Here is this week’s homework. Don’t forget it must be finished by Wednesday morning. Complete a minimum of two pieces and if you have any problems, let your teacher know on Monday morning.


Your task this week is to write an explanation text about caring for your teeth. Use technical vocabulary that you have learnt in science.

Here is an example:

Taking care of your teeth helps prevent cavities and gum disease.

Brushing and flossing properly can prevent plaque (pronounced: plak), a clear film of bacteria that sticks to your teeth. After you eat, the bacteria break down sugar on your teeth into acids that eat away tooth enamel, causing holes called cavities. Plaque also causes gingivitis, which is gum disease that can make your gums red, swollen, and sore.

To prevent cavities, you need to remove plaque. To do this, brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once a day. Brushing also stimulates the gums, which helps to keep them healthy and prevent gum disease. Brushing and flossing are the most important things that you can do to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Use a toothpaste with fluoride to prevent cavities.

Dentists say you should brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes twice a day. Here are some tips on how to brush properly:

  • Hold your brush at a 45-degree angle against your gumline. Gently brush in short (about one tooth-wide) strokes. Brushing too hard can cause receding gums, tooth sensitivity, and, over time, loose teeth.
  • Brush all outside and inside surfaces of your teeth, and the chewing surfaces. Make sure to get into the pits and crevices.
  • You can also gently brush your tongue.
  • Use a timer or play a favorite song while brushing your teeth to get used to brushing for a full 2 to 3 minutes. Some electronic toothbrushes have timers that let you know when 2 minutes are up.

It is so important to look after your teeth so they last a whole lifetime and help you to eat and talk.

WOW homework

Today, we have learnt about ‘Dia de los muertos’, a festival that is celebrated in Mexico. This week, your wow homework is to create a poster showcasing all of the information that you have learnt today.

Try to include:

  • Why it is celebrated?
  • How it is celebrated?
  • Why is it an important festival in Mexico?

Add some pictures to make your poster more engaging

Maths Homework

Your Maths homework this week is on Education City, where we would like you to solve problems linked to our Addition and Subtraction work in class. Good luck!

89 responses to “Year 4 Autumn 1 Week 5 Homework”

  1. Nuha I.

    I have completed the maths and WOW homework.

  2. Isah C.

    I have done english homework in my book and did maths on education city bye

  3. Karanbir B.

    I did education city and got 100%39%30%100%

  4. Minaal A.

    Fall out faster

  5. Minaal A.

    Call out faster

  6. Minaal A.

    Kids have teath that have a name inccisors, cannines ,molars and premolars .
    When your a baby if your teeth grow faster then they even call out faster. So you shouldn’t eat to much junk other wise you can get cavities then when you go to the dentist then you have a full ing or an igecsion.

  7. Ibraheem S.

    Incisors- these are your 4 front teeth in the bottom jaw. They are used for cutting and chopping food.
    Cainines- cainines are the next teeth that devolve in your mouth. You have 4 of them and they are your sharpest teeth . They are used for tearing apart food
    Premolars- premolars are for tearing and crushing food
    Molars- molars grind tear and crush food
    Brush your teeth for 2 minutes. Brush your teeth in the morning and night.
    Teeth enamel is the hardest bone in your body. Your mouth makes around 25000 gallons of salvia in a lifetime . Teeth starting growing in your gum before you were born. Your mouth has more bacteria then there are people in the world. Everyone’s teeth are different.
    The human teeth are made of pulp,dentin,enamel and cementum.

    1. Ibraheem S.

      You should have a maximum of a pea drop of toothpaste. Humans only have 2 sets of teeth to last them their entire life. Once you have all of your permanent teeth make sure you look after them and brush your teeth twice a day. Your teeth are as unique as your fingerprint,no two sets are the same. In a lifetime your mouth will produce salvia to fill two swimming pools. We were born with 20 primary teeth. The first tooth emerges between 6/12 months. Humans have at least 32 permanent teeth. Teeth are the hardest substance in your body. Teeth aren’t bones. Teeth have 200lb bite force. Teeth can’t self repair. The first toothbrush were twigs. The first set of teeth has 20 teeth. The second set of teeth has 32 teeth. Baby teeth start to form when the baby is still in the womb,but don’t begin to erupt until a child is between 6/12 months. Teeth are the only part of the human body that can’t repair itself.

