, there was proto-Earth and Theia (a roughly Mars-sized planet)

  3. Hudayfa A.

    Michael took part in Neil Armstrong Apollo spaceship

    One more step for man, one giant leap for mankind

    Because of the air pressure

    So they could see the space land

    The Apollo Because they had to land it manually

    1. Mrs Khan

      Hudayfa, please complete all of this and present it neatly in your homework books.

  4. Hudayfa A.

    5th August

    20th July I thought Apollo mission was started

    16th July Neil Armstrong was excepted to NASA

  5. Hudayfa A.

    5th August

  6. Osas O.

    Neil Armstrong was born on the 5th August 1930.
    September 1962 – NASA accepted Neil Armstrong.
    16th July 1969 – The Apollo 11 Mission started
    20th July 1969 – Neil landed on the Moon.
    I know that the Eagle didn’t land automatically because the text says that he took manual control of the Eagle.
    NASA was unsure about the
    spacesuits withstanding the heat because it was approximately 100 degrees Celsius.
    I think over 600 million people were watching the mission because they might have felt patriotic and proud of their country.
    I think Going back to Earth was the most dangerous part of the mission because of the speed and heat coming back into it’s atmosphere.
    The Space Race comes to and End

    Neil Armstrong a Buzz Aldrin decide to end the space race with a blast landing on the moon and defeating Russia. The whole country is proud and jumping with excitement.

  7. Yahya K.

    Neil armstrong was born on 5th August 1930.
    september 1962 neil armstrong was accepted intothe NASA astronaught corps.
    16th July 1969 the opollo 11 mission began.
    20th July 1969 Neil was the first on the moon.
    Being calm and resilient helped Neil in difficult situations.
    Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins were in the opollo mission with Neil.
    Neil took manual control tells you the eagle did not land automatically.

  8. Mojirolaoluwa S.

    5th Austury 1930
    16th July Neil become the first Man in the moon

    1. Mrs Khan

      Mo, you can do more than this. Please complete in your homework book.

  9. Sayda A.

    Neli amrstorg was born in 5 august 1930
    on september 1962 neli was accepted to nasa
    on 16 th of july 1969 the apoll 11 misson begin
    on 20th of july 1969 neli was the first man on the moon
    neli took yhe mauual conturl and stay calm
    edwin buzz and michale collings
    that he had taking contral of the eagle surface
    because they did’nt know that the tempeurs would be high or lower
    because it was the first moon landing
    the landing because it was going to be an unsafe landing

  10. Mustafa A.

    He was born on the 5th of August 1930
    1960 he was firs5 man on moon.
    Neil Armstrong, Command Module Pilot Michael Collins and Lunar Module Pilot Edwin “Buzz” came with Neil Armstrong on the apollo 11 mission

    1. Mrs Khan

      Mustafa, please complete all of this in your homework book.

  11. Welat M.

    1. Neil Armstrong was born in the 5th auguest 1930.

    2. Setember 1962 he was accepted to the Nasa astonaut corps.
    20th july 1969 he actually landed on the moon.
    16th July 1969 the mission started

    3. He was calm and resilient.

    4.Edwin,Buzz,Aldrin and Michael Collins.

    5. He took manual control of the eagle

    6.As they were unsure how high the temperatures would be on the moon

    7.Neil said a famous quote “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”

    8.The high tempuratures.

    1. Aryan M.

      Neil was born in 5th August 1930.
      1962 -Neil was accepted to NASA.
      16th July 1969- The Apollo 11 mission had begun.
      20th July 1969-Neil step foot on the moon.
      Buzz Aldrin and Michal Collins assisted him on the moon.
      “Tranquility base here,the Eagle has landed.”
      Nasa didn’t know how the suits would do on the moon because they were unsure of the temperature there.
      600 million people watched it because it was a monumental moment for mankind.
      The most dangerous part was launching because of the fire and on the apollo 1 everyone died on launch.

  12. Yoshita P.

    5th august 1930
    September 1962 Neil was accepted to the NASA Astronaut Corps.
    16 July 1969The Apollo 11 mission began
    20 July 1969 Neil became the first person on the Moon
    The 2 things that helped Neil fly in difficult situations are
    1 they use a part of a pen to turn on the ignition switch
    2 Neil took manual control because they were on a unsafe landing

  13. Hussein H.

    1) Edwin,Buzz and Michael Collins.
    2) Neil uttered Tranquility base here
    3)They were not sure if the temperature would go higher or lower.
    4)In my opinion I think that much people would’ve watched because nobody else had been to the moon.

