Hi, Year 4! Here is this week’s homework. It must be completed by Wednesday. If you have any problems, ask your teacher on Monday.


Write a playscript.

Use your knowledge of playscripts to turn a scene from your favourite book into a playscript.


To round decimals.

See the 2Do on Purple Mash


Copy and complete the classification key.


Create a colourful Tudor Rose for display.

50 responses to “Year 4 Homework Week 3”

  1. Yaseen E.

    I did my maths and the tudor rose homework.

  2. Xlexben F.

    I have done my maths and wow homework.

  3. Mohammed W.

    I have completed purple mash but don’t know how to save it ?

  4. Ghazala H.

    I finish my homework ill bring it tomorrow monday.

  5. Maryam N.

    The tempest
    Prospero was making a storm on a boat, but he didn’t know that his daughter Miranda was watching him.
    Miranda: shocked, what are you doing? If you do that everyone on this boat will die.
    But her father couldn’t hear her, when he had finished his spell, Prospero and Miranda both went inside the cave, and he continued to tell
    Miranda a story about something that had happened a long time ago.
    Once Miranda was asleep he told the sprite leader Ariel to spread out all the people on boat across the island, once everyone woke up in the morning they were all angry and hungry they thought they were all going to die on the ship.
    Prospero out on his invisibility cloak and watched them, he then put a spell and gunzarlo and the King.

  6. Ayaan M.

    I completed wow and I will bring it to school tommorow.

  7. Ameen K.

    I done math but I forgot how to save it

  8. Ameen K.

    Prospero makes a storm which wobbles the ship.
    His daughter mirand:What are you doing everyone on that ship will drown.

    Prospero:come inside I’ll tell you the story(they come inside)my brother Antonio over took me as Duke of Millan and Alonso King of millan led his army and threw us on a boat which took us here my friend gave me my books including my spell book don’t worry they won’t die.

  9. Estera V.

    (Amelia sat up in bed she was nervous because today was her first day of school.)
    Amelia : ( in her mind )I don’t want to go school I don’t I don’t I don’t.
    (As time is ticking, she was watching the clock as if there was no school.Soon something bad happened Amelia didn’t want to go school so what she did was terrible she got out of bed at the wrong side of the bed just because she didn’t want to go to her new school she was cross and grumpy at the same time .Amelia looked at the clock it was 9 o’clock she better hurry she is running late .)
    Amelia: mum oh mum where are you ?
    (Her mum ran into the room)
    Mum : (shouting ) Amelia quick get change and freshen up!!we are going to be late .
    (Amelia ran into the wardrobe expecting her clothes will be there but , her school clothes, socks and shoes were gone .)
    Amelia:we’re are my new clothes gone (moaning ) mum.
    Mum: (thinking wisely) you’ll have to wear something else.
    (Amelia had to wear something else she wore some dirty clothes with holes in , socks that kept falling down and shoes that are too big )
    Mum: come on Amelia ?
    (They were running down the streets they were no one there,clunk clunk clicking clunk Amelia seen her school it was big ,dark and ugly .)
    Amelia: mum is this my school (amelia in such disgrace)
    Mum :yeah it looks nice .
    Amelia :(shouting ) nice it looks nice you are kidding you must it it does not look good .
    (Amelia was wondering around the school searching for class 3 )
    (In her class was a big gorilla,it asked her some questions)
    Teacher: what is the first alphabet it said .
    Amelua : (replying) a
    (People laughing)
    Teacher: nope it’s z
    (She came inside not recognising anyone there )
    ( there were no chairs no table no pencil no nothing there just have to sit down on the rusty carpet)
    (Soon , they was lunch they have to choose between spider or slug she choose spider later it was home time she was glad and happy ) (it turns out to be a dream she had nice clothes , Nice socks, nice shoes, she was early, she had tables pencils chairs, shut nice teachers, her lunch was nice she had potatoes and she did painting.
    Amelia : what nice teacher.


    The story was called spider

  10. Markuss B.

    I finished my homework.