  8. Abdul Y.

    1.So you can celebrate the life of the dead people
    2.By spending time with the altar and telling anecdotes
    3.Day of the dead is important to the Mexicans because they can remember and honour their lives ones

  9. Meharunisa A.

    Taking care of our teeth is very important because you dint get cavities. Always brush our teeth twice a day. One in the morning before breakfast and one in the night before bed. We humans only have 2 sets of teeth to last them their entire lifetime. Our teeth are as unique as your fingerprint, no two sets are the same.
    In a lifetime our mouth will produce enough saliva to fill two swimming pools! Saliva has many uses, including assisting us with our digestion and protecting teeth from bacteria.
    An average person will spend 38.5 days brushing their teeth over their lifetime. Many diseases are linked to your oral health, including heart disease, osteoporosis and diabetes.
    Only two-thirds of our tooth is visible, the other third is hidden underneath our gums.

  10. Aisha A.

    English homework:
    we have to brush our teeth every day, also we have to brush our teeth night and days as well. when we brush our teeth we have to brush our tounge and gums, and if you don’t even brush your teeth for a week your teeth can fall out and your teeth can get damaged, rotten and can get your teeth nasty. If we eat chocolate we have to brush our teeth after straight away. Before we go to bed we have to brush our teeth nice and clean also if you don’t brush your teeth you will be smelly and so gross.
    you have to brush your teeth every day and every night. That is why humans has to brush there teeth it can be a danger if you don’t brush your teeth it is so important to brush our teeth.
    Mexico people celebrates the day of the death because the believe that people can die. the day of the death is called el Día de los Muertos Mexico people celebrates by eating, drinking and all of that things.
    Mexico people also wears scary things such as wearing scalations.
    They actually looks like Halloween because is so scary like Halloween, Mexico people believes of the day of the death (it means that when people dies.)
    That is why Mexico people believes on that. some people calls it el Día de los Muertos.

    1. Aisha A.

      I have done my education city and scored 93

  11. Miski M.

    I have completed maths and wow homework.

  12. Tala I.

    I have completed both of my homework my other peace is at g the bottom of the comonets

    1. Tala I.


  13. Tala I.

    🇲🇽 Mexico 🇲🇽
    .The Mexico people celebrated the day of the dead because they will show them respect and will remember them .

    .They put some food untill it’s is spoilt so the Disease will come and eat it . They put the person that has passed / died .They put flowers not any flowers yellow and orange.They also put candle 4 or 5 or 6 candles so they have some light not to dark or not to light.

    .It is important for Mexico people because they missed there relieves or love ones so there can have a lot of care.

    1. Tala I.

      Sorry I’m tipian

  14. Ismael K.

    Wow homework
    1.why it is celebrated.
    The celebration is intended as a positive honouring of the dead.Memoralizing the dead draws from indigenous and European catholic origins. some areas,families decorate the graves of their loved ones.They stay up all night celebrating and telling stories about people who died.
    3.while the holiday originated in Mexico it is celebrated all over America with colourful calaveouse(skulls)and(skeletons)

  15. Elyas A.

    English homework
    You have to brush your teeth twice a day at least two minutes . You can spit with water if it is night time you have to brush your teeth and use floral toothbrush and dental floss.
    You have to look after your teeth because they last a whole lifetime and help you to eat and talk.

    1. Elyas A.

      #Floral toothpaste

      1. Elyas A.

        i score 93% and 83% on education city.

  16. Sarah A.

    Wow homework
    It is celebrated so you can remember the dead and the ones you love.
    It is celebrated by decorating the graves and spending time there and make altars.
    It is a important vestibal to Mexico because it reminds them of the loved ones that our dead.

    I have completed the maths homework

  17. Najma O.

    Wow homework
    Yesterday we celebrated the day off the died which is called in Mexico
    Dia de los muertos .
    Why is it celebrated?

    Mexican’s celebrated The Day of the dead for a celebration to Mexico as the people who have passed away from the children and friends they
    Laugh around dance around as if it was not sad People in Mexico celebrate it because of a memory of the people who have passed away from their life .

    How is it celebrated?
    On the day of the celebration Mexicans feel sad so they go to the people who have died grave and decorate it painted a fell happy they put Juice Flowers and then the next day they come back to the grave and check if all the food has gone rotten so that means that the people you Buster we have visited.

    Why is it an important festival in Mexico?
    The people Celebrate this festival so they can remember the ones that they have lost so then they can remember them for the whole life.

    On education city I scored 80%

  18. Hanfaa N.

    The fun facts about teeth
    When baby’s have teeth they have 20 of them.
    The second pair of teeth are adult teeth and there are 32 of them.
    You always have to brush your teeth 2 times a day and so it don’t get all black then turning to be going to fall out, then you can never grow them again.
    All about are teeth and how to keep clean.
    How do you get your teeth clean?
    Well lets find out!!!!
    Our teeth our important because they help us digest food into our body’s.
    And it always brings us our big, beautiful smiles.Some teeth are “called” molars,pre molars,wisdom teeth and way more…
    Always use fluoride toothpaste and through the ages the fluoride gets more and more like baby’s you know that sometimes they swallow it so they only have a little bit but adults have normal because they spit it out and kids maybe 8 and over.

