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Year 4 Spring 1 Week 4 Homework

Hi year 4,

Here is this week’s homework. Don’t forget it must be finished by Wednesday morning. All three pieces must be completed.

Complete the Maths challenge on the Broad Heath website.


Complete the reading challenge on the Broad Heath website.


Practise week 4 spellings on Spelling Shed.

8 responses to “Year 4 Spring 1 Week 4 Homework”

  1. Dean-Junior L.

    I have completed all my homework

  2. Sanaa M.

    I have finished homework I have already completed maths challenge

  3. Hadiya M.

    I have done all of my homework pls check also I replied to all the blogs already.😇🤗👍🏻👏🏻

  4. Esa A.

    My maths and English challenges are not working.

  5. Subodh K.

    We did that homework and I went on challenges and it was still the same homework 📚

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Hi Subodh,
      Challenges are live on the website from the first day of each half term. Some children choose to complete them then, others don’t. This week’s homework ensures all children complete the challenges.

      I can see you have already completed most of the Maths challenge- can you give the platinum challenge a go?

      However, it doesn’t look like you have completed the Reading challenge- please make sure you do this. Spelling Shed, TTRS and reading also needs to be completed.

  6. Hamida K.

    The homework is from befores work because when I go on challenges it has the same one wich I have already done.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Hi Hamida,
      You completed the challenges on the 9th and 10th January. It was the challenge set for Spring 1, you were just amazing and completed it beforehand!
      Don’t forget, you still have Spelling Shed, TTRS and reading as homework so you can do these instead.

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