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Year 4 Reading Challenge Autumn 1

Hi year 4,

For your reading challenge this half term, read through the following non-fiction text about rainforests.

Answer the following questions in full sentences.


  1. Name two types of rainforest.
  2. Which rainforests are nearer to the equator – temperate or tropical?
  3. What percentage of natural medicines can be found in the rainforest?


  1. Why are there no rainforests in Antarctica? Explain.
  2. How do animals communicate when they cannot see one another?
  3. Why has the author written the word ‘damp’ in brackets in the ‘Forest Floor’ section?


Read the last line carefully. What is you opinion, and why?


Produce your own information text on the Brazilian rainforest, using your own research.

58 responses to “Year 4 Reading Challenge Autumn 1”

  1. Roshaan K.

    I think if the Rainforest didn’t exist then there will be not that much greenery in the 🗺️

    1. Mrs Jones

      How else would that impact us?

  2. Roshaan K.

    One type of rainforest is the Amazon and the other is the Congo
    The Amazon Rainforest is one of the closest to the equator tropical and the Congo Rainforest is one of the closest to the equator there is 25 percentage of natural medisun in the rainforest
    There are no rainforests in Antarctica because the climate has already reached the lowest degree they signal another animal by making a sound like a whale because he didn’t want to make it boring

    1. Mrs Jones

      Good work👍

  3. Advika B.

    1. Tropical and Temperate
    2. Tropical
    3. 25%
    1.Because the temperature was to cold.
    2. They make noises.
    3. Because they were describing the forest floor was slightly wet .
    1. We can’t manage without them because they give us oxygen.

    The Amazon rainforest is the largest rainforest in the world.

    1. Mrs Jones

      Super answers Advika well done👍

  4. Rayyan Mirza

    1. Tropical ( in the tropical , warm zone near Equater).
    2. Temperate ( In the temperate zone further away from the Equater).
    3. 25%
    1. its far too cold.
    2. they have to use loud voice
    3. Because the word ‘damp’ means wet so the author thought that the rainforest is wet so he thought he could use it for the word wet.
    1.we could manage us by communicating to each other.
    2. we could eat food.
    3. And… Play!
    More than 30 million people of 350 different ethnic groups live in the Amazon, which are subdivided into 9 different national political systems and 3,344 formally acknowledged indigenous territories.

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