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Year 4 Homework Summer 2 Week 2

Hi year 4,

Here is this week’s homework. Don’t forget it must be finished by Wednesday morning. Complete a minimum of two pieces and the spelling task set on Spelling Shed.  If you have any problems, let your teacher know on Monday morning.


To convert time from analogue to digital

Complete the task set on Education City called ‘Time Bandit.’ It is saved under Summer 2 Week 2 Maths.


To identify the key features of a newspaper report.

Make a poster showing the key features of a newspaper report. This can be in your homework books or on a plain piece of paper.


To understand how an electrical circuit works

Complete the Circuits quiz on Purple Mash. It is saved in your 2Dos.

Spelling – This must be completed

Complete the assignment set on Spelling Shed.

Comments are turned off as all homework is to be completed in your homework books or on Education City, Purple Mash and Spelling Shed.

11 responses to “Year 4 Homework Summer 2 Week 2”

  1. Charis O.

    EASYYYYY!!! :D

  2. Esa A.

    It was so boring

  3. Hadiya M.

    Very hard😅

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      What did you find hard Hadiya?

  4. Adrian O.

    I hated the purple mash it was terrible I drove me insane

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Sorry to hear that Adrian. What didn’t you like about it?

  5. Hadiya M.

    Wow is very hard on question 3

  6. Hadiya M.

    Ok 👌 I will do wow and maths

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Oh dear Sami. What didn’t you enjoy?


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