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Year 4 Spring 1 Week 1 Homework

Hi year 4,

Here is this week’s homework. Don’t forget it must be finished by Wednesday morning. Complete a minimum of two pieces and the spelling task set on Spelling Shed.  If you have any problems, let your teacher know on Monday morning.

Complete the 11 and 12 x challenge set on Education City.

It is saved in Homework – Spring 1 Week 1


Research week 2 spellings and use each one correctly in a sentence. Complete this in your homework book.

Create a leaflet/ poster to tell tourists about Mexico.

Use these subheadings to organise you work:

Location                                           · Population                                          Food                                                 Sport                                                  Famous landmarks

Complete the assignment set on Spelling Shed.

11 responses to “Year 4 Spring 1 Week 1 Homework”

  1. Havin A.

    My phone doesn’t let me do spelling she’d but I will try thought the day

  2. Havin A.

    I got 93 percent I got 1 wrong on accident.

  3. Subodh K.

    I got 100% on 11 and 12 times table .

  4. Hadiya M.

    I have done my homework Math and English

  5. Hishaam G.

    I got. 100 in maths

  6. Esa A.

    my spelling shed is not working.

  7. Esa A.

    I got 100% on 11 and 12 times tables.

  8. Ahyan K.

    I got 100% on both of the times tables

  9. Aadam R.

    Maths 12 times tables 100%

  10. Aadam R.

    11 times tables 93%

  11. Ebeid M.

    I got 100 percent on the 12 and 11 times tables on education city.

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