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Year 4 Celebration Party

Hi all,

Before completing the multiplication tests over the last few weeks, many of you asked if we could have a party to celebrate all of your hard work if the results were good. Well, the results were FANTASTIC!!!!
We are so proud of every single one of you.

Therefore, we will have a party to celebrate in the afternoon on Thursday 27th June 2024.

Please can we ask that you bring in some party food for everyone to share! This can include drinks, cake, savouries, sweets, biscuits, crisps or anything else you wish to bring.

Can all food please be brought in on the Thursday morning.

4 responses to “Year 4 Celebration Party”

  1. Rayan M.

    This is gonna be the best thing ever!

  2. Hadiya M.

    Thank you I’m so happy😁

  3. Sumayyah A.


  4. Esa A.

    I am excited

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