  19. Tana I.

    WOW HomeWork
    It is celebrated to remember the people that died .
    They put a picture of of someone that died and they favourite food for 3 days.
    It is an important festival for Mexico because some people died and they missed them.
    English HomeWork
    Tips for brushing your teeth well
    Are you taking care of your teeth 🦷?
    Well here are some tips
    .• Brush your 2 time a day
    •Floss your teeth
    •brush your teeth for 3 minutes
    •Use a toothpaste with fluoride

  20. Zahraa Y.

    Always brush your teeth at mornings,nightimes.
    If you want to go the dentist to check
    Eat your fruits and vegetables.

    1. Zahraa Y.

      for 1 I had 83%

      1. Zahraa Y.

        And the other was 85%

  21. Haroon K.

    And I complete the wow homework

  22. Elham S.

    WOW Homwork
    Mexican people celebrate the day of the death because there family is in there after life so they celebrate it.
    The day of the dead is celebrated by putting the best food on a plate and they bring collerful flowers to put in a pot and to set fire works and to light up candles
    It’s important to celebrate the day of the dead in Mexico because Mexican people pray to there family who’s in the after life.
    Maths Homework
    I will complete my education city game.

    1. Elham S.

      I have completed my education city game.

    2. Romeesa T.

      They celebrate day of the dead because the lives of the person.
      There is a table the pictures on a new table , you put flowers, put paper pictures on top of the table, put the favourite food and water.
      It is a popular think in Mexico because it the lives of the great great great grandparents.
      I’m a does my maths.

  23. Mohammed I.

    Wow homework:
    Dia de les muertos- This is a celebration thats been occurred several times In Mexico, as its a popular, and important fantasy and an amazing festival.
    So, whys it celebrated?
    Well, this celebration basically originates from the honor of those who’ve passed away and think life is just acknowledged as a ever-revolving cycle of life and mainly death as-well. As I find it sad as they’ve lost their deceased ones. (Loved ones)
    How’s it celebrated?
    On the day of the celebration, as this day is mainly about people whose passed away, this festival is for the remembrance and grace. So people who’ve lost their loved ones, they go to the graves and decorate it with colorful patterns and decorations about other main themes. I find it so amazing and heart-warming.
    Why’s it an important festival in Mexico?
    Its really important for those who’ve lost people that they were really close to, as we’ve mentioned this information in the last two questions, I in under any circumstance understand how hard it is to lose somebody, so this is why we celebrate things for ourselves to be happy. We are all humans and are equally unique in any talented type.
    I’ve completed education city and scored 100%

  24. Haroon K.

    I completed Eduction City and I score was 97% on fast food.

  25. Tipian I.

    Make sure to brush you tonge .
    Brush gentlely so you don’t break you teeth or have loose teeth.

  26. Tipian I.

    You have to brush your teeth daily twice a day .
    The best toothpaste to use is floral toothpaste .
    To help look after your tooth brush it to two to three minutes.

    Brush and floss every day morning and night .
    Don’t eat a lot of crops so you don’t have plaq .

    1. Tipian I.


  27. Sumaya S.

    i did it

  28. Estera V.

    To prevent cavities, you need to remove plaque. To do this, brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once a day. Brushing also stimulates the gums, which helps to keep them healthy and prevent gum disease. Brushing and flossing are the most important things that you can do to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

    Use a toothpaste with fluoride to prevent cavities.

    Dentists say you should brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes twice a day. Here are some tips on how to brush properly:

    Hold your brush at a 45-degree angle against your gumline. Gently brush in short (about one tooth-wide) strokes. Brushing too hard can cause receding gums, tooth sensitivity, and, over time, loose teeth.
    Brush all outside and inside surfaces of your teeth, and the chewing surfaces. Make sure to get into the pits and crevices.
    You can also gently brush your tongue.
    Use a timer or play a favorite song while brushing your teeth to get used to brushing for a full 2 to 3 minutes. Some electronic toothbrushes have timers that let you know when 2 minutes are up.
    It is so important to look after your teeth so they last a whole lifetime and help

  29. Kamil N.

    About Your teeth
    You always need to brush your teeth twice a day.
    If your teeth is rotten then you can go to the doctor.
    Always eat non-sugary foods to get your teeth whiten.
    Brush your teeth only for 2 or 3 minutes.

  30. Tyson T.

    I did it

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