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Extract from Harry Potter

October arrived, spreading a damp chill over the grounds and into the castle. Madam Pomfrey, the nurse, was kept busy by a sudden spate of colds among the staff and students. Her Pepperup potion worked instantly, though it left the drinker smoking at the ears for several hours afterward. Ginny Weasley, who had been looking pale, was bullied into taking some by Percy. The steam pouring from under her vivid hair gave the impression that her whole head was on fire.

Raindrops the size of bullets thundered on the castle windows for days on end; the lake rose, the flower beds turned into muddy streams, and Hagrid’s pumpkins swelled to the size of garden sheds. Oliver Wood’s enthusiasm for regular training sessions, however, was not dampened, which was why Harry was to be found, late one stormy Saturday afternoon a few days before Halloween, returning to Gryffindor Tower, drenched to the skin and splattered with mud.

Even aside from the rain and wind it hadn’t been a happy practice session. Fred and George, who had been spying on the Slytherin team, had seen for themselves the speed of those new Nimbus Two Thousand and Ones. They reported that the Slytherin team was no more than seven greenish blurs, shooting through the air like missiles.

As Harry squelched along the deserted corridor he came across somebody who looked just as preoccupied as he was. Nearly Headless Nick, the ghost of Gryffindor Tower, was staring morosely out of a window, muttering under his breath, “. . . don’t fulfill their requirements . . .half an inch, if that . . .”

“Hello, Nick,” said Harry.

“Hello, hello,” said Nearly Headless Nick, starting and looking round. He wore a dashing, plumed hat on his long curly hair, and a tunic with a ruff, which concealed the fact that his neck was almost completely severed. He was pale as smoke, and Harry could see right through him to the dark sky and torrential rain outside.


Use a dictionary to find the meaning of the following words. Then write 3 synonyms for them.






  • What does the phrase ‘shooting through the air like missiles’ suggest about how the Nimbus Two Thousand and One moves through the air.
  • What words and phrases help the reader to imagine that Harry is miserable? E.g. Squelched along. List 3 more.


Find a quote on the Harry Potter quote finder or in the text above. Copy the quote into the blog and then explain why you like the quote. What language tricks/techniques have been used and why is it effective?

Key vocabulary: openers, similes, metaphors, adverbial phrases, adjectival phrases, personification, figurative language, adjectives, sentence types, multiclause sentences, coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, punctuation.

89 responses to “Year 4 Reading Challenge- Autumn 1”

  1. Rustam M.

    Vivid light colour
    spate flood
    morosely gloomy
    drenched wet

    it is really fast

  2. Aryan M.

    1. Vivid vibrant colourful
    2.spate flood
    3.morosely gloomy
    4.drenched flood soaking wet

    The phrase means there high up or in the air.
    Squelched along
    Tower drenched to the skin.
    His face was pale and angry.

  3. Mahdi R.

    Reading Challenge
    Vivid- Colourful,high,crystal.
    Spate- Run,flood,furry.
    Morosely- Gloomy,sulky,Moody.
    Drenched- Soak,wet.
    Shooting like an hyper speed bullet and Harry looked weak,Squelched along and preoccupied.
    Raindrops the size of bullets thundered on the castle windows for days on end; the lake rose,
    the flower beds turned into muddy streams and Hagrid’s pumpkins shelled to the size os garden sheds.
    That is my favourite sentence because it has good adjectives to write on.

  4. Muhammad D.

    *vivid – producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.
    *spate – a large number or amount.
    *morosely – having a sullen and gloomy disposition.
    *drenched – wet or soaked.
    • What does the phrase ‘shooting through the air like missiles’ suggest about how the Nimbus Two Thousand and One moves through the air.
    • What words and phrases help the reader to imagine that Harry is miserable? E.g. Squelched along. List 3 more.

    1. The phrase means that it is very fast and shooting in the air.
    2. Drenched to the skin. Splattered with mud. He came across somebody who looked just as preoccupied.

  5. Zaeem J.


    Vivid. Bright colorful brilliant

    Spate series outbreak string

    Morosely gloomily dejectedly

    Drenched saturated soaked

  6. Adam O.

    Vivid= producing powerful feelings.
    Spate= A large number of similar things.
    Morosely= marked by or expressive of gloom.
    Drenched= something wet or soaked .

    1. The phrase means that the nimbus 2 thousand and one is flying really fast.
    2. Dashing, squelched and thundered.

  7. Minhaj A.

    vidid- cristal bright and steming deep.
    Spate- sudden flood.
    Morosely- hving a sullen and gloomy dispostion
    drenched- slipering wet.
    1. He was wiggling in the sky in speed.
    2. His face was pale and red anger.

