This week, you have some lovely homework activities. They need to be completed by Wednesday and you need to let your teacher know about any difficulties by Monday.


Read one of the texts and answer the questions on the blog as a comment. (You only need to do ONE of the options)


Practise your times tables on TTRS. Let’s win the competition folks! Go, go, go!


Make a science poster about the three states of matter.

Complete your poster and upload a photo to the blog/bring your poster to school.

77 responses to “Year 4 Autumn 2 Week 5 Homework”

  1. Estera V.

    1. I think the eyeholes are when you can look out for enemies that are trying to attack.
    2. The house is only made of one room that they can eat ,cook sleep and entertain all from the same space.
    3. The purpose of this text is so another Anglo-Saxon could take the lavish, nice house to live in that cost 240 silver pennies.
    A.Stunning, vintage property.
    B.This house oozes with natural charm.
    C.You are never to far from the fireplace.

    1. Estera V.

      I did ttrs and my score was 64 correct and 2 incorrect in 1 min

  2. Mohammed W.

    1)Eye holes are when watch through for enemies.
    2)It only has one room.
    3)The purpose for this text is for the reader to be persuaded to then by the property.
    A)Fresh on market.
    B)stunning vintage property
    C)Dense extensive forest.

  3. Adam J.

    I did TTRS and got 81 correct and 2 incorrect.

  4. Adam J.

    I got in TTRS 81 correct and 2 incorrect.

  5. Ibrahim M.

    Premium property for sale!
    1) I think eye holes are for to watch through for enemies.
    2) The property has one room.
    3) The purpose of this text is for someone to buy the property.
    4) The first phrase that sounds more appealing is;
    ‘ Fresh on the market today we have a stunning, vintage property, built around 1,500 years ago on the edge of a dense, extensive forest. ‘
    The second phrase is;
    ‘ With stiff, wooden walls and a roof thatched with the finest straw, this house oozes with natural charm and faces south to make the most of daylight hours. ‘
    The last phrase is;
    Boasting the latest features, such as eye holes to watch through for enemies and a luxury carpet made from local plants, this property will be snapped up quickly by any eager Anglo-Saxon.

    I have played TTRS .

  6. Aalya H.

    I done my English and TTRS.

  7. Ghazala H.

    1. They used alteration ( prison prperty)
    2. Powerful adjective ( boasting)
    3. Expanded noun pharese ( eat cook and sleep )

  8. Aalya H.

    1.What do you think eye holes are?I think eye holes mean that whet a small peeking hole where you can spy on your enemies. many rooms does this property have? I think the room has

    3.what is the purpose of this text?it is about were they live and what they do.

    1. They used alliteration ( premium property).
    2. Powerful adjectives ( boasting).
    3.Expanded noun phrases ( eat,cook,and sleep).

  9. Ghazala H.

    2. How many rooms property have? This property have one rooms

    3.what is the purpose of this text?it is about what they live in 464 859.

    1.What do you think eye holes are? I think eye holes mean a small peeking can you spy on your enimies.

  10. Najma O.

    An eye hole is a featured that they locked through for enemies.
    There is only a single room in the properly so you could eat , cook , and sleep peaceful .The prupose of this text is to tell you more about premium property for şale.
    a boasting
    b the author user adjectives
    c and amazing for children age 7 to 9

  11. Maryam I.

    1. Eye-holes means somthng like telescope, and they are able to see their enemies through it.

    2. The property had 1 room only

    3. the purpose of this text is to give information about the property so people would be intrested in buying it

    4a. Fresh on the market today
    b. oozes with natural charm
    c. Luxury carpet made with local plants

    1. Maryam I.

      I played ttrs

      1. Maryam I.

        I have completed my homwork

  12. Kirtan P.

    1. I think the eyeholes are when you can look out for enemies that are trying to attack.
    2. The house is only made of one room that they can eat ,cook sleep and entertain all from the same space.
    3. The purpose of this text is so another Anglo-Saxon could take the lavish, nice house to live in that cost 240 silver pennies.
    A.Stunning, vintage property.
    B.This house oozes with natural charm.
    C.You are never to far from the fireplace.