  11. Zahra D.

    I have done maths and completed the second task in wow.

  12. Karanbir B.

    I have made this scene up.
    It’s called escape the Island
    Act 1 scene 2:
    Cast:Bob Mr Bob mrs Bob ,plantonio and hickr team
    (Bob, Mrs Bob,Mr Bob,and plantonio were going boating enjoying it was kind of a big boat ⛵. plantonio noticed an Island he and the Bobs hate Islands,he did a left turn another Island what happend)

    Bob:(waved at a boat) ello mate you alright
    Mrs Bob:(in shock)why is their so many boats?
    Mr Bob: (falls out of boat)ahh
    Plantonio:(crashes into boat)
    (Goes onto island)
    Everyone:(in shock)where are we
    (Hickr team comes and kidnaps everyone)
    Hickr:(evil laugh)
    Mr Bob:(comes on boat and bashes hickr team)

  13. Ali A.

    Act X Scene V
    Cast list:
    Henry: A silly child boy who likes to watch gross shows.
    Peter: A perfect boy who watches child rated shows.
    Mum: A regular mum who grounds silly children that be naughty
    (Henry is in the house and is devastated that he can’t watch Gross-Out but then he thought of a plan and a lie. He had another Saturday ruined but the plan was to tell Peter that Mum and Dad are calling him.)

    Henry thought of an amazing plan to call Peter for Mum and Dad but Henry needs to think it right. He will call Peter and say that Mum and Dad are calling him.
    Henry: ( Micheiviously) Peter! Mum and Dad are calling you!
    Peter: Ok.
    As Peter leapt off the comfy sofa, Henry jumped on the sofa and put on his favourite show, GROSS-OUT!
    Henry: Yes! It worked!
    There Peter was getting fooled Henry had the best time on the Black, Comfy Sofa.

    1. Ali A.

      This is the book :
      Henry and the Comfy, Black chair.

  14. Yunus R.

    Prospero walk near the ship and made a big storm and all the people on the ship feel in the water.
    Miranda:what are you doing Prospero.
    Prospero:let me tell you the whole story so …………..
    And the people came in the island.
    And being had and in the end of the story they said sorry.😃☺

  15. Ibrahim M.

    English :
    This scene is from Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone (Made in 1993).
    Cast list :
    Harry Potter,
    Dudley Dursley,
    Uncle Vernon,
    Aunt Petunia.
    (It is calm in Privet Drive on a warm, summer evening and Harry Potter is in his aunt and uncle’s house with his cousin, Dudley Dursley. Harry is bored so he starts teasing Dudley. Unfortunately, Dudley calls his uncle and he gets caught).
    Dudley : (sobbing) Dad!! Harry’s teasing me!
    Uncle Vernon : (furiously) Get here now BOY!!!!
    Harry : (A little bit dully). Yes?
    Uncle Vernon : (angrily) If you tease Dudders one more time, I am going to lock you in the wardrobe before you eat! Understand?
    Harry : (Irritably because Dudley did this too without getting told off). Yes.
    Uncle Vernon : (More calmly) Call Dudley in for dinner now. Actually I don’t trust you. Dudders, come for dinner! Harry will sit in the wardrobe, ok?
    Dudley : (sobbing less now) Ok Dad.
    Harry : What?
    Uncle Vernon : Yes, now take your food to the wardrobe now!
    Maths :
    I have tried on 2 devices lots of times but I cannot save it.

  16. Adam J.

    The books name is the witness this books is about friendship.
    scene 2
    Act 1
    The Parry twins went to Edwards house and the started whispering (moving to Edward) even though the Parrys were bullies and Edward saw them bully his friend Sean( stealing his lunch money) The Parrys and Edward were forming an alliance Edward helps them the Parrys do not bully him and they pay him with money( that stealing it from Sean) the amount Edwards get is 50 the Parrys get 75p each.

