Today, year 4 were able to take part in a range of activities to support our mental and physical wellbeing as well as building on our prior learning. We have all gained and showed our school values.

6 responses to “Year 4 Wellbeing Day”

  1. Haroon K.

    I like wellbeing and I have fun and enjoyed playing artificially tree.

  2. Tipian I.

    I liked all of it but I liked the bomb game the most

  3. Karanbir B.

    I loved archery and the bomb game

  4. Miski M.

    I enjoyed well being day. I liked archery the most.

  5. Maddox B.

    I loved achery and snow flakes thank yo MR mashford

  6. Mohammed S.

    My favourite thing we did was the Archery

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