Hello, Year 4! Here are your homework tasks for this weekend. Please complete 2 by Wednesday.


Read these short stories and answer the inference questions.


Complete the plotting coordinates activity on Education city.


Create a fact file about Brazil. Include facts about the capital city, population, key people and information about the landscape.

89 responses to “Year 4 Homework Spring 2 Week 1”

  1. Sania K.

    The trip .
    Who is speaking?
    A child is speaking .
    Where are they ?
    They are in a big town.
    Hiding place .
    What game is chelsea playing ?
    She is playing hide and seek .I
    Describe chelsea first hiding spot .
    Her first hiding spot was soft , cosy and warm . Also it was a bed .

    1. Sania K.

      I have completed the wow home work and I will bring it in on Monday .

    2. Minaal A.

      Who is speaking?
      Mum and the child were speaking.
      Where are they?
      They are in the big town.
      What game is Chelsea playing?
      Chelsea is playing hide and seek.
      Describe Chelsea’s first hiding place?
      Soft,warm but easy to spot.

  2. Retaj I.


    1)The person who is speaking is the child.

    2)They are on a plane because it says “the town below looks so small,The engine is whirring.

    3) I think Chelsea is playing hide and seek.

    4)warm ,soft and very easy to spot.

    I don’t understand the education city task.

  3. Ibrahim M.

    1) The person speaking was the mum.
    2) They were on a plane.
    3) Hide and seek was the game Chelsea was playing.
    4) Chelsea’s hiding space was warm and soft but she was very visible.

    1. Ibrahim M.

      I did education city

  4. Kirtan P.

    A child is speaking.
    They are in a town.
    Chelsea was playing hide and seek.
    Her first hiding place was comfortable but easy.
    I did my maths homework.

  5. Romeesa T.

    the mum is speaking and they are at the shop.
    Chelsea was playing hide and seek.
    Chelsea was hiding underneath something and you use it for night.

    1. Romeesa T.

      on Monday I’ll bring wow homework

  6. Abul-Qasim H.

    The Trip
    1. The speaker sounds like a child talking their mum.
    2. It sounded like they are on a plane
    Hiding Place
    1. Chelsea is playing Hise and Seek.
    2. The bed was soft and very warm.

  7. Rafay K.

    who is speaking.
    the person that is speaking is the parents child.
    they are in a plane.

    they are playing hide and seek
    she was hiding under something soft warm.

  8. Yunus R.

    First children called chelsea was speaking.
    They were on the fast plane.
    Chelsea was hiding.
    She hidden under soft blanket for a nice dream.
    English homework.

  9. Adam J.

    1. They are on a train to a town.
    2. I think it is the mum`s child.
    3. Chessea is playing hide and seek.
    4. The material is soft and warm.

  10. Zahra D.

    The trip
    1. I know mum is speaking because she said in the text, ‘ don’t be afraid. It’s natural to be a bit nervous.
    2. The people are in a plane because in the text it says, “the towns below look so small.”.

    Hiding place
    I think that Chelsea is playing Hide and seek.
    I think that Chelsea’s first hiding spot was under the bed and then she changed it to on top of the bed.

    I did maths and got 100%

  11. Ghazala H.

    Who is speaking? Mum and the man.
    Where are the? They are in town.

    What game Chelsea playing? Chelsea is playing hide and seek.

    I can describe that Chelsea material was all soft and warm.

  12. Karanbir B.

    The trip-I think a girl is speaking, I think they’re on a plane because in the text it says “The towns below look so small” and when your somewhere high anything looks so small. Hiding place-They`re playing hide and seek because the title says Hiding place, Her first hiding spot was warm soft cozy but it was easy but she went because she would be caught easily.
    Done it 100%

  13. Elyas A.

    English homework
    1.First person or a girl called Chelsea is speaking.
    2.They are on a plane.
    1. Chelsea was playing hide and seek .
    2. She was hiding in the bed under the blanket because the material is soft and warm then she hide underneath it .
    Math homework
    I did play education city and I got 80%

  14. Awais W.

    I think a little child is speaking and they are on a plane.

