
Use your learning from last week to write a text to persuade someone to stop deforestation. Alternatively, you could persuade your reader about any other subject you believe to be important.


Answer these adding and subtracting fractions questions based on the knowledge that you have learnt this week.


Research an endangered animal from the Amazon Rainforest and create a beautifully presented, bright, bold and informative poster or leaflet about it.

100 responses to “Year 4 Homework- Week 3”

  1. Sania K.

    I have done it in my homework book .
    I have done that in my homework book .

  2. Ameen K.

    Did you know every second trees are cut down?it is bad because you cut trees and is bad to the environment. If your fine with deforestation you are an irresponsible person to the environment. Read on to find out more.

    What it does to the environment.
    It causes floods because the water that the trees has collected will have nowhere to go so it lays on the ground.


    you could help by talking to people, tell people to stop ,go against it, spread posters .

    What will you do to stop deforestation and save the environment?

    It makes animals go extinct and stop us from getting the ingredients for known and popular food it also stops us fromm getting common food types.
    I cannot find my homework book so I will do it on paper.

  3. Mohammed W.

    5/9+7/9=12/9 or 1 3/9
    6/7+8/7=14/7 or 2
    13/3-4/3=9/3 or 3
    4/9+6/9=10/9 or 1 1/9
    5/3+2/3=7/3 or 2 1/3
    13/4-2/4=11/4 or 2 3/4
    17/6-4/6=13/6 or 2 1/6
    7/9+8/9=15/9=1 6/9
    14/4-5/4=9/4=2 1/9

    1. Head Teacher

      I do think you should be in bed at this time, very late even for the weekend.

  4. Karanbir B.

    I did my homework in my homework book.
    English and math.
    Bye have a good time.
    Bye again.

  5. Abdul Y.

    5/9+7/9=12/9 or 1whole and 3/9
    6/7+8/7=2 wholes or 14/7
    13/3-4/3=3 wholes or 9/3


    1. Abdul Y.

      A)4/9+6/9=10/9 or 1 whole and 1/9
      B)5/3+2/3=7/3 or 2 wholes and 1/3
      C)13/4-2/4=11/4 or 2 wholes and 3/4
      D)17/6-4/6=13/6 or 2 whole s and 2/6

      B) 7/9+8/9=15/9=1 6/9
      C) 12/5-10/5=2/5
      D)14/4-5/5=9/4= 2 1/4

  6. Elham S.

    Do you care about your rainforest and if you do then please listen tome!
    40,000 spieces live in the rainforest so please help us with that if you can do as much you can because we need as much back up as we need, so please help us with all the things we’re going through.
    A) Adding/Subtracting fractions:
    1. 3/6 + 2/6 = 5/6
    2. 5/9 + 7/9 = 12/9 or 4/3
    3. 6/7 + 8/7 = 14/7 or 2/1
    4. 13/3 – 4/3 = 9/3 or 3/1
    B) Adding/Subtracting fractions with an improper fraction:
    1. 4/9 + 6/9 = 10/9 or simplified to whole/mixed number: 1 ( 1/9 )
    2. 5/3 + 2/3 = 7/3 or simplified to whole/mixed number: 2 ( 1/3 )
    3. 13/4 – 2/4 = 11/4 or simplified to whole/mixed number: 2 ( 3/4 )
    4. 17/6 – 4/6 = 13/6 or simplified to whole/mixed number: 2 ( 1/6 )
    C) Filling in missing numerators:
    1. 5/8 + ?/8 = 11/8 – Missing numerator is β€˜ 3 β€˜
    2. 7/9 + ?/9 = 15/9 = 1 ( 6/9 ) – Missing numerator is β€˜ 8 β€˜
    3. 12/5 – ?/5 = 2/5 – Missing numerator is β€˜ 10 β€˜
    4. 14/4 – ?/4 = 9/4 = 2 ( ?/4 ) – Missing numerators is: a) β€˜ 5/4 β€˜ b) β€˜ 1/4 β€˜

  7. Abul-Qasim H.


    Dear sir or madam,
    Please stop cutting down trees. Deforestation is cutting down trees so people can make space for factory and construction. There are animals that live there. Like birds, monkeys and tigers. I want the animals to live peaceful and this is another way of getting global warming.
    Thank you for reading my letter.
    Abul-Qasim Hafiz

    (Abul-Qasim had trouble understanding what deforestation is)
    3/6 + 2/6 = 5/6
    5/9 + 7/9 = 12/9
    6/7 + 8/7 = 14/7
    13/3 – 4/3 = 9/3

