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Year 4 Reading Challenge Autumn 1

Hi year 4,

For your reading challenge this half term, read through the following non-fiction text about rainforests.

Answer the following questions in full sentences.


  1. Name two types of rainforest.
  2. Which rainforests are nearer to the equator – temperate or tropical?
  3. What percentage of natural medicines can be found in the rainforest?


  1. Why are there no rainforests in Antarctica? Explain.
  2. How do animals communicate when they cannot see one another?
  3. Why has the author written the word ‘damp’ in brackets in the ‘Forest Floor’ section?


Read the last line carefully. What is you opinion, and why?


Produce your own information text on the Brazilian rainforest, using your own research.

58 responses to “Year 4 Reading Challenge Autumn 1”

  1. Ahsan M.

    1. Tropical and temperate
    2. Tropical
    3. 25%
    1. Because it is to cold and if it is to cold the water will freeze
    2. they use loud calls to communicate
    3. Because it is extra information
    1. We can plant a lot of trees
    There are several different types of rainforest
    rainforest cover less than 3 percent of planet earth
    The world’s largest rainforest is the Amazon. rainforest
    rainforest house more species of plants and animals than any other terrestrial
    ecosystem. much of the life in. the rainforest is found in the trees
    Amazon River is the largest by volume
    The capital city is Brasilia and in Brazil people speak Brazilian Portuguese.

    1. Mrs Browning

      Great answers, Ahsan
      Why is the rainforest so important to human?

  2. Haseeb B.

    1. The to types of rainforests are the tropical rainforest ( in the tropical , warm zone near the Equator
    2. The second rainforest is the temperate ( in the temperate zone, further away from the Equator.
    3. There is 25% of medicine found in the rainforest
    1. The reason there is no rainforest in Antarctica 🇦🇶 because it is a freezing 🥶 and you can’t live there with out a coat 🧥 other wise you might die because of the coldness

    1. Mrs Jones

      Great work👍

  3. Evie T.


    1. The two types of rainforest are tropical which are warm, and temperature.
    2.tropical rainforest are closest by the equator.
    3. 25% of natural medicines have been found in rainforests


    1.There are no rainforest in Antarctica because it is freezing cold and not warm enough for trees and plants to grow and survive. There is no soil and the water would stay frozen.

    2.Animals can communicate by making loud noises or by swinging from tree to tree.

    3. The word damp is in brackets because it helps explain the word humid.


    We could not manage without rainforests because they use photosynthesis to take in carbon dioxide and makes oxygen which we need to survive our own lives. Also the rainforests keep our weather system stable by absorbing carbon dioxide making rainfall and keeping temperatures stable.

    1. Mrs Jones

      Great answers Evie well done 🤩

  4. Gurshaanpreet S.

    1. Amazon Tropical rain forecast
    2. Tropical(in the Tropical warm zone
    3. 25 parent nutural madasent have been found in Rian forest
    1. It’s too cold to be a Rian forest be in a intartitka
    2. They use loud calls to cummktion because they can’t see
    3. Because its humid
    Gold’s porvids oxygen which we need to breath and survive

    1. Mrs Browning

      Great answers, Gurshaan.
      Be careful with your spellings, especially if you are copying from a text!

  5. Huzaifah J.

    1. There are two types of rainforest tropical and temperature.
    2. The tropical rainforest is near the Equator.
    3. 25% of natural medicines have been found in rainforests.

    1. There are no rainforests in Antarctica as it’s dry, cold and icey, rainforests require a lot of rainfall.
    2. The amount of leaves in the canopy can make it difficult to see so animals use loud calls to communicate with one another.
    3. The author has used the word ‘damp’ in brackets because he is describing the forest floor as slightly wet.

  6. Huzaifa S.


    1). Tropical rainforest and Temperate rainforest.

    2). Tropical rainforest is the nearest to the equator.

    3). 25% percent of the natural medicines can be found in the forests.


    1). There are no rainforests in Antarctica because it is far too cold there.

    2). Animals used loud calls to communicate when they cannot see one another.

    3). The word (damp) is bracketed to indicate that this was not the exact word from the quotes but is included to give clarity to the word.

    1. Mrs Browning

      Good job, Huzaifa 👍🏻

  7. Manuela M.

    1. tropical
    2. tropical
    3. 25%
    1.There are no rainforest in Antarctica because it’s cold and windy.
    2. The animals are shouting to communicate.
    3. humid means damp.

    1. Mrs Browning

      Great work, Manuela.
      Can you try Gold?

  8. Dominik B.


    1. There are two types of rainforests they are tropical and temperate.
    2. Tropical rainforests are nearer to the equator.
    3. 25% of natural medicine can be found in a rainforest.


    1. There are no rainforests in Antarctica because the temperature is far too low.
    2. Animals communicate by using loud calls when they cannot see each other.
    3. Damp is written to give a definition of the word humid.


    We cannot manage without rainforests because 50% of all animals and plants live in rainforests . Also 20% of earths water is found in rainforests.


    60% of the Amazon rainforest is in Brazil.
    The Amazon rainforest is made up of over 390 individual trees made up by 16,000 different types of tree.
    The Amazon rainforest likely formed during the Eocene era between 56,000,000 and 33,900,000 years ago.

