
Write each sentence again including the inverted commas.



We have started our Geography unit ‘All Around the World.’ Choose a country, city or place of interest to you, research facts about it and create a poster, fact file or presentation about it.

94 responses to “Year 4 Summer 2 Week 1 Homework”

  1. Aran K.

    “ I can eat more then you”the boy boasted
    The crossing petrol women explained “my lollipop stick is melting I’m afraid.”
    Cara shouted “Stop eating”
    Pippin wailed “I feel sick”

  2. Ibraheem S.

    1. It arrives at 12:30
    2. It will take 19:40
    3. Journey a takes 4 hours and 5 minutes.
    4. Journey a is the best to take
    5. You have to wait 20 minutes
    6. It takes 2.

  3. Ameen K.

    *“I can eat more than you,” the boy boasted.
    *“My lollipop stick is melting I’m afraid,” the crossing patrol woman *explained.
    *“Stop eating!” Cara shouted.
    *“I feel sick!” Pippin wailed
    1. 12.30pm
    3.4 hours and 5 minutes
    4. Journey A
    5.20 minutes
    6.2 stops on Journey b

  4. Najma O.

    I can eat more than you, the boy boasted .
    My lollipop sick is falling I’m afraid the crossing patrol explained
    Stop eating, cara shouted
    I feel sick , pippin wailed

    You will arrive at Derby at 12: 30
    In order to get to Newcastle it will Aproximately take 3 hours to you should get there at 19: 40 .
    To York the best way to go is at 13 : 20
    Journey a will take 4 hours and 5 minutes

  5. Yunus R.

    I completed English and wow

  6. Yunus R.

    1.I can not eat so much the boy said.
    2No my delicious lollipop has fell on the floor
    3I am really angry that you are eating my food!
    4I feel good now!!

    1. Najma O.

      In order to go to Sheffield station and you miss the train I got you a way to go in 20 minutes and you will now arrive at 18:30
      The 11:30 train will stop 2 time at Derby and Sheffield

  7. Eman

    this is my WOW homework link:

    1. “I can eat more than you,” the boy boasted.
    2. “My lollypop stick is melting i’m afraid,” The crossing patrol person explained.
    3. “Stop eating,”Cara shouted!!
    4. “I feel sick,” Pippin wailed!!

  8. Adam J.

    1. The train will be at Derby at 12:30.
    2. The train will arrive to Newcastle at 17:25
    3. Journey A takes exactly 4 hours and 5 minutes.
    4. The closest to 13:30 journey A which is 13:20
    5. you need to wait for 3 three hours because the duration of journey c is 3 hours and the journey will be at 21:10.
    6. The 11:30 train passes by 2 train stations.

  9. Xlexben F.

    I have completed my Maths and the English homework in my homework book.

  10. Adam J.

    ” I can eat more than you,” the boy boasted.
    ” My lollipop stick is melting i’m afraid!”,the crossing patrol women explained.
    ” Stop eating,” Clara shouted.
    ” I feel sick!”,Pippen wailed.

  11. Yaseen E.

    The boy boasted “I can eat more than you”
    The crossing patrol woman explained my
    “my lolipop stick is melting I’m afraid”
    Cara shouted “stop eating”
    Pippin wailed ” i feel sick”
    1.) You will arive 12:30.
    2.) You will arive in 3 hours so you will arive 19:40 (pm).
    3.) Journey A will take 1hour and 30 mins.
    4.) It is journey A.
    5.) It will take 20 mins.
    6.) It has one station.

  12. Karanbir B.

    The boy boasted “I can eat more than you”
    The crossing patrol woman explained my “my lolipop stick is melting I’m afraid”
    Cara shouted “stop eating”
    Pippin wailed ” i feel sick”

  13. Minaal A.

    I did my homework on a price of paper
    I did my wow and english

  14. Muhammad S.

    1.The boy boested, ”I can eat more than you!”
    2. The crossing patrol women explained, ”My lollipop steck is melting, I’m afraid.”
    3.Cara shouted, ”Stop eating!”
    4.Pipin wailed, ”I feel sick.”
    3.4 hours and 5 minutes
    4.Journey A
    5.20 minutes
    6. 2 stops

  15. Ibrahim M.

    English :
    1) “I can eat more than you,” the boy boasted.
    2) “My lollipop stick is melting I’m afraid,” the crossing patrol woman explained.
    3) “Stop eating!” Cara shouted.
    4) “I feel sick!” Pippin wailed.
    Maths :
    1) You will get to Derby at 12:30.
    2) You would arrive at Newcastle on Journey C at 19:40 because it takes 3 hours and starts at 16:40 and Newcastle is the last stop.
    3) Journey A takes 4 hours and 5 minutes because it starts at 10:20 and finishes at 14:25.
    4) If you need to get to York at 13:30, the best way to get there by that time is Journey A because it stops at York at 13:20.
    5) If you arrive at Sheffield train station at 18:10, you will have to wait 20 minutes for the next train to Newcastle because the train arrives at Sheffield train station at 18:30.
    6) The 11:30 train stops at two train stations before York ; Derby train station and Sheffield train station.

