Hello Year 4,

For your first Maths Challenge this year, you have some problems linked to a well-known fantasy story, which therefore links with our English unit this term! Don’t forget to show your workings out!


1) How much would it cost to buy both the Nimbus 1500 and the Nimbus 2000?
2) What is the price difference between the Nimbus 2001 and the Nimbus 1000?
3) Harry has 1150 gold coins, how many more coins does he need so he can buy the Nimbus 2001?
4) The Oakshaft 79’s price range is in between 1247 coins and 1250 coins. How much might the Oakshaft 79 cost?


1) How much does it cost to buy the Nimbus 1000, Nimbus 1500 and the Nimbus 2001?
2) How much change would Mrs Weasley receive from 1400 gold coins if she buys the Nimbus 2001?
3) What is the price difference between the Nimbus 1000 and the Nimbus 2001?
4) How much change would Hagrid receive from 3125 gold coins, when he buys the Nimbus 2000 and the Nimbus 2001?
5) The Oakshaft 79 costs more than the Nimbus 2001 and the Nimbus 1000 together, but costs less than 1936 coins. How much might the Oakshaft 79 cost?


1) How much does it cost to by the first, second and fourth Nimbus broomsticks?
2) How much change will Neville receive from 3401 coins,  when he buys the Nimbus 1500 and the Nimbus 2001?
3) Malfoy had 4209 coins, he wants to by three broomsticks, including the Nimbus 2001, which other two brooms can he afford?
4) Mrs Weasley buys 3 lots of Oakshaft 79’s costing her 6072 gold coins altogether. What was the cost of one Oakshaft 79?

79 responses to “Year 4 Maths Challenge- Autumn 1”

  1. Muazzan M.

    1.1129 + 104 =1233 coins.
    2.The price difference is 1001.
    3.Harry needs 79 more coins to get the nimbus 2001.
    The oakshaft might cost 1249 coins.

  2. Ramandeep K.

    1.How much would it cost to buy both the Nimbus 1500 and the Nimbus 2000?
    The total amount would be
    2.What is the price difference between the Nimbus 2001 and the Nimbus 1000?
    The price difference is 1071.
    3.Harry has 1150 gold coins, how many more coins does he need so he can buy the Nimbus 2001?
    Harry would only need 93 more gold coins.
    4.It could be either be 1248 or 1249.

  3. Zoe E.

    1) It will cost 1233 coin. I know this because 104 + 1129 is 1233.

    2) The difference between the nimbus 2001 is 1,243 coins but the nimbus 1000 is only 172 coins.
    1,243 – 172 = 1,071.

    3) Harry needs 93 coins so that he will be able to buy the nimbus 2001.

    4)I think that the oakshaft79 is 197 coins because 1247 – 1250 is 197 coins.

    1)It will cost 2,319 coins to buy all of the nimbus.I know this because 627+385+1307 is 2319

    2) she will recive 93 coins after buying the nimbus 2001.

    3)the price difference between the nimbus 2001 and the nimbus 1000 is 680.I know this because 1307 – 627 is 680.

    4) Hagrid will recive 278 coins, after buying the nimbus 2000 and the nimbus 2001.

    5) I think that the oakshaft 79 will cost 1934 coins because 1936 add 1934 is 3870.

  4. Zahra N.

    1. It will cost 1233 104+1129 = 1233.
    2. 1243-172= 1071
    3 .1243- 1150 = 93
    4. It may cost 1248 or 1249.

    627+385+1307= 2319

  5. Nma M.

    1. 1129 + 104. = 1233- This is because 1 hundred + 2 hundred , it would be 3 hundred and then the ones will be 3 .
    2. The price between 172 gold coins and 1,243 coins is that Nimbus 2001 has 1 thousand 243 and Nimbus 1,000 has only 172 gold coins and it’s only 1 hundred but Nimbus 2001 is 1 thousand .
    3. Harry needs 93 more gold coins to buy the Nimbus 2001.
    4. The Oakshaft need to have between 1248 or 1249 .
    Silver : 1 . Altogether the gold coins would be 2,319 .
    2 . Mrs Weasley needs 93 more coins to receive 1,400 .
    3 . Taking away 627 from 1,307 = 680.
    4. Hagrid received 789.
    5. 627 + 1,307=1,934 so the price is 1935 . Gold : 1. 1,032+1204+2017=4253. 2: 1,204+2,017=3,221.
    3. He can afford the Nimbus 1000,2000,2001.
    4. 6,072%3=2,024.