  9. Iqra A.

    1. Tropical rainforest and temperate rainforest.
    2. Tropical rainforest are near to the equator.
    3.25% of nature medicines have been found in rainforest.

    1.There are no rainforest in Antarctica because it’s far from the equator which means it’s too cold.
    2. Some animal can jump from tree to tree and some animals use loud calls to communicate other animals.
    3.So he can explain the meaning of humid.

    We need rainforest because we have to survive by breathing oxygen and they produce lots of fruits and vegetables.

    1. Mrs Jones

      Super answers Iqra well done 🤩

  10. Ella K.

    1 tropical and temperate are 2 types of rainforests.
    2. Tropical is the nearest to the equator
    3 25% of Natural medical is found in rainforests.
    1. Because it’s far and too cold there
    2 the animals in rainforest use loud calls to communicate.
    The rainforest is important because it gives us oxygen,medicine and water

    1. Mrs Jones

      Well done Ella 👍

  11. Kayla P.

    Bronze Challenge:
    1. Tropical and Temperature are two types of rainforests.
    2. Tropical rainforests are near to the equator.
    3. 25% percent of the natural medicines can be found in the rainforests.

    Silver Challenge :
    1. There are no rainforests in the Antarctica be it is far too cold there.
    2. Animals used loud calls to communicate when they cannot see one another.
    3. Because humid means damp.

    Gold Challenge:
    Read the last line carefully. What is your opinion, and why?

    Rainforests are important to us. They do a few things that are super important to our life on Earth. They make oxygen and we need oxygen to breath and survive. Natural medicines have also been found in rainforests and so this is another reason why they are important.

    1. Mrs Browning

      Good job Kayla!
      Great answers.🙂

      Did you know that humans breathe out carbon dioxide and trees absorb that and create oxygen for us to breathe?

  12. Ella C.

    1. The Congo rainforest , Amazon rainforest
    2. The tropical rainforest
    3. 25%
    1. There is no rainforests in Antarctica because it is far too cold there.
    2. Animal have to load calls communicate because they can’t see each other.
    3. To show the meaning of humid.

  13. Dhonshan R.

    1.Tropical and tempreture

    1.There are no rainforests at Antarctica because it is too cold to have a rainforest.
    2.That they can’t see at thick leaves and some of them jump tree to tree.
    3.Because it is a useful word for a non-fiction text.

    1.we can’t manage without a rainforest because trees give us oxygen.

    1. Mrs Jones

      Well done👍

  14. Salman O.

    1.the tropical and temperate.
    2.the tropical rainforest

    1. Salman O.

      1. The tropical and the temperate.
      2. The tropical rain forest.
      3. 25%

      1. There is no rain forest in Antarctica because it is too cold out there.
      2. They normally scream to communicate.
      3. So he can explain the meaning of humid.

      So we will not be able to survive because we will not have food, oxygen and medicine.

  15. Hannah B.

    1. tropical and temperate
    2. tropical
    3. 25%
    1. Because it is to cold
    2. With loud calls
    3. Because humid means damp
    1. Logging and replanting
    2. Education
    3. Ecotourism
    The Amazon Rainforest is the second largest Rainforest in the world.
    The Amazon Rainforest covers Colombia, Peru and other South American Countries.

    1. Mrs Browning

      Great job, Hannah.
      Can you explain why trees are important to humans?

  16. Maryam K.

    1) The tropical rainforest and the temperate rainforest.
    2) Tropical
    3) It is 25.
    1) There are no rainforest in Antartica because the temperature is to low for anything to grow
    2) Animals use loud calls to communicate with others.
    3)Because Damp is a a synonym for wet
    We wouldn’t survive without rainforest because there are loads of trees in rainforest therefore if we cut them down we wouldn’t have oxygen

    1. Mrs Browning

      Great job, Maryum

  17. Aqsa S.


    1. There are no rainforests in Antarctica because it is far too cold there.
    2.Animals have to use load calls to communicate because they cannot see each other.
    3. To explain what the word humid means.

  18. Aadyan W.

    1.Tropical rainforest and Temperate rainforest.
    2.Tropical rainforest.

    1. Because it’s too cold to be in Antarctica and there is too much ice also rainforests contain plants and soil.Plants can’t grow in that temperature aswell.
    2.Animals go to the canopy of the tree to make loud calls.
    3.Another word for humid because people might not know what humid means so he put that if someone knows what damp means.

    Rainforests have a lot of trees which provide oxygen and without oxygen it’s impossible to live.

    The Amazon rainforest is the largest rainforest in the world.
    The Amazon river is the 2nd largest river in the world with 1st being The River Nile.
    Piranhas and crocodiles live in there so it’s not very safe to swim in the Amazon river.
    The Amazon rainforest and river was naturally made.
    The Amazon river is 6400 kilometres long.

  19. Murtaza A.


    Name two types of rainforest.
    The tropical rainforest and temperate.

    Which rainforests are nearer to the equator – temperate or tropical?
    Tropical is nearer to the equator.

