Here is this week’s homework. Don’t forget it must be finished by Wednesday morning. Complete a minimum of two pieces and if you have any problems, let your teacher know on Monday morning.


Create a map of your own imaginary world. Think about any important physical or human features like cities, islands, mountains, rivers and forests.

Here are some pictures to help inspire you.

WOW homework

Your WOW homework for this week is to answer these questions in your homework books:

  1. List the different types of teeth that we have and their functions.
  2. Find two animals that do not have teeth.
  3. Why do animals have different teeth to humans?
  4. Write 3 tips for brushing your teeth correctly.

Maths Homework

This week, your Maths homework is to complete the Maths Challenge on the website.

If you’d like to show us your working out, feel free to record this in your homework books or on squared paper if you have any at home. Good luck.

52 responses to “Year 4 Autumn 1 Week 2 Homework”

  1. Redir K.

    Molars are used to crush the food
    Wisdom teeth like to chew the food
    Indoors are the ones who bite the food
    We have diffrent teeth to animals because we all eat different food that we like.
    Make sure to use the best and nice toothpaste.
    Use a great , nice and soft toothbrush.
    Brush your teeth for 2minutes.

  2. Karanbir B.

    Do you send the map on sharepoint

  3. Yaseen E.

    WOW homework:
    1. List the different types of teeth that we have and their functions.
    1) Incisors: the incisors are eight teeth in the front center of our mouth (four on both bottom and top). Incisors are the teeth that you use to bite into your food.
    2) Canines: The canines are the sharpest teeth, used for tearing apart food.
    3) Premolars have a flat biting surface used for tearing and crushing food.
    4) Molars are the largest teeth used to grind, tear, and crush food.
    2. Find two animals that do not have teeth.
    Frogs and Whales.
    3. Why do animals have different teeth to humans?
    As humans, our teeth are made to break down the meat and plants we eat while animals have different teeth because they either eat meat or plants, which cause their teeth to be different from ours.
    4. Write 3 tips for brushing your teeth correctly.
    Tip 1: Wait 30 minutes before brushing your teeth after your meal.
    Tip 2: Brush your teeth twice a day.
    Tip 3: Brushing teeth in the morning is important.

  4. Maryam I.

    I have completed my map

  5. Maryam I.

    Molars crush the food.
    Wisdom teeth chew the food.
    Indoors bite the food.

    Snakes and birds

    We have diffrent teeth to animals because we eat different food.

    Use the correct toothpaste.
    Use a proper toothbrush.
    Brush your teeth for 2minutes.

  6. Hudayifah A.

    I did maths and WOW

  7. Hudayifah A.

    1:Your incisors are eight teeth in the front center of your mouth, four on the top and four on the bottom I know this because incisors are eight teeth and if there wasn’t 8 teeth then it wouldn’t be 4 on the top and 4 on the bottom.
    Your canines are the next teeth that develop in your mouth.
    Premolars are used for tearing and crushing food.
    Your molars are your largest teeth.
    2:parrots and penguins
    3:Some animals need sharp teeth to eat their prey
    4:the first tip is to brush your teeth in circles
    The second tip is to brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes
    The 3rd tip is to make sure you brush your teeth properly

  8. Hudayifah A.

    I did maths challenge

  9. Sarah A.

    1) Canies/ molers/ Incisors and Premolars.
    2) Pangolins and anteaters .
    3) Because some animals dont eat the same foods as us .
    3) brush twice a day morning and night. Brush for 2 minutes at a time. Use a fluoride toothpaste.

  10. Ameen K.

    I done my maths challenge and my English work.
    Wow homework:

    List the different types of teeth that we have and their functions.
    Incisors : first teeth that touches food they help us bite.
    Canies are the sharp teeth they are like knives they slice the food make it easier to swallow.
    Wisdom teeth
    Find two animals that do not have teeth: warms and slugs
    Why do animals have different teeth to humans?
    Because animals eat different types of foods.
    Write 3 tips for brushing your teeth correctly.
    Brush for 2 mins
    Brush up and down
    Do not miss any spots

  11. Nuha I.

    I have completed my English, Maths and WOW homework in my book.

  12. Hanfaa N.

    I have completed my English and WOW in the Homework book.