  6. Vaneza S.

    It would cost Nimbus 1500, Nimbus 1000 172 gold coins and for the nimbus 2000 it would cost 104 gold coins.
    All together it would cost 1276 gold coins.
    3)93 more coins.
    4)1248 coins
    1)2139 coins all together.
    2)93 coins.
    3)680 coins.
    4)2096 coins.
    5)1935 coins.

  7. Madeeha T.

    Bronze –
    1,248 or it could be 1249.
    The Oakshaft79 might cost 1,629

  8. Delilah R.

    How much would it cost to buy both the Nimbus 1500 and the Nimbus 2000?
    + 104

    2) What is the price difference between the Nimbus 2001 and the Nimbus 1000?

    _ 172

    3) Harry has 1150 gold coins, how many more coins does he need so he can buy the Nimbus 2001?


    4) The Oakshaft 79’s price range is in between 1247 coins and 1250 coins. How much might the Oakshaft 79 cost?
    1248 or1249

    1. Delilah R.

      How much does it cost to buy the Nimbus 1000, Nimbus 1500 and the Nimbus 2001?
      + 385

      2) How much change would Mrs Weasley receive from 1400 gold coins if she buys the Nimbus 2001?

      93 gold coins

      3) What is the price difference between the Nimbus 1000 and the Nimbus 2001?

      4) How much change would Hagrid receive from 3125 gold coins, when he buys the Nimbus 2000 and the Nimbus 2001?


      5) The Oakshaft 79 costs more than the Nimbus 2001 and the Nimbus 1000 together, but costs less than 1936 coins. How much might the Oakshaft 79 cost?


      1. Delilah R.

        How much does it cost to by the first, second and fourth Nimbus broomsticks?
        2) How much change will Neville receive from 3401 coins, when he buys the Nimbus 1500 and the Nimbus 2001?

        3) Malfoy had 4209 coins, he wants to by three broomsticks, including the Nimbus 2001, which other two brooms can he afford?
        Broomsticks 1000 and 2000
        4) Mrs Weasley buys 3 lots of Oakshaft 79’s costing her 6072 gold coins altogether. What was the cost of one Oakshaft 79

  9. Irfa M.

    To buy both nimbus 1500 and nimbus 2000, it cost 1233 coins.

    the price difference between the nimbus 2001 and the nimbus 1000 is 1071 coins.

    Harry needs 93 more golden coins.

    4.The Oak shaft 97 can cost 1247 or 1248 or 1249 or 1250 coins.

    1. 1307+627+385= 2319
    To buy nimbus 1000,nimbers 1500 and nimbus 2001, it costs 2319 coins.

    Mrs Weasley will get 93 coins.

    The price difference between nimbus 1000 and nimbus 2001 is 680 coins.

    It coast in total2336 coins to buy both nimbus 2000 and 2001.
    Hagrid will get 789 coins in change.

  10. Irfa M.

    To buy both nimbus 1500 and nimbus 2000, it cost 1233 coins.

    the price difference between the nimbus 2001 and the nimbus 1000 is 1071 coins.

    Harry needs 93 more golden coins.

    4.The Oak shaft 97 can cost 1247 or 1248 or 1249 or 1250 coins.

    1. 1307+627+385= 2319
    To buy nimbus 1000,nimbers 1500 and nimbus 2001, it costs 2319 coins.

    Mrs Weasley will get 93 coins.

    The price difference between nimbus 1000 and nimbus 2001 is 680 coins.

    It coast in total2336 coins to buy both nimbus 2000 and 2001.
    Hagrid will get 789 coins in change.

  11. Nicolas-Andrei M.


  12. Nicolas-Andrei M.

    3.1,000 and2000

  13. Ahmed O.

    1. 104 + 1129 =1000, 100+100=200,29+4=33,
    1000 +200 + 33 = 1233

    2. 1243 – 172 = 1071

    3. 1243-1150 = 93 gold coins.

    4. The Oakshift 79 cold cost 1248 or 1289

  14. Mohammed D.

    1) How much would it cost to buy both the Nimbus 1500 and the Nimbus 2000?

    1- 104+1129= 1233 gold
    2) What is the price difference between the Nimbus 2001 and the Nimbus 1000?

    2- 1243-172=1071 gold coins

    3) Harry has 1150 gold coins, how many more coins does he need so he can buy the Nimbus 2001?

