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This half term in English we are looking at stories from other cultures. Below is an extract from the Jungle Book, written by Rudyard Kipling.

It was seven o’clock of a very warm evening in the
Seeonee hills when Father Wolf woke up from his
day’s rest, scratched himself, yawned, and spread out
his paws one after the other to get rid of the sleepy
feeling in their tips.
Mother Wolf lay with her big grey nose dropped across her
four tumbling, squealing cubs, and the moon shone into
the mouth of the cave where they all lived. ‘Augrh!’ said
Father Wolf, ‘it is time to hunt again’; and he was going
to spring downhill when a little shadow with a bushy tail
crossed the threshold and whined: ‘Good luck go with you,
O Chief of the Wolves; and good luck and strong white teeth
go with the noble children, that they may never forget the
hungry in this world.’
It was the jackal – Tabaqui, the Dish-licker – and the wolves
of India despise Tabaqui because he runs about making
mischief, and telling tales, and eating rags and pieces of

leather from the village rubbish-heaps. But they are afraid
of him too, because Tabaqui, more than anyone else in
the jungle, is apt to go mad, and then he forgets that he
was ever afraid of anyone, and runs through the forest
biting everything in his way. Even the tiger runs and hides
when little Tabaqui goes mad, for madness is the most
disgraceful thing that can overtake a wild creature. We call
it hydrophobia, but they call it dewanee – the madness –
and run.
‘Enter, then, and look,’ said Father Wolf stiffly; ‘but there is
no food here.’
‘For a wolf, no,’ said Tabaqui; ‘but for so mean a person as
myself a dry bone is a good feast. Who are we, the Gidur-log
[the Jackal-People], to pick and choose?’ He scuttled to the
back of the cave, where he found the bone of a buck with
some meat on it, and sat cracking the end merrily.
‘All thanks for this good meal,’ he said, licking his lips.
‘How beautiful are the noble children! How large are their
eyes! And so young too! Indeed, indeed, I might have
remembered that the children of Kings are men from the
Now, Tabaqui knew as well as anyone else that there is
nothing so unlucky as to compliment children to
their faces.

Answer the questions below in full sentences.


What did the Jackal do that was unlucky?


Look at the second paragraph. Find and copy one word that means: a) The wolf had lots of energy when it woke up. b) The same as whinged or complained. c) The same as banquet.


Why did the Jackal compliment the children?

Why did the father wolf let the Jackal into the cave?


Write the next part of the story. What do you think will happen next?

79 responses to “Year 4 Reading Challenge Spring 1”

  1. Bethany P.

    The thing that jackal did that was unlucky was he complimented the childrens faces.


  2. Mahdi R.

    He complimented the children’s faces.
    Because Jackal was bad and naughty.

  3. Sayda A.

    what the jakel did that was so unlucky was he complimented the children
    1 Spring
    2 whined
    3 Feast
    gold because the children where kings

  4. Alzahra R.

    Sorry I did twice homework reading in this blog sorry

  5. Alzahra R.

    Bronze: he was complimented children to their face.

  6. Amina I.

    Bronze – Tabaqui knew as well as anyone else that there is
    nothing so unlucky as to compliment children to
    their faces.

    Silver – whined
    feast and spring.

    1. Amina I.

      Sorry this my sisters username but it is me mustafa iqbal 4b

  7. Safa S.

    The jackal complimented the children to their faces .


    Jackal complement the children because the text said he thought that it was unlucky .
    The wolf let Jackal to the back of the cave because he helps them.

  8. Lawan R.

    1)compliment children to their faces

    2) whined.
    1) they are children of kings.
    2) because he was afraid of him.

