This week, you have some lovely homework activities. They need to be completed by Wednesday and you need to let your teacher know about any difficulties by Monday.


Read one of the texts and answer the questions on the blog as a comment. (You only need to do ONE of the options)


Practise your times tables on TTRS. Let’s win the competition folks! Go, go, go!


Make a science poster about the three states of matter.

Complete your poster and upload a photo to the blog/bring your poster to school.

77 responses to “Year 4 Autumn 2 Week 5 Homework”

  1. Mohammed I.

    1. We’ve completed our practicing for TTRS (Times Tables Rock-stars)
    And I’ve gotten pretty enthusiastic, and good at it recently!
    English Homework:
    Quick Questions -one-
    What are Eye-holes used for?
    1. Eye-holes are used to watch through the enemies.
    How many rooms did the property have?
    2. The property desire’s had only one specific room.
    What’s the purpose of the text?
    3. The purpose of this text was to show-case the furniture, personality and the property’s experience. (Mainly selling the place)
    4. Three phrases showing appealing excitement due to boring sentences are: (In my opinions)
    (a). “Made of only one room- you can eat, cook, sleep and entertain all from one space!”
    (b). “Fresh on the market today, we have a stunning, vintage property, built around about 1,500 years ago.”
    (c). “Boasting the latest features such as: eye-holes to watch out through for the enemies here to attack your latest newly one-room house, and a luxury carpet made out from fresh plants and herbs!”
    Quick Questions -two-
    What do you think the word ‘monument’ means?
    1. Defining “monuments” is basically a specific type of -stone- material used to be carved for special items. Mainly, presumably given out to tell usually important information.
    Why might have runes been carved into straight lines rather than curved lines?
    2. It was much sustainable and approvingly easier to carve thing’s out with a straight line as curved-lines would take much or so forever to carve monuments.
    Summarizing text in 20 words or more/less:
    3. Before Anglo-Saxons have become Christians, they have used a Latin alphabet which we mainly still use today, called a futhorc alphabet. We name it ‘Runes’ (26 words in total)
    The name or word of Runes means mystic or secretive. Anglo-Saxons have used straight-lines to carve out special monuments (materialized with stone) which gives important information. (28 words in total if words in brackets are involved) (25 words in total if words in bracket are not involved)
    How did the meanings of the Runes relate to their name?
    4. Since ‘Runes’ means something like secret or mystic, the carvings and the monuments they have carved out were a mystic/mysterious and special secretive sentences that we maybe could’ve or couldn’t of understood. But they were sentences that were secret so only the communicational conversation was between them.
    I got help from family since I was stuck with some questions :(

  2. Ramarni J.

    TTRS completed
    1: The eye holes are to watch the enemy.
    2: The property only has 1 room.
    3: The text is selling a property.
    The word monument means a statue, building, or other structure erected to commemorate a notable person or event.
    It was easier to make straight lines then curved ones.
    Each Rune had its own name and unique meaning

  3. Caleb A.

    On ttrs i got 28 correct and 5 incorect.

  4. Mehreen I.

    1. Eye holes are gor checking enemies.
    2. The property has one room.
    3. Purpose of this text is to give information about 15000 old house.
    4.a. fresh on market
    b. Natural charm
    c. Boasting the latest.

  5. Sanad S.

    Premium Property for sale
    1. The eye holes were used to see the enemies from far away.
    2. This property was only made of a one room that was used for eating, cooking, sleeping etc.
    3. The purpose of the text is to deliver information about the Anglo Saxon property that was for sale and its features.
    4a. ’luxury carpet’
    4b. ’240 silver pennies’
    4c. ’this house oozes with natural charm’

    1. Sanad S.

      this is my english homework

  6. Bakary C.

    1. Eye holes are see through hole to see who is visiting.
    2. One room only.
    3. House for sale.

    1. This house oozes with natural calm
    2. Eye-holes to Watch through for enemies
    3. Boasting the latest features

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