    3- 1243-1150= 93 gold

    4) The Oakshaft 79’s price range is in between 1247 coins and 1250 coins. How much might the Oakshaft 79 cost

    1247 or 1249

  15. Anish B.

    1) How much would it cost to buy both the Nimbus 1500 and the Nimbus 2000?
    104+1129 = 1233
    2) What is the price difference between the Nimbus 2001 and the Nimbus 1000?
    1243 – 171 = 1072
    3) Harry has 1150 gold coins, how many more coins does he need so he can buy the Nimbus 2001?
    1243- 1150 = 93
    4) The Oakshaft 79’s price range is in between 1247 coins and 1250 coins. How much might the Oakshaft 79 cost?
    1248 or 1249

    1) How much does it cost to buy the Nimbus 1000, Nimbus 1500 and the Nimbus 2001?
    627 + 385 + 1307 = 2319
    2) How much change would Mrs Weasley receive from 1400 gold coins if she buys the Nimbus 2001?
    1400 – 1307 = 93
    3) What is the price difference between the Nimbus 1000 and the Nimbus 2001?
    1029 – 627 = 402
    4) How much change would Hagrid receive from 3125 gold coins, when he buys the Nimbus 2000 and the Nimbus 2001?
    1029 + 1307 = 2336
    3125 – 2336 = 786
    5) The Oakshaft 79 costs more than the Nimbus 2001 and the Nimbus 1000 together, but costs less than 1936 coins. How much might the Oakshaft 79 cost?
    627+1307 = 1934, so it costs at 1935

  16. Adam O.

    1. It will cost 1032+1204+2017=4253
    2. He will receive 3401 -1204 – 2017 = 180
    3. He will have 4209 – 2017 = 2192 = 2192 left so he can afford the Nimbus 1000 and the Nimbus 2000.
    4.The cost of one Oakshaft is 6072 / 3 = 2024

  17. Adam O.

    1. It would cost 104+1129=1233 gold coins.
    2. The difference is 1243 – 172 = 1071 gold coins.
    3. He would need 1243 – 1150 = 93 gold coins.
    4. It might cost 1248 or 1249 gold coins.

    1. The Nimbus 1000 costs 672 the Nimbus 1500 costs 385 and the Nimbus 2001 costs 1307.
    2. She would receive 1400-1307=93 .
    3. The difference is 1307-627=680
    4. He would receive 3125 – 1029 – 1307 = 789
    Together they cost 1307+627=1934 so the cost might be 1935

  18. Nihal P.

    1)Nimbus 1500 and Nimbus 2000 total is 1,233 coins
    104 + 1129 = 1233

    2)Different between Nimbus 2001 and Nimbus 1000 is 1071 coins.
    1243 – 172 = 1071

    3)Harry needs 93 more coins to buy Nimbus 2001.
    1243 – 1150 = 93

    4)The Oakshaft 79’s price might be 1,249 coins.

    1)To buy the Nimbus 1000, the Nimbus 1500 and Nimbus 2001 you will need 2,319 coins.
    627 + 385 + 1307 = 2319

    2)From 1400 coins, if Mrs Weasley buys the Nimbus 2001, she will have 93 coins left.
    1400 – 1307 = 93

    3)The price difference between Nimbus 1000 and Nimbus 2001 is 680 coins.
    1307 – 637 = 680

    4)From 3125 coins, if Hagrid buys the Nimbus 2000 and Nimbus 2001, he will have 789 coins left.
    1029 + 1307 = 2336
    3125 – 2336 = 789

    5)The Oakshaft 79 could cost 1935 coins.
    627 + 1307 = 1934

    1)To buy the first, second and forth Nimbus broomsticks, it would cost 4,253 coins.
    1032 + 1204 + 2017 = 4253

    2)From 3401 coins, if Neville buys the Nimbus 1500 and Nimbus 2001, he will have 180 coins left.
    1204 + 2017 = 3221
    3401 – 3221 = 180

    3)With 4209 coins, Malfoy can afford the Nimbus 2001, Nimbus 1000 and Nimbus 2000.
    4209 – 2017 = 2192
    1032 + 1092 = 2125

    4)The cost of the Oakshaft 79 is 2024 coins.
    6072 / 3 = 2024

  19. Yoshita P.

    1. 1233 gold coins to get the nimbus 1500 and 2000.
    2. 1071 is the difference of the price to the nimbus 2001 and 1000 .
    3. Harry needs 93 coins to by the nimbus 2001.
    4. The answer is 1248 or 1249

  20. Muhammed G.

    1129 add 104 equals 1233
    1243-172 = 1131
    The number is in between could be 1248 or 1249
    627 add 385 add 1307 equals 2319
    1400-1307 equals 93
    1307-627 = 1320
    3125-1029-1307 equals 1203 1307 add 627 add 936 equals 1935
    1032 add 1204 add 2017 equals 3450
    3401-1032-2017 equals 924
    4209-2017 = 2212
    6072÷3 = 2024

  21. Amirah T.

    1) How much would it cost to buy both the Nimbus 1500 and the Nimbus 2000?
    The Nimbus 1500 costs 104 gold coins. The Nimbus 2000 costs 1129 gold coins. It would cost 1233 gold coins to buy both the Nimbus 1500 and the Nimbus 2000. I used the HTO method to add both numbers together as follows: 1129 + 104 = 1233.