  13. Mohammed S.

    Canines – Your canines are the next teeth that develop in your mouth
    Pangolins & Anteaters
    Animals have different teeth to humans because the have more canines because they need to hunt their prey however, humans have different types of teeth because they to not need to hunt animals
    Use a toothbrush
    Brush all around your teeth
    Don’t brush your gum

  14. Zahra D.

    The different teeth that humans have are
    Two animals that don’t have teeth are Anteaters and Pangolins.
    Animals have different teeth to humans because some animals teeth are to tear and swallow whilst humans teeth crush, grind and bite into.
    Some tips for brushing your teeth are
    Make sure that every single tooth must be brushed,
    Brush for the minimum of 2 minutes,
    Always put toothpaste on your brush.

  15. Meharunisa A.

    I have done English and maths.

  16. Mohammed W.

    I did wow in my book.

  17. Ibraheem S.

    1. We have caines and molars and premolars and incisors
    2. Mammals and horses have no teeth
    3. Because we eat different stuff
    4. Brush your teeth for two minutes, brush your teeth softly, brush your teeth twice in the night and morning

    1. Ibraheem S.

      1. We have caines help you to tear and grasp food. Incisors they help you cut food. Premolars help you crush and tear food. Molars they help you chew and grind food. We have 4 types of teeth.
      2. Pangolin and anteaters
      3. Because we have different food to animals
      4. Brush your teeth for two minutes and softly. Brush your teeth in the night and morning once

  18. Yunus R.

    List the different types of teeth that we have their and functions?

    moloars are functions because they are and day chew things up.
    Find to animals that don’t have teeth?
    Frog and fish.
    Why do animals have different teeth to humans?
    Because humans are not animals
    You brush your molars a lot because they eat to much food
    And your sharp teeth and fug teeth

  19. Sania K.

    I did both my homework in my homework book

  20. Romeesa T.

    We have for our teeth Molars,pre Molars, Wisdom tooth ,Incisors and Canies.
    Carnivores have 2 type of the Incisors and Canies
    Math I am, doing.

  21. Elham S.

    wisdom teeth
    i will complete the math challenge on the blog.

    1. Elham S.

      I have completed my maths challenge.

  22. Ebenezer O.

    The molars grind your food.
    The incisors bites the food.
    The canines rip the food
    The premolars tears and crushes the food

  23. Haroon K.

    I have done English and wow homework in my homework book.

  24. Ebenezer O.

    we have ,
    wisdom teeth.

  25. Retaj I.

    Find two animals that do not have teeth.
    Frog and whale.

    Why do animals have different teeth to humans?

    They have different teeth because they eat different things and they need different teeth like a Herbivore it only eats plants.Because there body can digest almost every type of plants.

    Write 3 tips for brushing your teeth correctly.
    1.brush them correctly.
    2.make sure you get every tooth side brushed.
    3.rub the to layer of teeth and the bottom layer of teeth.

    1. Retaj I.

      I meant rub the top layer

  26. Tana I.

    I’ve done my homework

  27. Kirtan P.

    List the different types of teeth that we have and their functions.
    Incisors Have a function to chew chunks of food off the original food.
    Canines have a function to rip and tear food.
    Pre-Molars ,Molars ,Wisdom teeth have a function to squash and grind food.
    Find two animals that do not have teeth.
    Platypuses and birds don’t have teeth.
    Why do animals have different teeth to humans?
    Animals have different teeth because they need to eat different things so if there is a carnivore it it must have canines and have small incisors and a herbivore must have incisors and molars and omnivores must have in sizes canines and molars to eat.
    Write 3 tips for brushing your teeth correctly.
    Brush them gently.
    Bush to every corner of your teeth.

  28. Tyson T.

    I did 2 pieces of homework

  29. Awais W.

    List the different types of teeth that we have and their functions.
    Molars, wisdom teeth, incisors, premolars
    Find two animals that do not have teeth.
    I could only find anteaters who do not have teeth.
    Why do animals have different teeth to humans?
    This is so they can eat their prey.
    Write 3 tips for brushing your teeth correctly
    Use proper toothpaste
    Use a good toothbrush
    Brush for at least 2 minutes.

  30. Kamil N.

    1.Canies 2.premolars 3.molers 4.Inisors
    1.Fish 2. pangolins
    Because they eat different food than use do eat.
    Do it slowly. Clean everywhere. Don’t hurt yourself.

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