  9. Zaynab M.

    he did what was unlucky to compliment children to their faces .
    1) whined
    2) feast
    3) spring
    they were the children of the kings .
    because he was extremely in hunger ,
    I think Tabaqui will know that Jackal had know idea though, he would be really anxious that Jackal
    had complemented his kids in such a way he new he was anxious that he couldn’t hold his fears .
    he obviously had to do something and so he did he made one complement about Jackal that will drag him way into the depths of the jungle. They both made an agreement that they will stay out of each others nerves and never bully one’s kids.
    After that they never ever talked to each other and Jackal was never seen ever again since that agreement. Another agreement s words were now held that Jackal should never be able to talk to any of the wolf since that one day he was never talked about neither on there type of paper or
    in any conversations he was always seen in the depths of the jungle the family were now always hunting in happiness never in madness after that one day.

  10. Arfa S.

    What Jackal did that was unlucky he compliment children faces.

    1. Day’s rest
    2. Augrh
    3. feast

    Why did the Jackal compliment the children?

    He was in Wolf cave and found some food to eat, He also wanted to explain the greatness of the wolf’s so started complimenting the children.

    Why did the father wolf let the Jackal into the cave?

    Jackal was looking for something to eat and father wolf allowed him to search a food.

  11. Zaeem J.

    What Jackal did that was unlucky was complimenting children to their faces.

    1. Rustam M.

      Completed children to their fact -bronze
      Day’s rest

  12. Madeeha T.

    Complemented children to their faces
    The Jackel complemented the children because it was happy he had food from searching food from everywhere

  13. Anaya R.

    The Jackal knew it was unlucky to compliment children in front of their faces.

  14. Amelia A.

    1)compliment children to their faces

    2) whined


    1) they are children of kings
    2) because he was afraid of him

  15. Yoshita P.

    Bronze: The jackal did that was unlucky was he compliment children to
    their faces.
    Silver: The wolf had lots of energy when it woke -spring downhill.
    The same as whinged or complained-whined.
    The same as banquet-feast.

  16. Nma M.

    The Jackal complimented the children’s face.
    a) The wolves had lots of energy when they woke up- The wolves were very hyper.
    b) The same as complained or whinged- Whining a lot
    c) The same as banquet- Feast
    The Jackal complimented the children because it was excited to finally have food after a long time of finding food.
    The Jackal wanted to get in the cave because it was extremely hungry and couldn’t look for food, so the Jackal wanted to get in their cave.
    The next part of the story:
    Tabaqui knew that the Jackal had no idea though, but Tabaqui still was shocked. It’s very unlucky to do that, complimenting the children… Tabaqui was very disappointed in the Jackal. So I think that Tabaqui might tell the Jackal that it’s very unlucky to do that and the Jackal must not do that again, outside of the cave. The Jackal might spring away in the jungle, and then hide from Tabaqui as Tabaqui was just warning the Jackal that complimenting the children is unlucky. The Jackal might be lost then try go back to the cave. Tabaqui finds the Jackal and then the Jackal hides inside the cave, behind a few rocks. Then Tabaqui sees the Jackal but gets so mad and then ignores the Jackal. Later, the Jackal might tell the Wolves thank you and then hide behind the cave to see if it can try make a small shelter to sleep with the wolves because the Jackal forgotten where it’s home is. Tabaqui hears footsteps, then goes outside the cave to check what’s going on. The Jackal quickly runs and grabs all of its stuff and goes behind the trees and goes on its knees, so Tabaqui can’t see. Tabaqui goes back in and the Jackal fixes its shelter behind the cave and tries to spy on Tabaqui for a few minutes. Then, the Jackal hides back behind the cave and looks around, secretly trying to find somewhere to make shelter instead, but near the cave as Tabaqui might see the Jackal and talk about why the Jackal complimented the children. The Jackal finds a new shelter, which is covered with vines, trees and leaves. The Jackal makes its shelter and enjoys in its nice shelter.

  17. Muhammed K.

    1) complimenting children faces

    A) spring downhill
    B) whined
    C) feast

  18. Anish B.

    The jackal did compliment the children to their faces.
    1. wine means complaining.
    2. hyper means waking up with lots of energy.
    3. feast means the same as a banquet.
    The Jackal complements the children because the text said he thought that it was unlucky. And
    the wolf let Jackal to the back of the cave because he helps them.

