
Read the text and answer the questions.


Go onto Times Table Rockstars and practice your times tables. Record your score in your homework book.


Design your own WW2 machine. This could be a plane, tank, ship. The choice of yours. Bonus points for a model of your design!

84 responses to “Year 4 Homework- Week 4”

  1. Aalya H.

    On my TTRS I scored 100/1

  2. Ibrahim M.

    My score on TTRS in one minute was 43.

  3. Ibrahim M.

    1) Another word for trade that is in the text is ”barter”.
    2) The grocer gave Clara a sweet because in the text it says, “(like a sweet from the grocer)”.
    3) The phrase that says Clara was excited was, “Can you believe that!” because she exclaimed. She was excited because in the text it says, “The juice was so sweet and sticky.”
    4) Clara ended the conversation with “I wish I could share with you,” due to her living with another family and she wished that her family would be able to experience the kindness and happiness that she was experiencing.

  4. Adam J.

    1. Barter means trade.
    2. The grocer gave Clara treat.
    3. ” Can you believe it” she found a orange.
    4. She means I wish I can share with you vegetables.

  5. Isah C.

    I did maths on TTRS

    1. Isah C.

      I went on ttrs it says type the anser i try to do it but it dosnt work

  6. Isah C.

    1. Which word means the same as trade? On last third line it says share
    2. What did grocey give to clara? She got sweets
    3.which phrase tell us that clara was excited to get orange ?On the 1st say i cant belive orange
    Why was she excited? She was excited she got orange
    4. Why did clare say at the end i can share with you? Beacuse they have vegtable

  7. Estera V.

    1.The same word for trade is swap .
    2.The grocer gave clara sweets .
    3.The phrase that tells us that clara was excited was I even managed to gat a orange . She was excited because the juce from the orange was so sticky .
    4. It says o wish i could share with you because her mum might be in london in the bombs and clara is at the countryside .

  8. Meharunisa A.

    Trade means that to swap with something else .
    Grocer gave to Clara some sweets .
    She was excited because Clara managed to get an orange .
    She wanted to share with her mother .

  9. Aran K.

    1.The word trade means that you give some thing
    2.The Grocer gave Clara a sweet.
    3.The phrase that Clara gets a orange is “I even managed to get a orange cant you believe that?”She was excited because that time a orange was hard to get.
    4.Because she had lots of stuff that was yummy.

  10. Aarav R.

    I have will bring my design and model in school.

  11. Aarav R.

    I did the table rock stars.

  12. Aran K.

    I got 16 on ttrs.

  13. Aarav R.

    1.Trade means swap
    2.Grocer gave Clara a sweet.
    3.It’s so much easier to get extra and barter for different items and I even managed to get a orange. Clara was excited to get the orange because in the text it said it was so sweet and sticky.
    4.she says it because she wants to tell the person.

  14. Mohammed W.

    1)Swap means the same word as trade.
    2)The Grocer gave Clara sweets.
    3)She was excited because she said “it’s so sweet and sticky.”
    4)Because the Grocer was kind to her.

    1. Mohammed W.

      I have completed TTRS.

  15. Ali A.

    1. The word that means trade is swap.
    2. The Grocer gave Clara a sweet.
    3. The phrase that Clara was excited of an orange was The juice was so sweet and sticky. She was excited because in London it was very rare to find an orange.
    4. She said this because she wished that she can bring vegetables and oranges to London as oranges are rare.

  16. Elham S.

    I will complete wow and maths.

  17. Retaj I.

    I did ttrs my score was 25.
    I will do English in my homework book and I will do wow homework.

  18. Zahraa Y.

    I will do math and WOW ok

  19. Abul-Qasim H.

    Done WOW homework

  20. Abul-Qasim H.

    Which word mean the same as ‘trade’?
    What did the Grocer give to Clara?
    An orange.
    Which phase tells us that Clara was excited by getting an orange? Why was she excited?
    ‘The juice was so sweet and sticky’. She was excited because it’s like she never ate a orange before.
    Why does Clara end by saying ‘I wish I could share with you’?
    Because she is separated from her mother.

  21. Tipian I.

    Maths :
    I first got 29 then I improve and got 38 .

    1. Tipian I.

      I will do wow

  22. Tana I.

    I got 61 correct and 1 incorrect

  23. Mohammed S.

    Swap means trade.
    The grocer gave Clara a sweet.
    The phrase that tells us Clara is excited about getting an orange is:
    “Can you believe it?”
    Because she might have been an evacuated child and she missed her mother I know this because in the text it says:
    “Hello mother,”

  24. Haroon K.

    * Barter means trade.
    * The grocer gave Clara a sweet.
    * “Can you believe it?”
    * Because they’re separated.

  25. Kanishka P.

    The same word for trade
    mean swapping.

    The shop keeper gave Clara
    some vegetables.

    She was exited to get a orange
    because she never seen a
    orange before.

    She said that because the
    orange was very tasty.

    I got 120 in times table rock stars.

  26. Ismael K.

    1.for different items means the same as trade.
    2.clara got orange.
    3.she was exited for the orange because she had a sticky orange juice.
    4.she said I wish I share with you because the grocery gave her sweets and orange

  27. Kamil N.

    1 the other word for trade is giving
    2 She gave him sweets
    3 She was excited because you couldn’t get a orange
    4 She said it because she couldn’t share

  28. Rafay K.

    I got this time 74 on ttrs

  29. Tyson T.

    I designed my own machine and played ttrs

  30. Rafay K.

    I got 61 in my ttrs

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