Here is this week’s homework. Don’t forget it must be finished by Wednesday morning. Complete a minimum of two pieces and if you have any problems, let your teacher know on Monday morning.


Your task this week is to write an explanation text about caring for your teeth. Use technical vocabulary that you have learnt in science.

Here is an example:

Taking care of your teeth helps prevent cavities and gum disease.

Brushing and flossing properly can prevent plaque (pronounced: plak), a clear film of bacteria that sticks to your teeth. After you eat, the bacteria break down sugar on your teeth into acids that eat away tooth enamel, causing holes called cavities. Plaque also causes gingivitis, which is gum disease that can make your gums red, swollen, and sore.

To prevent cavities, you need to remove plaque. To do this, brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once a day. Brushing also stimulates the gums, which helps to keep them healthy and prevent gum disease. Brushing and flossing are the most important things that you can do to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Use a toothpaste with fluoride to prevent cavities.

Dentists say you should brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes twice a day. Here are some tips on how to brush properly:

  • Hold your brush at a 45-degree angle against your gumline. Gently brush in short (about one tooth-wide) strokes. Brushing too hard can cause receding gums, tooth sensitivity, and, over time, loose teeth.
  • Brush all outside and inside surfaces of your teeth, and the chewing surfaces. Make sure to get into the pits and crevices.
  • You can also gently brush your tongue.
  • Use a timer or play a favorite song while brushing your teeth to get used to brushing for a full 2 to 3 minutes. Some electronic toothbrushes have timers that let you know when 2 minutes are up.

It is so important to look after your teeth so they last a whole lifetime and help you to eat and talk.

WOW homework

Today, we have learnt about ‘Dia de los muertos’, a festival that is celebrated in Mexico. This week, your wow homework is to create a poster showcasing all of the information that you have learnt today.

Try to include:

  • Why it is celebrated?
  • How it is celebrated?
  • Why is it an important festival in Mexico?

Add some pictures to make your poster more engaging

Maths Homework

Your Maths homework this week is on Education City, where we would like you to solve problems linked to our Addition and Subtraction work in class. Good luck!

89 responses to “Year 4 Autumn 1 Week 5 Homework”

  1. Saffa M.

    dia de los muertos: wow homework
    thats means day of the deads
    they celebrate this festival because they think of the ones who you loved or your great grandma.
    i have done my maths homework

  2. Xlexben F.

    1. Limit acidic or sugary drinks and Foods.
    2 Floss once per day.
    3 Eat healthy diets.
    4 Eat well-balanced diets.
    5 Brush your teeth morning and night.
    6 use fluoride toothpaste.
    7 Replace your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months or sooner if needed.
    8 use mouthwash.
    9 Limit or avoid some foods.
    I did maths to

  3. Lexi M.

    I did the challenge on education city and I made my poster. Do I bring it to school?

  4. Caleb A.

    Keep your teeth clean by brushing your teeth eating healthy food also take care of certain teeth like molars also incisors and canines. Also make sure you take very good care of your gums because they support your teeth and help you grow new teeth. Also, flossing your teeth helps prevent plague in your teeth.

    1. Caleb A.

      BY they the way i completed maths home work to.

  5. Yaseen E.

    I done education city.
    1. Brushing your teeth twice a day prevent you from gum disease.
    2. Brushing your teeth properly can prevent your mouth from bacteria that sticks to your teeth.
    3. Brushing your teeth and gums helps to keep them healthy.
    4. Remember to buy toothpaste with fluoride to prevent you from teeth decay.
    5. Do not forget to brush your teeth both outside and inside surfaces of your teeth,
    6. Clean between your teeth with dental floss to remove plaque and leftover food that a toothbrush can’t reach.

  6. Retaj I.

    I got 100%

  7. Ameen K.

    To keep your teeth heathly you should brush your teeth at least twice a day you should put a drop of toothpaste.

    Junk food and sugar cause cavities, but you can still eat it in small amounts . You should brush your teeth twice a day and make sure you brush your teeth for 2 minutes ( up and down).

    To help your teeth be stronger you need to eat healthy but not too much daily, you should have 4 meals : breakfast, lunch,snacks and dinner.
    These meal have to be healthy so your teeth won’t hurt.

    To find out your teeth don’t have any cavities check if there are any black dots or check if your gum is sore and red.

    By Ameen.

