Hello, Year 4! Here are your homework tasks for this weekend. Please complete 2 by Wednesday.


Read these short stories and answer the inference questions.


Complete the plotting coordinates activity on Education city.


Create a fact file about Brazil. Include facts about the capital city, population, key people and information about the landscape.

89 responses to “Year 4 Homework Spring 2 Week 1”

  1. Zahraa Y.

    1 mom is speaking
    2 They are in town
    Hiding place
    1 she is playing hide and seek
    2 soft,fuzzy,Warm

    1. Zahraa Y.

      I did my wow

  2. Lusardo M.

    1a.Mum is speaking
    1b.Thier in a town
    2a.Hide and seek
    2b.The materials was all soft and warm but she could tell that she was very easy to spot.

  3. Redir K.

    Brazil is the 5 largest country in the world the capital city is Brasilia the main climate is tropical but the climate in Brasilia is tropical savanna there the 2 most popular places are Brasilia and the Amazon rainforest the trees are being cut down when trees are being cut down is something called deforestation there has been 390 million trees cut down every year

  4. Seher A.

    1. theyโ€™re at the desert.

  5. Seher A.

    2.She is playing hide and seek.

  6. Noor A.

    The town below is so small.
    The material was so soft.

  7. Noor A.

    Brazil facts
    1. Brazil is the fifth largest country
    2.The capital city is brasillia
    3.In Brazil people speak Portuguese
    4.Around 17 of the rainforest is Brazil
    5.Brazil has 4 time zones.

  8. Andre M.

    English the child is speaking and there on a bus hiding place she is playing hide and seek she is hiding under the bed Maths 95%

  9. Adam J.

    I have done my maths work today.

  10. Mehreen I.

    Brazil is the largest country in South America. …
    Brazil has 4 time zones. …
    The Capital City is Brasilia. …
    Around 60% of the Amazon Rainforest is in Brazil. …
    In Brazil people speak Portuguese. …
    Brazil is home to the 2nd longest river in the world. …
    The Brazilian flag has 27 stars on it.
    Population in Brazil is expected to reach 213.48 Million by the end of 2021

  11. Raiyan K.

    She is playing hide and seek.
    Underneath the bed.

  12. Raiyan K.

    The child in the story is speaking.
    They are in town and about to go on board.

  13. Rubab G.


    1 people who cut down trees are logger’s.

    2 Brazil has a big famous rainforest

    3 211 millon people living in Brazil

    4 Brazil is the largest country in south amrcer

    5 Brazil has 4 zones

    6 the capital city is Brasilia

    7 the flag has 27 star on it

  14. Umar S.

    The trip

    The person who is speaking is a child.

    The person is in a train.

    Hiding place

    Chelsa is playing hide and seek.

    Her first hiding spot was underneath blanket on the bed.

    I have done education city

  15. Kanishka P.

    Her and his mum is speaking because it says said mum.
    Mom and the child is there.

    They were playing hide and seek.
    They hide underneath the bed.

    1. Kanishka P.

      The child is speaking with his mum.
      They are on a flight .

  16. Maryam N.

    1 The mum and the chelesa are spiking.
    2 they were in town
    3 chelesa is playing hide and seek
    4 underneath the bed

    1. Maryam N.

      I did maths

  17. Umama H.

    The trip
    who is speaking ?
    her/his mum because it says mum said.
    who are they ?
    they are a mother and a child.

    Hiding place
    What game is she playing ?
    she is playing hide and seek because it says 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 .
    describe her first hiding spot.
    she was covered in a soft thing blanket and it was easy to spot.

    I will bring a poster .

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