
Read the text and answer the questions.


Go onto Times Table Rockstars and practice your times tables. Record your score in your homework book.


Design your own WW2 machine. This could be a plane, tank, ship. The choice of yours. Bonus points for a model of your design!

84 responses to “Year 4 Homework- Week 4”

  1. Ibraheem S.

    1. Another word for trade is barter.
    2. The grocer gave sweets to Clara
    3. Clara is excited because the orange was sweet and sticky.
    4. Clara said I wish i could share with you because there is plenty in the huge back garden.
    I played ttrs on jamming and got 30 right.

  2. Mohammed I.

    It is barter.
    I think he gave sweets to Clara.
    Clara was exited because it was so sweet.
    Clara wanted to share with her mom.
    I have scored, 24

  3. Minaal A.

    1.another word for trade is barter.
    2.The grocer have sweets to clara.
    3.clara was excited that she has an orange because oranges to them were special.
    4.she said I wish I could share with you some vegetables but she couldn’t.
    I scored 16 on ttrs.

  4. Zeyd H.

    I got 75 correct and 2 incorrect on TTRS.
    1.The synonym for trade is Barter
    2.They give Clara sweets and treats.
    3.I even managed to get an orange -can you believe it is the phrase.She was happy because you couldnโ€™t get a lot of food from rationing.
    4.She wanted to share since she missed her mom.

  5. Elyas A.

    I did my English homework and played ttrs and I got 96

  6. Sumaya S.

    I did my homework

  7. Xlexben F.

    1.Wich word means trade ? Swap .
    2.What grocer did the give Clara.? Sweet .
    3.Wich phrase tells us that Clara was excited about getting about getting an orange? She was excited because the gucie was so sweet and sticky.
    4. Why does Clara end by saying I wish I could share with you ? Because the are plenty vegetables that grow in the background.

  8. Zahra D.

    I did ttrs.
    1. The word which means the same as trade is swap because in the text it says โ€˜and we swap with neighboursโ€™ .

    2. Grocer gave Clara some sweets๐Ÿฌ . I know this because in the text it says โ€˜like a sweet from Grocerโ€™.

    3. Clara was excited because people who worked in shops in London didnโ€™t give her anything to eat as they thought she was stealing.

    4. Clara is missing her mum so she wishes tha Claras mum would be with her.

  9. Ammara K.

    1.The word that means trade is swap
    2.The grocer gave sweets to Clara
    3.She was excited to get an orange because in the text it says can you believe it!
    4.Clara ends by saying I wish I could share with you because the food is nice
    9 correct
    1 incorrect

  10. Karanbir B.

    1 the word same as trade is barter.
    2 The grocer gave sweets and a orange to Clara.
    3 the text said can you believe it? It was so sweet and sticky.
    4 I think because she wanted to share with her mum.

  11. Ebenezer O.

    I got 28.

    The meaning of trade is change or swap.
    The grocer gave Clara a sweet.
    It said โ€œcan you believe it? It was so sweet and sticky,โ€

  12. Ameen K.

    1- one of the words for trade is swap or switch.
    2-the grocer gave Clara a free sweet and an orange.
    3-Clara was excited because oranges are rare.
    4-she means she wants to share with her mom.
    I got 21 in times table rock star.

  13. Hudayifah A.

    1.The word that means trade is swap
    2.The Grocer gave Clara sweets
    3.It said โ€œcan you believe it? It was so sweet and sticky,โ€
    4.Because she was in a different place

    1. Hudayifah A.

      I did wow too

  14. Nuha I.

    I have completed my homework in my book.

  15. Muhammad R.

    1. Swap means trade
    2.they gave a sweet
    3.ive even managed to get an orange it is so juicy and.sticky
    4.because she wanted to be with her mother

  16. Khadija A.

    1. the same word as trade is share.
    2.the gorce gave clara some sweets.
    3.clara was exsited becuse the orange was sweet and yummy.
    4.she means she wants to share her sweets.

    1. Khadija A.

      I got 70 in sore.

  17. Oluwaduminu S.

    I have done my TTRs and scored 59 correct and 2 incorrect.

  18. Oluwaduminu S.

    1 The word that is the other word for trade is barter as in the text it says
    ‘it’s so easy to get some extra food barter with the others.๐Ÿ’ฑ
    2. The grocer gave Clara a orange ๐ŸŠ
    3 How do I know Clara likes it? Because it says it was sweet and sticky.๐Ÿฏ
    4 The reason is because she an evacuee writing a letter to her she’s already ate the orange ๐ŸŠ if she kept it would have been rotten.

  19. Andre M.

    20 on ttrs and I’m a head liner now

  20. Andre M.

    I’ve done a royal navy ship but I’m not done with it yet

  21. Aalya H.

    How do we make a WW2 machine

  22. Maryam I.

    I played TTRS and scored 39.

  23. Lusardo M.

    Swap is another word for trade.
    The grocer gave Clara free sweets.
    Claire was excited because the Orange are sweet and sticky.
    She said I wish I could see her with you because she misses her mother a lot

    1. Lusardo M.

      One times table rockstars I got 1000 points
      And Iโ€™m going to bring my wow homework when I come to school on Monday

    2. Lusardo M.

      One times table rockstars I got 1000 points
      And Iโ€™m going to bring my wow homework when I come to school on Monday.

  24. Yaseen E.

    1. The word simular is swap
    2. They gave him sweets
    3. I even manged to get an orange because you can’t find an orange in Britian.
    4. Because she wants the stuff they got.
    I have done ttrs and I scored 55%

  25. Yedullah S.

    1. Barter
    2.She got an orange.
    3. The phrase is ‘Can you believe it?’. She was exited because oranges were rare.
    4.She ended with that because oranges weren’t available to adults.

  26. Karanbir B.

    I did ttrs (89)โ—‰โ€ฟโ—‰

  27. Rayyana M.

    To make a ship๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  28. Rayyana M.

    The word which means trade is swap
    The grocer gave Clara some sweets
    Clara said ‘ an orange can you believe ‘ some people in world war II grown up not even seeing an orange
    Because her mother had to stay in London and how to stay working in factory while Clara was evacuated so Clara wanted her mum to come with her but she couldn’t

  29. Ghazala H.

    My score 40 out of 0
    Mrs latham

  30. Ghazala H.

    I have done my homework

    Mrs Latham

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