  8. Ramarni J.

    I did all of the education city and I did the poster in my homework book

  9. Zeyd H.

    To avoid cavities, Limit sugary foods and brush as a minimum twice a day.
    Types of teeth:
    -Wisdom (18+)
    Baby-20 (Milk teeth)
    Kid-20 (adult and baby teeth)
    Adult-32 (adult teeth)
    You should visit a dentist 2 times a year (Every 6 months)
    You should floss daily to get the other food stuck in your teeth.
    Brushing is not always enough.
    Types of food to Limit:
    1.Fizzy drinks
    Fizzy drinks could cause serious reactions to your teeth and it has bacteria.
    2.Ice cream
    Ice cream has a serious amount of sugar and the ice could crack your teeth.
    3. Doughnuts
    Doughnuts are loaded with sugar which can increase your risks for developing both cavities and gum inflammation. Compared to other breakfast staples, doughnuts contain as much as five times more sugar. Like doughnuts, some coffee blends also contain a high volume of sugars that can harm your teeth and gums.
    Fun facts!
    Teeth are stapled to spaces in your gums.
    Did You know that babies have toothpaste without chemicals because they swallow toothpaste instead of spitting it out.

    1. Zeyd H.

      I got 90% for math.

  10. Maryam I.

    I completed education city all 4 of them.👍

  11. Aarav R.

    1. Why it is celebrated?
    It is to celebrate the great lives of people.
    2. How it is celebrated?
    It is celebrated by putting a picture of the person then candles after that put some flowers and the favourite food.
    3. Why is it an important festival in Mexico?
    It is important because you might miss people in your family which have died.

  12. Zahra D.

    Your teeth
    When your children start to grow teeth, you must make sure that they brush them. Cavities infect your teeth as your gums turn black. Plaque is this white thing that goes over your teeth, and when you tries to feel it, it will be white stuff.
    When children get a set of teeth called milk teeth, they all fallout. Then, you get the last set off teeth, adult teeth. When you get adult teeth, you must brush them properly and floss them 2x day and night.

  13. Maryam N.

    I will bring in my poster to school on Monday and I had done education city.

  14. Bakary C.

    I got 100%

    Caring for your teeth
    Brush your teeth 2 times a day at least .First get a toothbrush and start brushing your tongue and teeth. After, use mouthwash to keep your breath nice. Also, remember to always rinse your teeth and tongue. Don’t always eat unhealthy food because you will get cavities and tooth decays.

  15. Muhammed R.

    What is day of dead it is a festival which is celebrated in mexico

    How is it celebated
    It is celebrated for there like there people who died and they put there faviourite things

    It is a important festival in mexico because they trying to how they died

  16. Karanbir B.

    I did day of the dead poster I will bring in tomorrow

  17. Estera V.

    I did my english homework and maths homework .

  18. Estera V.

    I did my English homework and my educT

  19. Ammara K.

    I have completed maths on education city

  20. Awais W.

    Caring for your teeth:
    The first set of teeth that you get as a child are often called milk teeth. There are 20 teeth in your first set. These teeth fall out and you get adult teeth and they are 32.
    You should brush your teeth twice daily for at least 2 minutes each time. A goof way to remember is to sing happy birthday.
    Always use a good tooth brush and a fluoride based tooth paste. Fluoride in the toothpaste prevents cavities and gum disease.
    You must take care of your teeth fro the beginning as once you lose your adult teeth you will not get them back.

    I scored 70% on education city.

  21. Ammara K.

    It is celebrated to show the people have died.
    They put a picture for 3 days and also put their favorite food on the table.
    It is important because they miss there family that have died.¹

  22. Hudayifah A.

    Finished English and maths

  23. Hudayifah A.

    How to take care of your teeth.
    Brushing your teeth (x2 a day) and flossing them daily prevents plaque (pronounced:plak) Make sure you do it for a good 2 to 3 minutes. Plaque is caused when you eat too much sugary foods which make acid that makes holes in the enamel (pronounced:en am el), these are called cavities.

    When should I brush my teeth?
    Brush your teeth (for about 2 minutes) in the morning and before you go to sleep.