  14. Sheik A.

    5th August 1930
    September 1962- he accepted NASA astronaut corpse
    20th August 1969- he went to the moon for the first time
    16th July 1969- he went to Apollo 11 mission
    She believed that he could do it
    Aldrin,Michael Collins,Edwin Buzz
    Neil utterd Tranqillit base
    100 degrees
    They wanted their country to win

  15. Alzahra R.

    1.Neil was born on august 5th 1930.
    2. September 1962 Neil was accepted to the NASA astronaut corps.
    16th July 1969 the Apollo 11 mission began.
    20th July 1969 Neil became the first person on the moon.
    He was renowned for being resilient and calm under pressure.
    A. Commander Neil Armstrong, Command Module Pilot Michael Collins and Lunar Module Pilot Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin
    B. Neil uttered Tranquility base here.

  16. Irfa M.

    1. Neil Armstrong was born in the 5th August 1930.
    2. September 1962 Neil Armstrong was accepted to NASA at the astronaut corps.
    3. 16th July 1969 The Apollo 11 mission.
    4. 20th July 1969 The first man on the moon.
    1. 3 men called Aldrin, Michael and Edwin.
    2. The part when Neil Armstrong Uttered “Tranquillity base here. The eagle has landed.”
    3. The temperature was 100 degrees and they had a big limited time.

  17. Muhammad D.

    1.Neil Armstrong was born on the 5th of August 1930.
    2.20th July 1969 Neil was the first person on the moon.
    On September 1962 Neil was accepted to the NASA Astronaut Corps.
    On 16th July the Apollo Mission 11 began.
    3. Three things that helped him to fly in difficult situations is that he was very calm and resilient.
    4. The sentence is Neil noticed they were going to land in an unsafe area so he took manual control.
    5.Buzz,Aldrin and Michael came withNeil.
    6.They we’re unsure because they didn’t know the exact temperature as it could go higher or lower.
    7.I think over 600 million people watched because this is a big discovery and everyone is interested as it never been done before.
    8.I think the most dangerous part was the landing because it was an unsafe area.

  18. Anaya R.

    1. Neil Armstrong was born on 5th August 1930.
    2. On 20th July 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first man on the moon.
    On September 1969 Neil Armstrong was accepted into the NASA Astronaut Corps.
    On 16th July 1969, the Apollo 11 mission began.
    3. They used part of a pen to activate the launch sequence and because he was calm.
    1. Edwin, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins.
    2. “Tranquility base here, The Eagle has landed.”
    3. NASA was unsure because there was 100 degrees Celsius.
    4. Around 600 million people watched the events on TV because no one has ever been on the moon.
    5. I think going on the moon because many things could go wrong.

  19. Aiza B.

    1)Neil Armstrong was born on 5th August 1930.
    2) On September 1962, Neil Armstrong was accepted to the NASA.
    3) On 20th August 1969,Neil Armstrong became the first man on the moon.
    4) On 16th July 1969, Neil Armstrong went to do the Apollo 11 mission.
    1) There were three other men with him there names were Aldrin, Michal Collins and Edwin Buzz.
    2) I know it didn’t land automatically was because it said “ Tranquility base here.”
    3) The temperature was 100 degrees in the spacesuit and they had to have a time limit.
    4) I think the reason about 600 million people watched the space landing because it was the first time anyone had ever been on the moon.
    5) I think the most dangerous part of the moon landing was when they were starting to fly to space because the fire might lkill them.

  20. Mohammed K.

    Neil Armstrong was born in 5th august 1930.
    On September 1962 Neil Armstrong was accepted o the nasa astronaut corps
    On the 20th August Neil became the first man on the moon.
    On the 16th July Neil set off for the Apollo11 mission.
    Neil was feeling calm and resilient and that made him more confident.
    The three men were aldrin,Michael collins and Edwin buzz.
    To travel to the moon’s service.
    The degrees got up to 100 degrees Celsius.
    I think 600,000,000 watched this because it was the first man who ever ever stepped on the moon.
    I think the most dangerous part was when the degree’s got up to 100 degrees.I think this because you can die by heat.

  21. Muazzan M.

    1. Neil Armstrong was born on the 5th of August 1930.

    2.On September 1962, Neil Armstrong was accepted to the NASA astronaut Corps.
    On the 20th of August 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first man in the moon.
    The two things that helped Neil Armstrong keep calm was calmness and resilience.

    1. Mrs Khan

      Muazzan, please complete the rest of this and present it neatly in your homework book.

  22. Janelle O.

    Neil Armstrong was born on the 5th of August 1930.
    16th July 1969 Neil became the first person to land on the moon.
    20th July 1969 Neil was accepted to the Nasa astronaut corps.
    September 1962 the apollo mission began. A pilot certificate and his driving licence.
    It was his father.
    The astronaut did not land perfectly.
    Because she could be afraid that they could die.
    They might want to watch it because they want to see if they can survive.
    Moon landing because it could be very hard to just put one leg on the moon.