  8. Afsa P.

    Did it in m homework book

  9. Sabiha K.

    1. Vivid means producing a clear, powerful image in mind. A synonym for vivid is arteries, happiness and neurons.
    2. Spate a more considerable amount of events, especially unpleasant ones were happening around the same time. A synonym for spate is considerable quantity, vast amount and large range.
    3. Morosely in a very unhappy or annoying way. A synonym for morosely is devastated, upset and sad.
    4. Drenched to make something or someone extremely wet. A synonym for drenched is thunderstorm, rain and wet.
    1. It means something is going very fast through the air.
    2. I looked in the text and this is what Harry was
    doing: As Harry squelched along the deserted corridor he came across somebody who looked just as preoccupied as he was.
    Oliver Wood’s enthusiasm for regular training sessions, however, was not dampened, which was why Harry was to be found, late one stormy Saturday afternoon a few days before Halloween, returning to Gryffindor Tower, drenched to the skin and splattered with mud.
    This is my favourite sentence is this one because it has very good punctuation.

  10. Arfa S.

    Vivid = Producing powerful feelings and strong, clear images in mind.
    Spate = A large number of similar things coming in quick succession.
    morosely = Sullen and ill tempered.
    Drenched = Wet thoroughly

    Shootong through the air like misslies’mean it’s going really fast through the air.

    Headless Nick looked same miserable as Harry so we can imagine same for Harry.

    Following words and phrase shows Harry is miserable:

    Preoccupied in thoughts
    staring morosely out of window
    muttering under his breath.

  11. Keaton O.

    The steam pouring from under her Vivid hair gave the impression that her whole head was on fire.

  12. Keaton O.

    Vivid means producing powerful feelings or strong clear images in the mind.
    Spate means a large number of similar things coming in quick succession.
    Morosely means having a sullen and gloomy disposition.
    The phase means really fast.
    As Harry squelched along the deserted corridor he cam e across somebody who looked as preoccupied as he was.

  13. Bethany P.

    The phrase ‘shooting through the air like a missiles’ suggest that the nimbus two thousand, is flying through the air really fast.

  14. Aaron G.

    Vivid-expressive glowing and brilliant
    Spate-wave outpouring and flood
    Drenched-soaked wet and deluge
    1.They were going very fast
    2.He was pale as smoke
    My favourite quote is Fred and George, who had been spying on the Slytherin team, had seen for themselves the speed of those new Nimbus Two Thousand and Ones. This is because it builds up an image that looks like Fred and George hide behind the castle was spying on the Slytherin team.

    1. Aaron G.

      Morosely-unhappy annoyed and gloomy

  15. Aiza B.


  16. Zoe E.

    A synonym for drenched is soaked .
    A synonym for morosely is gloomily
    A synonym for vivid is brightly coloured.
    1. The phrase shooting in the air like missiles means when its going really fast like flash.
    2. It hadn’t been a happy practice session.
    Gold: my favourite quote is when it says shooting in the air like missiles because it reminds me of when someone is flying super fast in the sky

  17. Zoe E.

    Vivid:producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images

    Spate:large number of similar things coming at once.

    Morosely:to be in a very unhappy or annoyed way.

    Drenched:to be soaked or wet.

  18. Mustafa A.

    vivid – produce a clear, powerful image in the mind.
    spate – a larger amount of events, especialy unpleasant ones happening around the same time.
    morosely – in a very unhappy or annoyed way.
    drenched – to make something or someone extremely wet.
    1. The phrase means it was super fast.
    2. Harry squelched along and looked preoccupied.
    the phrase i like is: “Raindrops the size of bullets thundered on the castle windows for days on end”
    this is because i like the was they made the raindrops sound so heavy and scary.

  19. Aisha A.

    1) vivid-strong,high,bright

    2) spate-flood,

    3) morosely-gloomy,sullen

    4) drenched-wet, submerged, flood.
    1) moves super fast quick.
    2) He was pale, severed.

  20. Muazzan M.

    Strong and powerful pictures in mind.
    large number of similar things coming in quick succession.
    Morosely having a sullen Drenched – wet thoroughly; soak.
    Soak, Saturate, drown gloomy disposition.

  21. Madeeha T.

    Vivid – Deep or bright colour.
    colourfull and light.
    Spate – Flood.
    Cluster,Outbrake and String.
    Morsely – Gloomy.
    Cranky and Gum.
    Drenched – Wet and Soked.
    Covered and Absorved.
    Shooting in the air like missilies means flying fast.

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