  13. Zahraa Y.

    I will do wow and maths

    1. Zahraa Y.

      In maths on ttrs i go4 94 correct

      1. Zahraa Y.

        sorry i spelled it wrong

  14. Tipian I.

    I played time time table rockstars and scored 50 correct 1 wrong in 1 min

    1. Tipian I.

      I have done the wow challenge I will bring it to the classroom on monday

  15. Hasbia D.

    I have practiced my times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars.
    Premium Property For Sale!
    1. What do you think eye-holes are?
    I think eye-holes are for spying on enemies.
    2. How many rooms does this property have?
    I think this property has only one room to eat, sleep, cook and entertain your self.
    3. What is the purpose of this text?
    The purpose of the text is to persuade people to buy the house.
    4. Find the phrases which show how the author has made normally boring features sound more appealing.
    a. Stunning, vintage property.
    b. Dense, extensive forest.
    c. Luxury carpet made of local plants.

  16. Karanbir B.

    I have done maths homework

  17. Tana I.

    I got 39 correct and 3 incorrect on Time Table Rock Star

  18. Tana I.

    I got 39 correct and 3 incorrect on ttrs

  19. Kamil N.

    I think eye – holes are where you can peek through
    They only have 1 room
    To learn about the Anglo saxons

  20. Isah C.

    1. What do you think eye holse are? Is fresh on the market
    2. How many room dose the partry have? They all had 200
    3. What is the purpos of the text? If the reader wants to buy
    4. How did the remhisecompare the names ? Is lagu mate

    1. What do youmthink the word muntin meens ? I think it means like mountin

    2. Why migt romes only made out strigt ? Y king caturte

    3. What is this purpose of the text ? Is relly rare rouns


  21. Umama H.

    Rare Runes
    1. What do you think the word ‘monument’ means ?
    I think monument means a statue, building, or other structure for a person from the olden times who are famous such as Godiva she has a statue of her.
    2. Why might runes only be made out of straught lines and not curved ?
    The runes are only straight because it made it easy to carve it onto stuff such as special objects.
    3. The Anglo-Saxon alphebet is called runes.They are all straight. There are 33 letters altogether. Each letter is unique.
    4. I have looked something up and I came across the meaning of each letter and thay are all a power or something to stay away from and a value like respect.
    I played time table rock star my score was 53

  22. Haroon K.

    1. Eyeholes are to see if people are outside your house.
    2. 1 room
    3. To persuade people.
    4. Fresh or the market. Oozes with natural charm. Boosting with the latest features.

    1. Haroon K.

      I’ve done the maths too.

    2. Romeesa T.

      I did time table rock star i got 53
      1. Eyeholes areally to see if people are out side of your house
      2. 1 room
      3. To persuade people

  23. Yedullah S.

    First Text
    1. I think eye-holes are holes that you can peek through
    2.The property has 1 room
    3.The purpose is to make the reader want to buy it.
    a. Fresh on the market today we have a stunning,vintage property,built around 1,500 years ago.
    b. Premium Property For Sale
    c. Made of only one room, you can eat, cook, sleep and entertain from all the same place – you are never too far away from the fireplace.

  24. Maryam N.

    I did my wow work and maths yay πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ˜€πŸ˜πŸ˜†πŸ˜Šβ˜ΊοΈπŸ˜‰

  25. Sarah A.

    I played TTRS snd my score was 129

  26. Ali A.

    1st text
    1. I think eye- holes means that whet a small peeking hole where you can spy on your enemies.
    2. This property has one room. I know this because it says you can sleep ,eat cook and entertain.
    3. The purpose of this text is for the reader to buy the property.
    1. They used alliteration ( Premium Property.)
    2. Powerful adjectives ( boasting.)
    3. Expanded noun phrases ( eat,cook,sleep.)

  27. Ismael K.

    Eye hole are to watch through for enemies.there are only 1 room.
    The purpose of this text is about Anglo Saxon before coming a Christian.

  28. Tyson T.

    i have played ttrs and made a poster

  29. Sumaya S.

    i can not login ttrs

  30. Sumaya S.

    1 an eye hole is something they look throue
    2 it has 1 room
    3 it is about were they live and what they do
    4 64 8 59

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