    The proper brushing technique is to:
    1.Place your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to the gums.
    2.Gently move the brush back and forth in short (tooth-wide) strokes.
    3.Brush all teeth in your mouth

  24. Lusardo M.

    Keeping Your Smile White, Bright, and Healthy

    We all know the basics when it comes to keeping your teeth healthy: brush, floss, visit the dentist twice a year. But there are habits and lifestyle choices that could be harming your dental health that will surprise you.
    Avoid Ice Chewing
    Chewing ice is a seemingly harmless, often unconscious habit. But ice chewing can cause permanent damage to your teeth, putting small cracks in the enamel.

    These cracks can grow larger over time and ultimately cause a tooth to fracture, requiring a visit to the dentist and unnecessary expense to get the cracks fixed. The American Dental Association advises you to skip the ice if this habit is too tough to resist. Try opting for chilled water instead, or order your drinks without ice to resist the harmful urge to chew those hard cubes.

    Danger: Tongue Piercings

    Tongue piercings may seem like harmless body modifications, but they can take a hefty toll on your mouth. Discouraged by dentists, tongue piercings can cause lots of teeth problems, and mouth problems overall.

    Tongue piercings may cause bad teeth in several ways. They may cause your teeth to chip or break, requiring dental work. Repeatedly clicking the jewelry against teeth can damage your teeth and fillings, and so can accidentally biting down too hard on the piercing. The piercing can interfere with dental x-rays. Also, in some cases, tongue piercings may be forced between your teeth repeatedly, causing teeth to gap.
    Teeth Grinding

    If you find yourself grinding your teeth, you’re not alone. In the US, roughly 30 to 40 million people grind their teeth. Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, can be an inherited trait, and it is often linked to stress and anxiety. While teeth grinding can happen at any time, many people grind their teeth in their sleep without knowing it.

    Teeth grinding may pose an assortment of health problems to your mouth. These include:

    chipped tooth enamel,
    cracked teeth,
    loose teeth,
    flat, worn-down teeth,
    joint problems, and
    tooth loss.
    Because teeth grinding often happens while sleeping, many people don’t realize they’re doing it. Some symptoms of teeth grinding include loose teeth, neck aches, earaches, and dull headaches, a jaw that’s tired and sore, and a clicking sound when you open your mouth.

    Teeth Grinding Protection
    Talk to a dentist if you suspect you may be grinding your teeth. Your dentist can recommend one or more treatments. These may include a mouth guard, a bite adjustment (this corrects the way your top and bottom teeth fit together), reducing stress, and medications that relieve sore muscles.

    High sugar plus high acidity makes a bad dental combo. Frequent soda drinking will bathe your teeth in sugar and can lead to dental decay. Additionally, increased acid exposure works to erode tooth enamel and can lead to tooth sensitivity.

    If you still want to drink soda, here are some ways to reduce your use. Cut back on the soda you drink every day. Opt for water, the healthier thirst-quencher. Minimize enamel erosion by rinsing with water after your teeth have been exposed to acidic beverages. Try sipping acidic drinks through a straw to avoid contact with your teeth. Finally, wait at least 30 minutes before brushing with a soft toothbrush after acid exposure to avoid further enamel breakdown.
    See you later for other facts!

  25. Umar S.

    I have done education city.


    At the day of the death they put a picture and things for there loved people. It is only for the loved people who had died.They celebrate it in mexico only and for the mexicans. Thwy belive that it will recpect the people who had died.

  26. Rafay K.

    it is celebrated of the relatives that died
    it is celebrated with flowers candels one of there favorite stuff and a picture of them and skulls
    its a tradition and a celebration of mehico or mexico

  27. Adam J.

    Day of the Dead is celebrated on the 1st and 2nd of November.
    It originated and is mostly observed in Mexico .
    The festival is cultural and catholic .
    People in Mexico clean and decorate graves and visit cemertries where the loved ones are buried.
    They use flowers to attract souls of the dead to the offerings.
    If the dead the bodies are children toys are brought and families also offer candy and chocolate on the graves.
    People in Mexico celebrate the day because it is part of the culture and tradition.
    The day is important to show respect and love to there loved ones and their dead bodies and to show respect.

  28. Abul-Qasim H.

    Done Dia de los Muertos
    My score is 80% on Education City

  29. Abul-Qasim H.

    Dia de los muertos
    Why is it important?
    People celebrate the lives of the dead.
    How is it celebrated?
    People celebrate it with food, drinks and activities.
    Why is it an important festival in Mexico?
    The dead are being remembered and people gives them personal altars for being honoured.

  30. Adam J.

    i have done my maths homework.

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