    What percentage of natural medicines can be found in the rainforest?
    25% were found.


    Why are there no rainforests in Antarctica? Because it is far too cold.

    How do animals communicate when they cannot see one another?
    They have to use loud calls to communicate.

    Why has the author written the word ‘damp’ in brackets in the ‘Forest Floor’ section?
    Because humid means damp.


    Read the last line carefully. What is your opinion, and why?
    My opinion is we can’t manage without them because we need the trees and oxygen.

    1. Mrs Jones

      Great answers Murtaza 👍

  20. Sanya S.


    1. Tropical and temperate
    2. Tropical


    1. Antarctica is a cold habitat for a rainforest and animals won’t survive in such temperatures.
    3. It’s a humid climate and the mud will be damp and wet.

  21. Dyako A.


    1)Tropical and Temprature
    2) Tropical


    1)There are no rainforests in Antarctica because it is far too cold there.
    2)Animals have to use load calls to communicate because they cannot see each other.
    3) To explain what the word humid means


    We cant manage without rainforest because they are super important to our life on Earth. They make oxygen which we need to breathe and survive.


    The Amazon Rainforest is the worlds largest tropical rainforest

    Amazon is found in South America, spanning across Brazil and other countries in South America.

    In 2007 a man named Martin Strel swam the entire length of the Amazon River.

    One fascinating fish found in the Amazon is the Pirarucu.

  22. Maximilian J.

    1. Tropical and temperate
    2. Tropical
    3. 25%

    1. It is too cold for trees and plants to grow.
    2. Loud calls.
    3. To show the meaning of humid.

    Rainforests play a large part in the world and help with the production of oxygen.

    1. Mrs Jones

      Great work👍

  23. Latifa A.


    I think we could not stand a chance without the trees and plants. I think this because they go through a process called photosynthesis and it turns our carbon dioxide into oxygen so no we couldn’t survive without plants

  24. Latifa A.


    1. The amazon rainforest is in fact the largest rainforest in the entire world.

    2.The Amazon River running through this large rainforest is the second longest River in the world

    3. The Amazon Rainforest has the richest ecosystem

    1. Mrs Jones

      Great work👍

  25. Abdul A.

    1]Tropical and Temprature
    1]There are no Rainforestes in Antarica because it is far too cold There.
    2]Animal have to use load calls to communicate because they cannot see each other.
    3.To expiain what the world humid mean.

    We can`t manage without rainforest because they are super importent to our life on earth. They make oxygen which we need to breath and survive.


    The Amazon is the world largest trapical rainforest.
    Amazon is found in south America, spanning across Brazil.
    In 2007 a man named Martin strel swam the entir length of the Amazon River.
    One fascinating fish found in the Amazon is the pirarucu.

    1. Maryum N.

      types of rainforest are Amozan rainforest and Tropical rainforest.

      3.theres no forests in Antarctica because it’s too cold their and animals will die.

      1. Mrs Browning

        👏🏻well done.
        What do trees need to survive, Maryum?

  26. Saanvika M.

    tropical and temperature

    There are no rain forest in Antarctic because it is cold there.
    they use loud calls to communicate.
    the author written damp in brackets because it is the meaning of humid.

    With out trees it is hard for a human to take oxygen and releases carbon dioxide.

    1. Mrs Jones

      Well done good answers

  27. Iqra F.

    1)Tropical temperature
    Silver Rainforest in Antarctica because it would make the tree into ice and the animal would be in a bad benifent it is too freazing and impossible for a rainforest to be normal.

    They would use loud call like shouting if they could even though it is too far for them.
    Because The man called Mariten sweld in 2007 have swam in the largest river in the country.

  28. Nabira M.

    1.tropical and temperature
    There are no rainforest in antartica
    Because it’s to cold.

  29. Hudaa M.

    1 tropical temperate
    2 tropical
    3 25%

    1 there are no plants or rainforests in antarctica because there is no soil it is just all ice but if there was soil that means that there will be rainforest and trees and grass but no there is just all ice
    2 loud calls to communicate and they cannot see one another in the tick leaves and some can jump tree to tree
    3 because he wants to tell you that the humid is damp very damp but if the brackets are not there it will just mean damp

    1. Mrs Browning

      Great answers, Huda.
      Why are trees so important to humans?

  30. Aiyla S.


    1. Tropical and Temprature
    2. Tropical


    1. There are no rainforests in Antarctica because it is far too cold there.
    2.Animals have to use load calls to communicate because they cannot see each other.
    3. To explain what the word humid means.


    We can’t manage without rainforest because they are super important to our life on Earth. They make oxygen which we need to breathe and survive.


    The Amazon is the worlds largest tropical rainforest.

    Amazon is found in South America, spanning across Brazil.

    In 2007 a man named Martin Strel swam the entire length of the Amazon River.

    One fascinating fish found in the Amazon is the Pirarucu.

    1. Jasmine P.

      Tropical and temperature bronze
      There are no rainforest in Antarctica because it is cold
      The animals when they create a very loud sound and they jump one tree to another tree
      He explained about damp that is called humid we’re the animals and leafs die when they don’t get sunlight

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