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Year 4 Outdoor Adventurous Activities Morning 21-5-2024

On Tuesday 21st May we are taking 12 children from year 4 to Rough Close to take part in some outdoor activities, including a scavenger hunt. The children taking part need to come to school in their PE kit. They will leave at 9:00am from school and be back at 12:00. This is another opportunity provided by our Coventry West school games organisers. Here are the children selected;

4 Blue – Farris, Chavi, Max, Ebu 

4 White – Maya, Ilyas, Rayaan, Harvin 

4 Red – Tinuola, Rayaan, Camarni, Yasmin 

Well done to those selected. Any questions please let me know.

One response to “Year 4 Outdoor Adventurous Activities Morning 21-5-2024”

  1. Tinuola T.

    Thank you for choosing me, do we have to bring water.

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