    2) What is the price difference between the Nimbus 2001 and the Nimbus 1000?
    The Nimbus 2001 costs 1243 gold coins and the Nimbus 1000 costs 172 gold coins. The price difference is 1071 gold coins. I used the HTO method to subtract the costs to find the difference as follows: 1243 – 172 = 1071.

    3) Harry has 1150 gold coins, how many more coins does he need so he can buy the Nimbus 2001?
    The Nimbus 2001 costs 1243 gold coins. Harry will need 93 gold coins to be able to buy the Nimbus 2001. I used the HTO method to subtract the costs to find the difference as follows: 1243 – 1150 = 93.

    4) The Oakshaft 79’s price range is in between 1247 coins and 1250 coins. How much might the Oakshaft 79 cost?
    The Oakshaft 79 might cost 1248 gold coins or 1249 gold coins. I know this because the number 1248 comes after the number 1247, and the number 1249 comes before the number 1250.

    1) How much does it cost to buy the Nimbus 1000, Nimbus 1500 and the Nimbus 2001?
    The Nimbus 1000 costs 627 gold coins, the Nimbus 1500 costs 385 gold coins and the Nimbus 2001 costs 1307 gold coins. It would cost 2319 gold coins to buy all these Nimbuses. I used the HTO method to add all the numbers together as follows: 627 + 385 + 1307 = 2319.

    2) How much change would Mrs Weasley receive from 1400 gold coins if she buys the Nimbus 2001?
    The Nimbus 2001 costs 1307 gold coins. Mrs Weasley would receive 93 gold coins in change from 1400 gold coins. I used the HTO method to subtract the costs to find the difference as follows: 1400 – 1307 = 93.

    3) What is the price difference between the Nimbus 1000 and the Nimbus 2001?
    The Nimbus 1000 costs 627 gold coins and the Nimbus 2001 costs 1307 gold coins. The difference between the two Nimbuses is 680 gold coins. I used the HTO method to subtract the costs to find the difference as follows: 1307 – 627 = 680.

    4) How much change would Hagrid receive from 3125 gold coins, when he buys the Nimbus 2000 and the Nimbus 2001?
    The Nimbus 2000 costs 1029 gold coins and the Nimbus 2001 costs 1307. Firstly, I used the HTO method to add the costs of both Nimbuses together as follows: 1029 + 1307 = 2336. I found out that if Hagrid bought both Nimbuses it would cost him 2336 gold coins. Next, I used the HTO method to subtract the costs of both Nimbuses from Hagrid’s gold coins as follows: 2336 – 3125 = 789. Finally, I found out that Hagrid would receive 789 gold coins in change.

    5) The Oakshaft 79 costs more than the Nimbus 2001 and the Nimbus 1000 together, but costs less than 1936 coins. How much might the Oakshaft 79 cost?
    Firstly, I added the cost of the Nimbus 2001 and the Nimbus 1000 together by using the HTO method as follows: 627 + 1307 = 1934 gold coins. I now know that the Oakshaft 79 costs more than 1934 gold coins, but less than 1936 gold coins. Therefore, the Oakshaft 79 might cost 1935 gold coins as this number comes after 1934 and before 1936.

    1) How much does it cost to buy the first, second and fourth Nimbus broomsticks?
    I know that the first Nimbus costs 1032 gold coins, the second Nimbus costs 1204 gold coins and the fourth Nimbus costs 2017 gold coins. To buy all these Nimbuses it would cost 4253 gold coins. To find this out I used the HTO method to add all these numbers up as follows: 1032+1204+2017=4253.

    2) How much change will Neville receive from 3401 coins, when he buys the Nimbus 1500 and the Nimbus 2001?
    Firstly, I added the cost of the Nimbus 1500 and the Nimbus 2001 together by using the HTO method as follows: 1204+2017= 3221 gold coins. I now know that both Nimbuses would cost Neville 3221 gold coins. Next, I would need to subtract 3221 from Neville’s gold coins to find out how much change he would have left. I used the HTO method to subtract as follows: 3221-3401=180. Neville would have 180 gold coins in change.

