Hi Year 4,

Here is your homework for this week. Please remember to complete at least two out of the three. This must be completed by Wednesday at the latest.


Today, your English homework is to complete a game on Education City. It is about improving your inference skills.


It has been set as 16th September 2022.


Your Maths homework this week is also on Education City. Complete the challenges linked to our learning so far this half term.



Your wow homework this week is to create a fact file/leaflet about Mexico. This can be electronic or handwritten.

Use these subheadings to organise you work.

  • Location
  • Population
  • Food
  • Sport
  • Famous landmarks

Don’t forget to read daily and to play TTRS!

67 responses to “Year 4 Autumn 1 Week 1 Homework”

  1. Madeeha T.

    Maths: I scored 70%100
    English: I did it in my book because it didn’t let me type anything.

  2. Anish B.

    For maths I got 100 and for English I got 44 on education city

    1. Anish B.

      For maths I got 100 and for English I got 44 on first attempt, 94 on second attempt on education city

  3. Aryan M.

    I got 100% on maths and 78% on English

  4. Adam O.

    I have got 100% in maths and 100% in English.

    1. Mrs Walker

      Super score Adam. Can you tell me what we have been learning English?

  5. Eliza H.

    I got 100% on my maths and 56% for English

  6. Hamsia D.

    I have done my English and Maths homework. I got 100% in both.

    1. Mrs Walker

      Hamsia thank you for completing your homework.
      Please can you give me two sentences using similes?

      1. Hamsia D.

        The clouds are as fluff as cotton candy.
        Watching the show was like watching grass grow.

  7. Zaynab M.

    I have got 100 on my .

    1. Mrs Walker

      What did you get 100% Maths or English?

  8. Meena B.

    Sorry my apology I understand now.

    1. Mrs Walker

      Meena have you managed to complete your homework? If there is anything your unsure of please come and ask myself or Mr Kane.

  9. Meena B.

    On my education city it only says the old homework from year 3 not year 4 homework.

  10. Yunus H.

    I got 100 in gnarly numbers and ttrs 87

  11. Yoshita P.

    I have done English I tried my best and I got 33% and on maths I got 100%

  12. Amirah T.

    Good Morning,

    In gnarly numbers, I scored 100%.
    In infer a penny, I scored 89%.

    I will complete my Mexico fact file in my homework book.

    1. Mrs Walker

      Great scores Amirah. I look forward to looking at your poster.Can you give me two facts that you have learnt about Mexico?

  13. Anaya R.

    I got 100% on maths and 94% on english.

    1. Mrs Walker

      Great scores Anaya. Can you tell me what you have learnt in Maths?

  14. Irfa M.

    I am done my homework.

  15. Myiesha S.

    i have wrote the score for maths in my homework book for some reason i canot find the english on education city i tryed everything so i am going to do my wow in my homework book.

  16. Muhammed G.

    I got 100% on gnarly numbers

  17. Janelle O.

    I got 56% on my English

  18. Janelle O.

    I got 65 on my maths.

  19. Vaneza S.

    I got 95 on Math and for English I got 77 on Education city.

  20. Amina J.

    I have done Maths and English homework and I scored 100% for both of them.

  21. Mohammed K.

    I scored 100% in maths and 89% in English

    1. Mrs Walker

      A great score in Maths zayd. 89% is also a great score too but I would like to know what you have been learning in that challenge and is there anything that you could improve on?

  22. Alzahra R.

    math: I got score was 80%
    English: I don’t know what the english called it doesn’t work on it but in education city but I did math.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Try again Alzahra. It is called infer a penny and is saved in the homework section (same place as the maths).

  23. Osas O.

    I got 100/100 in Education city in ‘Gnarly Numbers’.

    1. Osas O.

      I got 83/100 on Infer a Penny.

  24. Muhammad Y.

    i got 89 on english and got 100 on maths

  25. Ammar W.

    I scored 100% in maths and 94% in English.

    1. Mrs Walker

      Good boy Ammar. Can you tell me what you found tricky?

  26. Adam D.

    I did education city my math score was 100 in English my score was 44

    1. Mrs Walker

      Some great scores there Adam. We have been learning about similes this week. Could you write me two sentences using similes?

  27. Aqsaa F.

    I have completed Maths and I score 100% and English I tried my best but I got 78%.

  28. Maryam M.

    I have completed both my Maths and English homework.
    On education city I got 94% in English and 100% in Maths.

    1. Mrs Walker

      Wow! great scores Maryam. Can you tell me what you have learnt in the Education City game?

  29. Harrison S.

    I completed both challenges on Education City. I scored 100% and 72%.

    1. Mrs Walker

      Well done Harrison. Was your scores for Maths and English? Or did you try and beat your score?

  30. Zahra N.

    I done My education city and my score was 78 for the English game and 90 for the maths game.

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