  19. Ahmad R.

    The Jackal complimented the children.

  20. Hussein H.

    The thing that made the Jakal unlucky was to compliment into the children’s faces.
    The wolf complimented the children because he was blown away by the food.
    The Jakal let them in because he thought there was no food inside.

  21. Adam O.

    He complimented the children to their faces.


    a) Spring
    b) Wihned
    c) Feast

  22. Hudayfa A.

    Bronze :
    He compliment kids in their face.
    Threshold and whingined.
    Kings children.
    Because he had a hydrophobia
    I think that the kids are going to get him.

  23. Khadeeja M.

    What did the Jackal do that was unlucky?
    The thing that Jack and did that was unlucky was when he compliment did to the children’s faces
    Look at the second paragraph. Find and copy one word that means: a) The wolf had lots of energy when it woke up. b) The same as whinged or complained. c) The same as banquet.
    A)The wolf had lots of energy when it woke up=spring.
    B)The same as whinged or complained=whined.

    1. Khadeeja M.

      Why did the Jackal compliment the children?
      The jacket complimented to the children because he had a nice feast to eat.
      Why did the father wolf let the Jackal into the cave?
      Father was let the jackal into the cave because he was so hungry and because he was hungry was mad.

  24. Nihal P.

    The Jackal complimented the children to their faces, this is what was unlucky.


    a) The wolf had lots of energy when it woke up. – Spring downhill
    b) The same as whinged or complained. – Whined
    c) The same as banquet. – feast


    The Jackal complimented the children because he was happy that he had some food to eat.

    The father let the Jackal in the cave because the Jackal was mad and starts biting things when he gets angry.

  25. Ramandeep K.

    What did the Jackal do that was unlucky?
    The Jackal complimented children to their faces.
    1. Hyper
    Why did the Jackal compliment the children?
    The Jackal compilmented the children because he thinks its unlucky.
    Why did the father wolf let the Jackal into the cave?
    He let the Jackal in the cave because he help them.

  26. Haarun M.

    Jackal did complement children to their face. Silver
    1)hyper mean woke up with lots of energy.
    2)wine mean complaining.
    3)feast mean the same as banquet
    Jackal complement the children because the text said he thought that it was unlucky .
    The wolf let Jackal to the back of the cave because he help them

  27. Alinna A.

    Jacket did complement children to their face.
    Hyper mean woke up with lot of energy.
    Wining means complaining.
    Feast is the same as banquet.

  28. Delilah R.

    1.The jackal complimented the children to their faces .
    2.he was going to spring downhill
    4.the jackal complimented the children because je thought they had big eyes and were beautifull and noble
    5.father wolf let the jackal in the cave to look for food he was known that he gets mad and everyone gets frightened .

    After eating the bits of meat of the dry old bone the jackal is still hungry .He goes down hill to see what tasty things he can gind.He is nit fussy , he will eat anything he finds he is a little scavenger .Any scrap will be a treat for this little hungry fellow .On the way down hill he hears tigers eating a deer they had caught, he hides behind a tree and waits for them to leave so he can clean up there mess befre the vultures come .

  29. Adam D.

    Bronze: the unlucky moment was when jackal complimented at the children’s faces. Silver:Another word for having a lot of energy is energetic. Another word for wine is squealed another word for banquet is dinner or feast Gold:Jackal complimented the children’s face’s because he thought that was lucky. The wolf let Jackal enter because he got them to look at the food then jackal found a bone as he called it a feast.

  30. Amina H.

    Jackal did complement children to their face. Silver
    1)hyper mean woke up with lots of energy.
    2)wine mean complaining.
    3)feast mean the same as banquet.
    Jackal complement the children because the text said he thought that it was unlucky .
    The wolf let Jackal to the back of the cave because he help them

    1. Amina H.

      find food.

      1. Aiza B.

        Jackal was unlucky because he complimented the children’s faces.
        1. Power
        2. Whine
        3. Feast
        He thought it would be lucky.
        He let him enter because he ate anything that was in his way.

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