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Hi year 4,

For your reading challenge this half term, read through the following non-fiction text about rainforests.

Answer the following questions in full sentences.


  1. Name two types of rainforest.
  2. Which rainforests are nearer to the equator – temperate or tropical?
  3. What percentage of natural medicines can be found in the rainforest?


  1. Why are there no rainforests in Antarctica? Explain.
  2. How do animals communicate when they cannot see one another?
  3. Why has the author written the word ‘damp’ in brackets in the ‘Forest Floor’ section?


Read the last line carefully. What is you opinion, and why?


Produce your own information text on the Brazilian rainforest, using your own research.

95 responses to “Year 4 Reading Challenge Autumn 1”

  1. Mustafa A.

    Tropical rainforest
    The Tropical rainforeste
    Because The artic is cold
    They bowt communicate

  2. Arjun G.

    Tropical and temperate
    Tropical is nearest to the equator
    In the Tropical the plants were Medicean to treat Cancer
    There were no rainforest in Antarctica because it was to cold there
    They use loud calls
    The word damp has been used to describe the forest floor

  3. Rahim A.

    Amazon rainforest and a rainforest.tropical rainforests are near the equator. The reason why the rain forest is not in Antarctica because trees can’t be planted there .i think they can communitcate is seeing each other .

  4. Eva H.

    Amazon rainforest
    Temper rainforest
    Because it’s cold And only penguins live there
    They use phosical
    Because it dope and it rain a lot
    If we didn’t have rainforests we wouldn’t have oxygen or animals that live in rainforests wouldn’t have there home and find somewhere else

  5. Safa A.

    amzonon rainforist
    temper rainforist
    beccause its cold and only pengens live there
    they used phosical
    becase it dape and it rain olot

  6. Hishaam G.

    Tropical and Amzon rainforest
    Tropical is the close to equator
    Natural persenten is 25

  7. Ebeid M.

    1. The two types of rainforests are the tropical and amozen Rainforest.
    2.The tropical Rainforests are claser to the equator.
    3.The precentage of natural medicine is 25 precent.
    1There are no rainforests in antarctica because it is far too cold there.
    2.Animals communicate to others if they cant see them by using loud calls.
    3. The author has written the word damp becaus it is dirty and has dead animals on the ground.
    1. If we didnt have rainforests we would not have many oxygen and that can cause death.

  8. Camarni H.

    1. Two types of rainforest are tropical and temperate

    2. Tropical are nearer to the equator because it’s hot at the equator so it’s tropical

    3. 70% is used to treat cancer

    1. Mrs Jones

      Well done. How much was used for food?

  9. Nabiha I.

    1.Tropical and Temperate
    2.Tropical is closer to the ecwater.
    1.Because it is to cold for a rainforest to grow there.
    2. Because they do loud couls and cannot jump to tree to tree.

    1. Mrs Jones

      Well done. Please take care with your spellings.

  10. Bronze
    Topical and Amazon Rainforest
    The warm zone is closer to the equator

    1. Mrs Jones

      Well done.

  11. Haroon E.

    1. Tropical and temperate
    2. Tropical
    3. 25% of natural medicines have been found the rainforest

    1. Mrs Jones

      Well done Haroon.

  12. Ameera K.


    *Name two types of rainforest.
    Tropical rainforest
    Temperate rainforest
    *Which rainforests are nearer to the equator – temperate or tropical?
    Tropical rainforest
    *What percentage of natural medicines can be found in the rainforest?
    25% of natural medicine can be found in the rainforest

    *Why are there no rainforests in Antarctica? Explain
    Because it is very cold in Antartica so trees can’t survive
    *How do animals communicate when they cannot see one another?
    The animal use loud voices and some animal can swing from one tree to another
    *Why has the author written the word ‘damp’ in brackets in the ‘Forest Floor’ section?
    To explain that the rainforest is humid .

    Read the last line carefully. What is you opinion, and why?
    He wants us to think about how important the rainforests are to stay alive.

    1. Mrs Jones

      Super work Ameera. Keep this up.

  13. Max P.

    1.tropical & temperate.
    2.the tropical zone is the near to the aquater.

  14. Carter D.

    1. Amazon and tropical.
    2. Tropical.
    3. 25%

  15. Vanessa N.

    ammonia rine forest
    24%medicine found in the rainforest

    1. Mrs Jones

      Good try Vanessa. Take care with your spellings when copying from a text please.

  16. Kinza A.

    Tropical & Amizon rainforest
    The warm zone is closer to the equator
    Because it’s freezing cold
    They yell out loud
    They will die for oxygen

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