    Chelsea is playing hide and seek. Her first hiding spot was on top of her bed under the covers as she described them to be soft and warm.

    I tried to do education city activity but it didn’t work.

  15. Najma O.

    the trip
    So I think that a little girl is speaking to her mum and they going on a plane because in the the text it said I am really afraid to to go on board .
    the game :hide and seek
    describe her first hiding spot
    Chelsa’s hid under a blanket and thought that it was a bad spot so she had went to hid underneath a bed

  16. Aran K.

    I got 85% on maths.

  17. Aran K.

    1. Mum is speaking I know this because it says mum said don’t be nervous.
    2. They are at town going on a train.
    3. Chelsea is playing hide and seek.
    4.It is warm and soft but you can get found quickly.

  18. Isah C.

    The trip
    Who’s speaking? The mom beacuse she said before we get on broad
    Where are they? At town
    Hiding place
    What game is chesal playing ? Hide and seek

    Describe the place were chesla is ? The place is soft ad warm

    Maths i did maths

    1. Isah C.

      i got 100% on education city.

  19. Abdul Y.

    The trip:
    Who is speaking?
    A girl called Chelsea is speaking.

    Where are Mum and Chelsea?
    Mum and Celsea are on a plane.

    Hiding place:
    What game is Chelsea playing?
    The game Chelsea is playing is hide and seek.

    Describe Chelsea’s first spot.
    Her first hiding spot was bad becauseit was under the blanket so there would be bumps and wrinkles so she went unfer the bed.
    I did my maths on education city.

  20. Sarah A.

    The trip:
    A girl is speaking.
    Her mum and herself are on a plane .

    Hiding spot:The girl is playing hiade and seek.
    Describe the girls first hiding spot.
    Chelsea’s first hiding spot was bad because she hid under a blanket so it would show bumps lumps and wrinkles

    I did my maths on education city

  21. Hanfaa N.

    Mum is speaking because it says the word mum in it.
    She is going on a plane.
    Chelsea is playing hide and seek.
    Her first hiding spot is the bed because it says material and it’s soft.
    I have done education city and I got 90%.

  22. Haroon K.

    The person speaking in this is their mum.
    The person is probably on a plane.

    Chelsea is playing hide and seek.
    Chelsea’s first hiding spot was in bed, but she changed it because people would easily see where she was.

  23. Haroon K.

    I have completed maths Education City.

  24. Yedullah S.

    The Trip:
    Mum is speaking. I Know this because after the speech it says mum.
    They in a plane. I Know this because it says the town below looks so
    so small and it said the engine is whirring.
    Hiding Place:
    Chelsea is playing Hide and seek. I Know this because it says hiding
    place in the title.
    Chelsea’s first hiding Place was under the bed.I know this because it
    says climed out of the bed to hide under it.

  25. Ali A.

    The person who was speaking was mom.
    The place that they are at is a small town.

    Chelsea is playing hide and seek.
    Chelsea’s first hiding spot was the bed and the second spot was underneath it.

  26. Hasbia D.

    Answer these questions.
    The Trip
    Who is speaking?
    I think a child is speaking.
    Where are they?
    I think that are on board a plane.
    Hiding place
    What game is Chelsea playing?
    Chelsea is playing hide and seek.
    Describe Chelsea’s first hiding spot.
    The material was all soft and warm which means it was a bed.
    I have completed the Education City task.

  27. Ismael K.

    The person who is speaking is the Girl. They are on the board.
    She is playing hide and seek. I think her first HIDING place was on the bed.

  28. Sumaya S.

    The little girl
    Going on a plan
    Hide and seak
    In the bed

  29. Kamil N.

    A girl is speaking.
    They are on a train.

    Chelsea was playing hid and seek
    She hidden under the covers

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