  23. Zahra N.

    Neil Armstrong was born on 5th August 1930. Neil Armstrong was accepted to the NASA corps in September 1962.
    Neil Armstrong on 20th of August became the first man to arrive on the moon from America. Neil set of for the Apollo 11 mission in July 1969. Neil strong and was successful thats what led him to do it. 3 men who were Buzz Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins set of for the mission with Neil Armstrong.
    I think 600 million people watched on there TVS because he was the first man to land on the moon also when he came back from landing on the moon and spending he became a celebrity. I think the most dangerous part was when Apollo 11 sadly died.

  24. Ammar W.

    1. Neil Armstrong was born on the 5th of August 1930.
    2. a) In September 1962, Neil Armstrong was accepted to the NASA astronaut Corps.
    b) On the 20th of August 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first man on the moon.
    c) On the 16th July 1969, Neil set off for the Apollo 11 mission.
    3. Neil was calm and resilient.
    1. 3 men called Aldrin, Michael Collins and Edwin Buzz.
    2. Neil noticed they were heading to an unsafe landing so he took manual control of the landing.
    3. The temperature was 100 degrees and they had a limited time.
    4. Maybe this was happening for the first time for mankind and it was exciting.

  25. Alex M.

    1 Neil Armstrong was born in Ohio 5 August 1930.
    2 in September 1962 Neil Armstrong was accepted to be the NASA astronaut.
    3 Neil Armstrong believe in himself and made him more confident to go to the space.
    1 It was 3 mens who went with Neil Armstrong Aldrin Michael Collins and Edwin buzz
    2 the part where Neil uttered Tranquility base there

  26. Muhammed G.

    Neil Armstrong was born in the 5th of August 1930
    September 1960 to Niall Armstrong excepted the NASA corpse of bieng an astronaut
    16th of July 1969, the Apollo 11 mission began
    On the 20th of July, Neil Armstrong set his left foot on the moon does Mia Armstrong was calm and resilient it made him a very good aeroplanedriver
    Buzz Aldrin helped Neil Armstrong in the cockpit
    Absolutely, Neil, Armstrong stated that he noticed that the ship was going for an unsafe landing, so he took manual control of the ship/eagle NASA were, unsure. How long the space suits were to cope with the high temperatures of about 100 Celsius in space I think they’re around 600 million people watched it on TV was because of what it was a very historical event in the history and people are very proud of their country and even the world would never experience someone being on the moon .
    In my opinion, the most dangerous part of the mission was landing on the moon, because if they had not landed on the moon, they would’ve floated into space forever and never came back and would’ve died

  27. Aqsaa F.

    Neil Armstrong was born 5th August 1930.
    Neil became the first person to walk on the moon 21st July 1969.
    In September 1962, Neil Armstrong was accepted to the NASA astronaut Corps.
    In 16th July 1969 Neil Armstrong went into space for the apollo 11 mission.
    Neil Armstrong and his crew mates ( Edwin) (Buzz) Aldrin and Michael Collins) in to space for the apollo 11 mission.
    NASA were cope with the high temperatures because it was up to 100 degrees.

  28. Myiesha S.

    Neil Armstrong was born in 5th August 1930.
    On the 20th Of July 1969, Neil armstrong was the first person to go on the moon.
    Neil Armstrong was accepted to the NASA astronaut corps in September 1962.
    Neil Armstrong departed for the Apollo 11 mission on the 16th of July 1969.
    Neil Armstrong became more confident to do stuff so that is how he flew to the moon.
    3 Men called Michael Collins, Edwin Buzz and Aldrin.

  29. Meena B.

    1. Neil Armstrong was born on the 5th of August 1930.
    2. a) In September 1962, Neil Armstrong was accepted to the NASA astronaut Corps.
    b) On the 20th of August 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first man in the moon.
    c) On the 16th of July 1969, Neil set off for the Apollo 11 mission.
    3. Neil believed in himself and that made him more confident to set off to space.
    1. 3 men called Aldrin, Michael Collins and Edwin Buzz.
    2. The part where Neil uttered “Tranquility base here.”
    3. The temperature was 100 degrees and they had a limited time.
    4. Maybe people thought this was the most surprising and most important thing ever.
    In the past, they probably thought this was really impressive having the first man in space.

  30. Mopelola L.

    1 . Neil Armstrong was born on the 5th of August,1930.
    2. Neil Armstrong was accepted to the NASA astronaut corps in September 1962.
    3. Neil Armstrong departed for the Apollo 11 mission on the 16th of July,1969.
    4. On the 20th of August 1969, Neil became the first person on the Moon.
    5. Neil was calm and resilient so that helped him fly in difficult situations.
    1. Neil was accompanied by Edwin Buzz, Aldrin, and Michael Collins on the Apollo mission.
    2. I know that the rocket did not land automatically because Neil uttered the words”Tranquility base here. The Eagle has landed”.
    3. NASA was unsure if the spacesuits were going to cope with the high temperatures because it was up to 100 degrees.
    4. I think 600 million people watched Neil’s adventure to the moon because it was the first time anyone had made it onto the moon.
    5. I think the most dangerous part of the mission was when they used part of a pen to activate the launch system.

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