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Year 4 Homework Summer 2 Week 4

Hi year 4,

Here is this week’s homework. Don’t forget it must be finished by Wednesday morning. Complete a minimum of two pieces and the spelling task set on Spelling Shed.  If you have any problems, let your teacher know on Monday morning.


To identify lines of symmetry. 

Complete the 2Do set on Purple Mash. It is saved as ‘Lines of Symmetry.’


To summarise a text.

Read the extract on the below and answer the questions.

  1. Summarise what happens in the first paragraph in one sentence.
  2. Look at the paragraph which begins with “No, they’re not!” Sum up what happened in this paragraph in 20 words or less.
  3. What sticks in your mind the most about the character of Benji?
  4. Explain what Benji saw at lunchtime using 20 words or less.
  5. This chapter is called Suspicion. Based on what you have read, think of a new title for the chapter.


To create my own WW2 machine

Design your own WW2 machine. This could be a plane, tank, ship. The choice of yours. Bonus points for a model of your design!  

Spelling – This must be completed

Complete the assignment set on Spelling Shed.

Comments are turned off as all homework is to be completed in your homework books or on Purple Mash and Spelling Shed.