  17. Adam J.

    i have done my maths homework

  18. Isah C.

    Prospero (and marinda were kicked out of the city the came to a island ) on the little boat after they found a cave. Prosper: (I will get reveng on the bad guys so prosper got his staff he putted it up the air and there ship got destroyed.the sprits cam in a circle Ariel said what happened so prospero ruled Ariel :alonso ( we are starving we can’t find food . )After prosper dispersed .


  19. Ammara K.

    I have done maths and I will do my wow in my home work book
    I will bring my home work book on Monday.

  20. Tipian I.

    (Kate sat up in bed she was nervous because today was her first day of school.)
    Kate : ( in her mind )I don’t want to go school I don’t I don’t I don’t.
    (As time is ticking, she was watching the clock as if there was no school.Soon something bad happened Kate didn’t want to go school so what she did was terrible she got out of bed at the wrong side of the bed just because she didn’t want to go to her new school she was cross and grumpy at the same time .Kate looked at the clock it was 9 o’clock she better hurry she is running late .)
    Kate : mum oh mum where are you ?
    (Her mum ran into the room)
    Mum : (shouting ) Kate quick get change and freshen up!!we are going to be late .
    (Kate ran into the wardrobe expecting her clothes will be there but , her school clothes, socks and shoes were gone .)
    Kate:we’re are my new clothes gone (moaning ) mum.
    Mum: (thinking wisely) you’ll have to wear something else.
    (Kate had to wear something else she wore some dirty clothes with holes in , socks that kept falling down and shoes that are too big )
    Mum: come on Kate ?
    (They were running down the streets they were no one there,clunk clunk clicking clunk Kate seen her school it was big ,dark and ugly .)
    Kate : mum is this my school (Kate in such disgrace)
    Mum :yeah it looks nice .
    Kate :(shouting ) nice it looks nice you are kidding you must it it does not look good .
    (Kate was wondering around the school searching for class 3 )
    (In her class was a big gorilla,it asked her some questions)
    Teacher: what is the first alphabet it said .
    Kate: (replying) a
    (People laughing)
    Teacher: nope it’s z
    (She came inside not recognising anyone there )
    ( there were no chairs no table no pencil no nothing there just have to sit down on the rusty carpet)
    (Soon , they was lunch they have to choose between spider or slug she choose spider later it was home time she was glad and happy ) (it turns out to be a dream she had nice clothes , Nice socks, nice shoes, she was early, she had tables pencils chairs, shut nice teachers, her lunch was nice she had potatoes and she did painting.
    Kate : what nice teacher.
    🌟the end 🌟
    The story was called spider school and I changed it a lot

  21. Tipian I.

    I have done my homework

  22. Retaj I.

    I did my maths and the tudor rose homework.

  23. Zahraa Y.

    I’m doing English +math and the 2nd wow

    1. Zahraa Y.

      I changed my min dim only doing English and 2nd wow

      1. Zahraa Y.

        Sorry I spelled it wrong
        I changed my mind I’m only doing English and 2nd. Wow

  24. Karanbir B.

    Maths I will do
    Wow I did my rose 🌹

  25. Noah J.

    (Calm in little winging No.10 privet drive hot summers evening,harry playing outside teasing Dudley.)

    Mrs Dursley
    Mr Dursley

    Act I Scene I

    Miss Dursley: (rudely when shouts to Harry then kind to Dudley)In Harry, do not talk about Dudley like that… Dudley darling come in for TV dinner.

    Mr Dursley: ( not showing attention to Harry or the dinner timer.)Oy child that’s not my eat your dinner after us and in Cupboard.

    Harry:(miserable)fine, okay, what ever….!

  26. Ebenezer O.

    I did rounding on purple Mash


    Tom: { thinking in his head} I need to do something
    [He stared at two magical items. If he picked the wrong one, his quest would over.]

    Tom: [Thinking in his head] this chain mail is stronger than my shield but how can I use it?

  27. Elham S.

    I have completed the maths homework and i will bring in the second task for the wow work!

  28. Tyson T.

    i did Wow task 2 and maths homework

  29. Abdullah K.

    I have done my maths but i dont no how to save it

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