  16. Tyson T.

    The boy boasted,” I can eat more than you.”
    The crossing patrol woman explained,” My lollipop stick is melting I’m afraid.”
    Clara shouted” Stop eating!”
    Pippin wailed ” I feel sick.”
    1. You will arrive at 10:30 If you go to Derby from London.
    2.London will arrive at 19:40,Derby will arrive at 21:00,Sheffield will arrive at 21:30 and York will arrive at 22:15.]
    3.Journey A will take 10 minutes.
    4.Journey A best to take.
    5.I will have 20 minutes to wait.
    6.It will take 3 station stops.

  17. Elyas A.

    I did my maths and English in my homework book

  18. Estera V.

    1. “I can eat more than you” the boy boasted.
    2″ My lollipop stick is melting i’m afraid” the crossing patrol women explained.
    3. “Stop eating “Cara shouted!
    4. “I feel sick” Pippin wailed.

    1You arrive at Derby at 12:30
    2. You arrive at Newcastle at 19:40
    3. Journey a takes 1hour
    4. The best time to take is journey a
    5. 2 hours
    6. 1 Station

  19. Lusardo M.

    English 📚
    1) “I can eat more than you,” the boy boasted.
    2) “My lolly pop stick is melting i’m afraid,” The crossing patrol person explained.
    3) “Stop eating,”Cara shouted!!
    4. “I feel sick,” Pippin wailed!!
    Maths 🧮
    .1. 12.30pm
    .3.4 hours and 5 minutes
    .4. Journey A
    .5.20 minutes
    .6.2 stops on Journey b

  20. Ibraheem S.

    1. “I can eat more than you” the boy boasted.
    2″ My lollipop stick is melting i’m afraid” the crossing patrol women explained.
    3. “Stop eating “Cara shouted!
    4. “I feel sick” Pippin wailed.

  21. Aarav R.

    1. You arrive at Derby at 12:30
    2. You arrive at Newcastle at 19:40
    3. Journey a takes 1hour
    4. The best time to take is journey a
    5. 2 hours
    6. 1 Station
    I will do wow in my homework book.

  22. Awais W.

    1. “I can eat more than you,” the boy boasted.
    2. “My lolly pop stick is melting i’m afraid,” The crossing patrol person explained.
    3. “Stop eating,”Cara shouted!!
    4. “I feel sick,” Pippin wailed!!

    1) 12.30pm
    2) 19.40pm
    3) 4 hours and 5 minutes
    4) Journey A
    5) 20 minutes
    6) 2 stops on journey b

  23. Miski M.

    1. “I can eat more than you,” the boy boasted.
    2. “My lollypop stick is melting i’m afraid,” The crossing patrol person explained.
    3. “Stop eating,”Cara shouted!
    4. “I feel sick,” Pippin wailed!

  24. Khadija A.

    I can eat more than you spoke the boy.
    my lollipop stick is melting said the women.
    stop eating shouted Cara .
    i feel sick cried Pippin
    1hour and 10 minutes

  25. Kamil N.

    Rwanda, officially the Republic of Rwanda, is a landlocked country in the Great Rift Valley of Central Africa, where the African Great Lakes region and Southeast Africa converge. Located a few degrees south of the Equator, Rwanda is bordered by Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
    Levels of crime remain relatively low in Rwanda, but there are cases of burglary, theft, bag snatching and mugging in Kigali.

    I can’t eat more than you,the boy boasted
    My lollipop stick is melting I’m afraid the ,Patrol said

  26. Sumaya S.

    i can eat more than said the boy
    my lollypop is melting said the women
    stop eting shouted cara
    i feel sick wailed pippin
    1hour 10 minets
    1hour 10 minets

    1. Mrs Latham

      I can see you’ve had a go but you need to add punctuation and capital letters to your English task.

  27. Isah C.


  28. Hanfaa N.

    1. “I can eat more than you,” the boy boasted.
    2. “My lollypop stick is melting i’m afraid,” The crossing patrol person explained.
    3. “Stop eating,”Cara shouted!!
    4. “I feel sick,” Pippin wailed!!
    The Islamic republic of Pakistan emerged as an independent sovereign state on 14th August 1947, as a result of the division of former British India. It lies between 23-35 to 37- 05 north latitude and 60-50 to 77- 50 east longitude touching the Hindukush Mountains in the north and extending from the Pamirs to the Arabian Sea.
    Pakistan covers 796,095 sq.km with a population of 132.35 million according to population census 1998. It is divided into four provinces:
    Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
    The country has an agricultural economy with a network of canals irrigating a major part of its cultivated land. Wheat, cotton, rice, millet and sugar cane are the major crops. Among fruits: mangos, oranges, bananas and apples are grown in abundance in different parts of the country. The main natural resources are natural gas, coal, salt and iron. The country has an expanding industry. Cotton, Textiles, sugar, cement, and chemicals play an important role in its economy.
    The country comprises of a vast area that was the great center of ancient civilizations of the world. Its historical sites beginning with stone-age to Twentieth Century A.D are a mirror of the life of its people who were, by nature, simple, virile, hospitable and hard working. Ancient sites excavated inTaxila, Harappa, and Moenjodaro speak volumes for Pakistan’s rich cultural background dating back to 3,000 B.C.
    Prime Minister Mr. Shehbaz Sharif
    President of Pakistan Mr. Arif Alvi
    Climatically, Pakistan enjoys a considerable measure of variety. North and north western high mountainous ranges are extremely cold in winter while the summer months of April to September are very pleasant.

  29. Haroon K.

    I have completed my maths and the English homework in my homework book

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