  8. Kamil N.

    3/6 + 2/6 = 5/6
    5/9 + 7/9 = 12/9
    6/7 + 8/7 = 14/7

  9. Muhammad S.

    We should all start thinking about deforestation seriously. If deforestation continues at the same rate then there will be no rainforests by the next century due to which many indigenous people and species of plants and animals will lose their homes. Trees filters the carbon dioxide in the air and gives oxygen out which helps majority of living creatures to breath including us humans. If there are no trees left then there will be nothing to produce oxygen and there will be a lack of population on earth.
    I ha

    1. Muhammad S.

      I have finished my Math
      I accidentally posted it

  10. Adam J.

    3/6 + 2/6 = 5/6
    5/9+7/9 = 1 whole and 3/9
    6/8 + 8/8= 1 whole and 7/8
    13/3 – 4/3= 2 wholes and 1/3
    4/9 + 6/9 = 1 whole and 1/ 9
    5/3 + 2/3 = 2 wholes and 1/3
    13/4 – 2/4 = 2 wholes and 3/4
    17/6 – 4/6 = 2 wholes
    5/8 + 6/8 = 11/8
    7/9 + 8/9 =15/9
    12/5 – 10/5 = 2/5
    14/4 – 5/4 = 9/4 = 2 wholes and 1/4

  11. Adam J.

    Did you know by stopping deforestation you might save different animal species like the 3 toed sloth and many more. Deforestation is a bad idea because trees help us breathe oxygen.

    Didn’t you know if deforestation keeps on going people may suffer because carbon dioxide is poisonous and trees soil will go to the river which makes our rivers dirty. ( Why you can not swim!)

    Some loggers use fire to cut trees down which is a waste of wood and causes CO2 and which causes the planet to heat up and the floods will happen.

    To help deforestation write poster telling how important deforestation is and hang them up on the school wall.

  12. Meharunisa A.

    My dear friends Deforestation is a massive problem around the world.Trees are limited resource and If new trees are not planted then the products that they are used to make will one day run out.Deforestation will make thousands of species of animals and plants extinct.Indigenous people who live in the rain forest will lose their home.If deforestation continues at its current rate then in next 100 years there will be no rainforest. There will be a negative impact on the environment because trees gives oxygen out that we breath in.
    We should all work together to stop deforestation.

  13. Rafay K.

    Deforistation is a envoriment that has been killing species since. Deforitation is when loggers[people that cut down trees] are cutting trees for money and for wood,paper and furniture so they can craft. The loggers do not understand if trees will be cut down that means there will be no co2 that means animals won,t have a lot of co2 left to breath.While deforistation is going on people could tell loggers it is not good to do this.You could start to make posters and hang them up for loggers to see. Instead of making fires you could keep it and use all them bits to make a greenhouse and grow plants for more co2

  14. Abdulahi D.

    hi im bob and im here to stop you all from deforstation .deforestation as you guys all
    know some.
    people have cutted about
    few trees as you gus be aware that
    youre destroying
    animal life and habitats

  15. Rafay K.



  16. Mohammed I.

    Dear Sir/Ma’am,
    I’m here to inform you about the most possible ways to prevent deforestation. First of all, our natural environment is such a beautiful atmosphere to the eye; good things such as our plants, vegetation and consumables that help us maintain a well-being and healthy state!
    Plants are a solution since they produce oxygen (oxygen is how we can breath natural air which is also helping maintaining a survival habitat)
    Of course- trees and flowers are a part of this system. Organisms live in the wild and are hunted down for us to devour and eat. Flowers are good pollinators, that is how we get our honey and other sorts of herbs. Now if deforestation was to occur, this would ruin the whole Eco-system and natural territory. Please spread this message to avoid deforestation and make the world a better and safe place to live.
    Thank you!
    A) Adding/Subtracting fractions:
    1. 3/6 + 2/6 = 5/6
    2. 5/9 + 7/9 = 12/9 or 4/3
    3. 6/7 + 8/7 = 14/7 or 2/1
    4. 13/3 – 4/3 = 9/3 or 3/1
    B) Adding/Subtracting fractions with an improper fraction:
    1. 4/9 + 6/9 = 10/9 or simplified to whole/mixed number: 1 ( 1/9 )
    2. 5/3 + 2/3 = 7/3 or simplified to whole/mixed number: 2 ( 1/3 )
    3. 13/4 – 2/4 = 11/4 or simplified to whole/mixed number: 2 ( 3/4 )
    4. 17/6 – 4/6 = 13/6 or simplified to whole/mixed number: 2 ( 1/6 )
    C) Filling in missing numerators:
    1. 5/8 + ?/8 = 11/8 – Missing numerator is ‘ 3 ‘
    2. 7/9 + ?/9 = 15/9 = 1 ( 6/9 ) – Missing numerator is ‘ 8 ‘
    3. 12/5 – ?/5 = 2/5 – Missing numerator is ‘ 10 ‘
    4. 14/4 – ?/4 = 9/4 = 2 ( ?/4 ) – Missing numerators is: a) ‘ 5/4 ‘ b) ‘ 1/4 ‘