    3) Malfoy had 4209 coins, he wants to by three broomsticks, including the Nimbus 2001, which other two brooms can he afford?
    Firstly, I would need to subtract the cost of the Nimbus 2001 from Malfoy’s gold coins. I used the HTO method to do this subtraction as follows: 2017-4209=2192. I now know that Malloy will have 2192 gold coins left to buy another two Nimbuses. I also know that the Nimbus 1000 costs 1032 gold coins and the Nimbus 2000 costs 1092 gold coins. Next, I used the HTO method to add both numbers together to find out how much both Nimbuses would cost Malfoy, as follows: 1032+1092=2124. I now know that it would cost Malfoy 2124 gold coins. Finally, I used the HTO method to subtract the total from Malfoy’s gold coins as follows: 2124-2192=68. This tells me that Malfoy had enough gold coins to buy the Nimbus 2001, Nimbus 1000 and the Nimbus 2000, leaving him with 68 gold coins in change.

    4) Mrs Weasley buys 3 lots of Oakshaft 79’s costing her 6072 gold coins altogether. What was the cost of one Oakshaft 79?
    I used the method of dividing to find out the cost of one Oakshaft 79. Firstly, I looked into how many 3s are in 72 by sharing out 72 sweets to 3 people. This gave me the answer of 24. Next, I looked at how I could divide 6000 by 3, and I did this by simply dividing 6 ➗ 3 = 2, I then added the zero to the end of 2 making it 2000. I then added 2000 to 24 as follows: 2000 + 24 = 2024. I now know that 6072 ➗ 3 = 2024, meaning one Oakshaft 79 costs 2024 gold coins.

  22. Khadeeja M.

    1) How much does it cost to by the first, second and fourth Nimbus broomsticks?
    It costs 3500 golden coins to buy the Nimbus broomsticks.
    2) What is the price difference between the Nimbus 2001 and the Nimbus 1000?
    The price between them is 1,001 because 2001 — 1000 =1,001.

    3) Harry has 1150 gold coins, how many more coins does he need so he can buy the Nimbus 2001?
    He needs 0851 more golden coins to buy Nimbus 2001.

    4) The Oakshaft 79’s price range is in between 1247 coins and 1250 coins. How much might the Oakshaft 79 cost?
    The Oakshaft might cost 1248 coins.

  23. Myiesha S.

    1.The nimbus 1500 and 2000 together will make 3500.
    4.It might be 1248 or 1249.



    3.Draco Malfoy can buy 2000 and 1000 including the nimbus 2001.
    4.The oaksaft will cost 2024 gold coins.

  24. Amelia A.

    4)1248 and 1249


  25. Sara K.

    3.1307+627=1934 the answer is 1935
    3. Nimbus1000 and the nimbus2000

  26. Hudayfa A.

    1. It would cost all together £1233.
    2. The difference in price is £1071 between them.
    3. Harry needs £93 more coins.
    4. The oakshaft 79 might cost £1248 or £1249.

    1. To buy the nimbus 100,1500 and 2001 it would cost £2319 In total.
    2. Mrs Weasley would get £93 gold coins change back.
    3. The price difference is £680 gold coins.
    4. Hagrid would receive £789 gold coins back from his £3125.
    5. The Oakshaft 79 might cost £1935 gold coins. The cost of nimbus 1000 and nimbus 2001 is £1934. But costs less than £1936, this can only mean it would be £1935.

  27. Haarun M.

    1) It would cost 1233.
    2) The answer is 1071.
    3) The answer is 93.
    4) It might be 48, 48.5 or 49.
    The answer is 2319 because 627+385+1307=2319.
    The difference is 680.
    She has 729 left.
    3.1307+627=1934 answer is 1935

    t cost to by the first, second and fourth Nimbus broomsticks 4253.
    Neville will receive 180 gold coins change, when he buys the Nimbus 1500 and the Nimbus 2001
    Malfoy can buy the Nimbus 2001 Nimbus 1000 and Nimbus 2000, which other two brooms can he afford?
    The cost of one Oakshaft 79 is 2024 gold coins

  28. Minhaj A.

    1) It would cost 1233.
    2) The answer is 1071.
    3) The answer is 93.
    4) It might be 48, 48.5 or 49.
    The answer is 2319 because 627+385+1307=2319.
    The difference is 680.
    She has 729 left.

  29. Sayda A.

    Bronze it would cost 1,233 gold coins
    The different is that nimbus 2001 is great than
    nimbus 1000.
    Harry would need 1,43 coins to get nimbus 2001
    One oaksaft79 would cost 3072

  30. Osas O.

    4.1248 or 1249
    5.Oakshaft79 could cost 1629
    3.he can afford Nimbus 2000 and 1500.

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