Hi Year 4,

Here is your homework for this week. Please remember to complete at least two out of the three. This must be completed by Wednesday at the latest.

Full Autumn 1 homework overview:


Play ‘Time to chill’ on Education City. It is saved as 7th October 2022.



Write expanded noun phrases to go with these pictures. You should write a minimum of 4 expanded noun phrases for each photo. Use this online thesaurus to help you:

Kid Thesaurus โ€“ Search for kid friendly synonyms

Remember an expanded noun phrase should be written as adjective, adjective noun (donโ€™t forget that comma)

Hereโ€™s one for you to look at first:

Proud, steadfast lion
Wavy, wild mane
Glistening, caring eyes
Fluffy, listening ears

Here are your pictures:


Play ‘Fast Food’ on Education City. It is saved as 7th October 2022.

Don’t forget to read daily and to play TTRS!

66 responses to “Year 4 Autumn 1 Week 4 Homework”

  1. Amirah T.

    I have completed WOW work and scored 100%.
    I have also completed maths and scored 95%.
    I have done English in my homework book.

  2. Manha S.

    I got 90 IN MATHS

  3. Yoshita P.

    I got 50% on time to chill. Maths:
    Wow: I got 93% on fast food.

  4. Sara K.

    Fast food 93%

  5. Sara K.

    1.blond bight yellow,pink bold chair,white dull teapot ,pale pink chair
    2. Light gray hair,big golden ears, long skinny arms
    ,Big old body pale brown eyes
    3.colourful bright word, long thick tree, vibrant green butterfly,lazy old known.

  6. Mustafa A.

    I have completed my homework.

  7. Muazzan M.

    in english i got 40%.

  8. Muazzan M.

    I got 85% for wow.

  9. Nihal P.

    I scored 100% in the Education City game.

    I have done this in my homework book.

    I scored 87% in the Education City game.

  10. Anaya R.

    I got 100% on my maths and 93% on my wow homework.
    Picture 1) blue, beautiful dress, blond, wavy hair, caring, blue eyes, bright, magenta chair.
    picture 2) white, fluffy hair, old, wrinkly arms, huge, hairy ears, and dusty, brown jacket.
    picture 3) sweet, colorful houses, lazy, old man, a majestic, shining fairy

  11. Adam O.

    In education city I got 50% on maths and 93% on science.

  12. Amina J.

    I got 80% for both Maths and Science.

  13. Alzahra R.

    I did the math but I havenโ€™t save it

    1. Alzahra R.

      And I did the fast food and time to chill

      1. Alzahra R.

        I did it fast food was 100

  14. Anish B.

    fast food 77%
    Time to cill 99%

  15. Osas O.

    I got 100 in maths and 87 on WOW homework in education city

  16. Osas O.

    I got 100 in maths and 87 on WOW homework in education city.

  17. Irfa M.

    I scored 100 in maths.
    Pretty, caring, eyes.
    Smart ,little girl.

    Greasy, grey, hair.
    Tall ,old man .

    Mysterious , colourful , village.
    A tall, mystic tree

  18. Sabiha K.

    Time to chill: 35

  19. Meena B.

    My score on education city on fast food was 100%. And I have done my English homework in my book.

  20. Yunus H.

    and fast food 67

  21. Yunus H.

    i got 40

  22. Ammar W.

    I have done maths and wow homework on education city.
    Maths 85%
    WOW 100%

    1. Ammar W.

      I have done my English work in my book.

  23. Sheik A.

    1.”blond bight yellow” “pink bold chair “white dull teapot “pale pink chair
    2. “Light gray hair” “big golden ears long skinny arms
    “Big old body pale brown eyes
    3.”colourful bright word” “long thik tree” “vibrant green butterfly” “lazy old nowm”

  24. Sabiha K.

    I will do my English in my Homework book

  25. Sabiha K.

    Fast food: 87

  26. Muhammad Y.

    I got 95 percent on maths and got 72 percent on fast food

  27. Maryam M.

    I have done my homework.

  28. Zoe E.

    On education city i got 70% on maths

  29. Zoe E.

    I got 93 out of 100 on science education city

  30. Zahra N.

    For fast food I got 57

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