  17. Tana I.

    A)1 or 1/9


    Sorry I accidentally posted the comment😭

  18. Nuha I.

    I have completed the work in my homework book.

  19. Tana I.


  20. Tipian I.

    Deforestation is slowly killing the planet .
    People Who cut down trees are called logos.
    Therefor we need these tree to live our future lives.Plus / besides we need trees to breathe and oxygen.To stop and help deforestation we need to talk to our eco monitor or you can hang up posters to stop it . You can recycle to help it about.

    1. Tipian I.

      I will do the other at home work club

  21. Rubab G.

    in homework book

  22. Najma O.

    Hello ,I am declaring to stop deforestation from what it has done to our community loggers may have cut a few trees down but we could make this stop . Currently people and animals are losing oxygen as palm oil has been a big impact to people of the uk please stonecutting trees and animals may be extinct of not having any carbon dioxide .If you would like to hep hang posters or help a eco group if you have them in your school

  23. Ibrahim M.

    Maths :
    1) 5/6
    2) 12/9 or 1 and 4/9
    3) 2
    4) 11/3 or 3 and 2/3
    5) 1 and 1/9
    6) 7/3 or 2 and 1/3
    7) 2 and 3/4
    8) 2 and 1/6
    9) 5/8 + 6/8 = 11/8
    10) 7/9 + 8/9 = 15/9 or 1 and 6/9
    11) 12/5 – 10/5 = 2/5
    12) 14/4 – 5/4 = 9/4 or 2 and 1/4

    1. Ibrahim M.

      Deforestation ; why it is not acceptable

      It is time, time we took a stand against one of the greatest things destroying our environment, destroying our planet. What’s causing this is killing animals’ homes and habitats, in danger of them going extinct. This is called deforestation, this is what’s killing animals on our planet. The reason why this is happening is because people are cutting down trees. We need to act before it’s too late.

      People are cutting down trees because of 75% deforestation for cattle ranching, 50% for farming, 2% for logging and 1% to build roads or to get firewood for fires. out of 890 billion trees! That means 17.8 billion trees are cut down because of logging! People log because they need paper (for writing), furniture (for tables and chairs), timber (for houses) and wood (for fires and wooden toys for babies).

      If we cut down trees, we won’t have foods like apples, bananas and rice and potatoes. Some animals and we eat these foods as well! If we cut down trees we won’t have these foods and we will starve! Also, if we do this we will have no oxygen! We will suffocate!

      As you read, deforestation is bad and we have to stop it. You could help by hanging posters telling people to recycle and you could too! Act now before it’s too late.

  24. Estera V.


    1. Estera V.

      Hi guys lets no be silly . You may not be aware of what is happening around you Deforistation happens a lot if we cut down trees we will not have enough oxygen and all the animals that live in the rainforest will loose all their habitats and they will die and the humans that live in the rainforest will loose the houses that tey made in the rainforest

  25. Isah C.

    I did maths and english in my homework book

  26. Elyas A.

    I did all my homework in my homework book.

  27. Hanfaa N.

    Maths homework
    WoW homework
    I have done it and will bring it in on monday.πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜„

    1. Hanfaa N.

      Sorry I’m actually going to do english.

      Hello, Guys come on and lets not be silly lets stop deforestation to help us and the animals we have to help us because we need trees for oxogen and they need carbon dioxide.

      What we can do for the animals are that they can live in their habitat even they need other animals as their pray/food so it is really 50/50 so come get up make posters do whatever you can to stop this dreadful thing LET’S DO THIS!!!!!πŸ₯²πŸ˜Š

  28. Hasbia D.

    I have done my work and I will bring it into school.
    I will bring my work into school.

  29. Ismael K.


  30. Tyson T.

    I do not have paper to do homework.

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